The 7 Adventures of Sinbad (Video 2010) Poster

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Not even bad enough to be 'wow that was bad'
imdb-info-851-14543321 September 2010
I have seen good movies, bad movies, bad movies that become cult movies and then sadly a few like this where if I had the sense of a dead cat I would have stopped watching.

The only good thing was that the design of one of the monsters (bird type things) was quite good - everything else was BAD BAD BAD ...

No plot - well at least nothing that made sense. Characters - were as wooden and predictable as it would be possible to imagine. Special effects - on the whole plain bad. Acting - there were real tears from one of the actors - I think it was because they realised that once this turkey was released they would never work again.

I can't go on even remembering this movie (which I only finished watching ten minutes ago) as it's causing irreparable brain damage.

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weltraumpirat23 May 2010
Seriously, people: If you don't have the money, don't produce movies that rely almost entirely on special effects.

I will not even comment on the quality of... well... everything. But let me just say this: If there were only $500k to spend (as one of the other comments mentioned), there ought to have been at least 500 Bucks to spend on a halfway decent script written by some English minor from undergrad school.

Cheap trash actually makes me smile every once in a while, but this here was just a pain. Really.

(Why can't I give 0 points for GODawful?)
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Worst movie
jricho5028 June 2010
I really feel sorry for anyone who paid any money to see this poor excuse for a movie. The effects are outrageously cheap and nasty and unfortunately the acting is worse! Somebody spent money on making this move. It couldn't have been a lot but certainly some money and they were robbed blind. So are the people who are duped into seeing it. You could not even make a bad movie like this if you tried hard to. If you have not seen this movie yet, and you have the good sense to read reviews such as this....then still go and see it or watch it on DVD then you deserve everything you get. Which by the way, is nothing. Don't waste your time or your money.
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May I have some wine with this cheese?
birdy12315 May 2010
When I first saw the title of this movie and the poster, I thought it would be a newer take on Ray Harryhausen. Boy, was *I* wrong. Set in contemporary times (read 2010), this attempted "update" falls flat in many categories. It's incredibly disjointed - you will find yourself asking "Huh? How, when or why did THAT happen?" It doesn't maintain any of the flavor of the original. There are monsters as depicted in the poster, but this film doesn't explain, dwell on, or expand on them in any manner. From the opening shots of Somali pirates (remember, this is in the year 2010 that we are talking about) you will see this Sinbad is in name only.

Still, it isn't all bad. The female lead has an incredibly ripped body which is eye catching. The hokey special effects are reminiscent of the Sci Fi Channel from about ten years ago and are fun to watch. There are a couple of really vivid moments when the film comes alive. It's when the story strays from the monsters that it falls apart.

I wouldn't pan this movie completely, it's not totally worthless. Asylum has done a better job here than on previous efforts, but they seem stuck in the "Gotta get it into 90 minutes" mold. Just think, they could have completed a fairly good movie with a bit more time in the viewing and having done away with the dumb subplots.

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The 7 Misadventures of Sinbad...
TheLittleSongbird14 July 2011
To be honest I wasn't expecting much when I saw The 7 Adventures of Sinbad, but this was worse than expected. Granted it is not the worst SyFy has done, there is one decent special effect and that is the giant bird and Sarah Dessage breathes some life into her role. The rest though is atrocious. The rest of the graphics are best forgotten, a vast majority of them are crude particularly the cyclops and the cheap settings, costumes and photography don't fare much better. The story is also disjointed and predictable, the dialogue laughable and unintentionally funny, the pace sluggish, the soundtrack out of place and intrusive, the direction non-existent and the acting particularly the lead appalling. Overall, a big mess. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Worst Graphics of all time
M_o_u_s_a17 September 2010
I would never recommend this movie to anyone who watches graphics movies, or plays computer games.

It's just a mess ...

The movie is supposed to be about Sinbad ... and it's really a "Sin" and "Bad" .. And even "bad" cannot describe it.

Through the longest 90 minutes I've ever had, I was sick of the acting, the storyline, the dialog, the graphics, the direction ... Everything about it sucks.

Just a pure waste of time.

Go better watch 5 minutes of tom & jerry ... At least, it may make laugh!
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Worst Movie Ever
mboyd19868 July 2012
I really think the voting system ought to allow negative scores, just to counter some of the positives given by people clearly connected with the film - either on the production side or acting side.

I guess I'm referring to Mr. "joemorph from United States" who wrote a ridiculously long and praising review that was clearly aimed at him getting some of his investment back.

Hard luck Mr. joemorph from USA. This film is appalling.

Even worse than the film was the acting of the lead actor. Apart from the ridiculous "crab" scene where he had a little tantrum, his face rarely broke into a smile, a frown, or gave any other indication of what he was feeling other than a look that said "I don't believe I'm in such a pathetic film".
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It's a sin how bad this film is.
elo8020 June 2010
First of all, I'd like to say that I enjoy the particular genre of films that the Sinbad movies generally fall into the category of. This film, however is not one of them. If you go into this expecting to see your classic Sinbad action then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.

It's not necessarily a bad decision to attempt to convert the themes of Sinbad onto a present day setting, but it wasn't pulled off well here and I, for one, would have preferred to have seen a new rendition set in the traditional era, or at least sometime in the not-too-recent past. There are no seven adventures to be seen here anyway, that's for sure.

The main character is a descendant of Sinbad apparently - his name is John Sinbad or some such rubbish. Apart from that, this bears no real relation to any of it's name-sakes except for one scene involving a tribe of alluring female demons who attempt to enslave Sinbad and his crew, via hypnosis, which was taken from an earlier and better Sinbad movie. This made me wonder if this is some kind of remake but I soon realised that it is not. There were a few computer generated monsters to 'behold' - or try to at least - among them, a computer generated cyclops and giant octopus, both of which failed to evoke any of the the glory and wonder of the more organic effects of older films of the kind. Ray Harryhausen, for example, is still the king after all this time.

Overall, pathetic storyline, boring progression of plot, Underwhelming acting and uninspiring character performances, cheesy one-liners which don't work, sad visual effects and void of any real tension or ability to provoke any kind of emotional response at all. From me, at least.
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What's this got to do with Sinbad?
torrentstorm16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Modern day parodies seem to be in demand these days. Nothing wrong with that, provided the screenwriters can come up with an imaginative and original story.

However, there was nothing funny in this movie, or imaginative, or exciting. The different ways the producers tried to mimic Sinbad's adventures taken from the time honored fairy tale, or past movies, proved a mockery and charade in this one. I watched the preview clip on Youtube and read about Asylum, the company producing and marketing the film. I confess I was hopeful and thought better. After about 45 minutes of watching, I thought to myself: what a shame and a waste - in this day and age, you people must think we movie watchers are morons with mentalities of 2-year olds.

Whose idea was it that Sinbad (in name only) is a company owner of oil tankers, one of which is hijacked by what seems some Black (Somalian?) pirates, and while on a rescue mission, said tanker is attacked and sunk by what looked like a gigantic crab? Then for no reason here our chopper crashes into the sea and we are marooned on an uncharted island with a handful of survivors from the ship, including (guess?) the pirate leader who has now become our ally? At the risk of writing a spoiler, I won't say more, but you can pretty much imagine the jamboree of hastily written and badly scripted plot lines, followed by some of the worst acting I've ever seen on the big screen. The cgi graphics were terrible. They must have gone on a shoestring budget to make these. Oh, and how do you fight off and kill a 20-foot cyclops intent on eating you with just a rope, which you somehow mysteriously seemed to come up with in your shipwrecked state? I'll leave you to guess that one without watching the movie. (What?)

I'd watch this one if there was nothing else to do with my time, and I'm prepared to play brain-dead. Definitely one of the stupidest movies I've seen throughout the years.
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A painful remake of the original 1960's classics
ulricjoh15 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out in the high-rise offices of a shipping and oil exploration company. The lead is advised that his ship is somewhere 400 miles east of Madagascar and is being hijacked. A demand for money has been made.

The manager of the company flies out to pay the money. In the meantime, the experts of the company talk about how the area is like the "Bermuda Triangle" - ships go missing without warning and electronic devices don't work. Moments later, a kraken (giant octopus) latches onto the ship and drags it and the crew to the bottom of the ocean.

The helicopter on which they fly is hit by lightning and the chopper sinks into the ocean.

Cut to an island. The lead wakes up and within seconds, finds one of the hijackers from the ship, laying on the beach near him (unconscious). As he tries to wake the hijacker, a giant crab (around 3 meters wide) starts to attack. It is shot many times and all it wants the briefcase containing money; (the gun although emptied at the initial shootout, strangely gets refilled without being done by the owner).

As the crab runs away, people who were also on the helicopter appear and ask what is going on - they heard and saw nothing.

Move forward, a number of groups meet on this uncharted island and find that there is a series of 7 tasks that must be completed by a hero if a series of cataclysmic problems to face the world are to be resolved. This is confirmed by some pictures found in a cave.

Moments after finding the details, the island starts to shake like an earthquake. It then shows that the island is in fact the back of a giant whale which dives into the water, taking the "island" with it. The group are left floating in the middle of nowhere without food or water.

Suddenly, they find a large bamboo raft which they can all rest on and in the next scene, they find themselves on yet another island, where they are chased by giant birds as offerings of food for the baby hatchlings.

At this point, it just got more absurd and I started fast-forwarding through to see if there were any redeeming aspects of the movie.

To my mind, there was only one salvation - the credits at the end - the movie had finished.

I gave it 3/10 for the sheer audacity of trying to turn a classic into a modern story and then failing. Don't bother with this one unless you really don't have high expectations of anything and perhaps just want to test the fast forward button on your DVD player is still functioning.
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bets movie this month
kiu-620-37002429 May 2010
This is really great movie. people just don't understand what asylum is trying to tell them. the movies isn't about special effects. its about the messages you need to find in these movies. actually, the effects weren't so bad. i laughed and i cried. i think it can conquer with shaw shank redemption. you just need to watch it. OK maybe i am going crazy. but you just need to watch it. i swear you will like it. don't believe these liars that are mocking asylum films. you need to find your heart in these movies. i cant wait for the next asylum film. one day asylum films are going to be like fox or warner and you all will cry. i promise, you will not be disappointed.
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Surprisingly Good
joemorph17 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
SYNOPSIS: In this modern day retelling of the Sinbad myth, Adrian Sinbad is a billionaire oil shipping magnate, the headstrong descendant of a long line of great mariners. When his flagship oil tanker is hijacked by Somalian pirates, Sinbad rushes to the rescue.

But the tanker is pulled underwater by a giant squid, and sinks into a deep sea crater where a supernatural being of terrible power resides. Meanwhile Sinbad's helicopter is struck by lightning in a storm, and crashes into the sea.

Sinbad comes to on a strange tropical island, and is immediately attacked by a monstrous crab three times his size. Narrowly escaping, Sinbad bands together with a ragged group of survivors: the helicopter pilot, his fetching science officer, the bitter tanker captain and the Somalian pirate leader (these last two, mortal enemies).

But when he meets Loa, a beautiful jungle warrior, she shows him cave paintings which foretell the end of mankind. Sinbad must complete seven ordeals, or the world will be destroyed by Elmec Ishu, the supernatural being enraged by the sunken tanker. (Though the tanker hasn't yet spilled its full 130 million gallons of oil into the sea).

A sudden earthquake strikes - and Sinbad and the group are plunged into the ocean, only to discover that the island is actually the back of a giant whale (as per the original mythology). But they're not in the water long before pterodactyls swoop down and carry them away to feed to their babies.

They next encounter a cyclops, seductive sirens, and a bloodthirsty cult led by Loa's insane father (a la Apocalypse Now, in one of the best sequences of the movie). The group dies off one by one, while romance blossoms between Sinbad and Loa. Meanwhile, back on the mainland, the world is shaken by earthquakes and tsunamis; Emlec Ishu is increasingly angry about the tanker parked in its living room.

Sinbad descends into a volcano in search of otherworldly crystals which hold the key to escaping the island. Nearly killed by a towering lava demon, he and Loa manage to flee with the crystals - which release superheated gas when water touches them - and finally get off the island, by means of an old hot air balloon.

Returning to civilization, Sinbad's final ordeal is to somehow raise the tanker and thus avert the coming apocalypse. Setting out on a suicide mission, Sinbad and Loa pilot a small submarine four miles underwater to the tanker. But en route, the first of the tanker's bulkheads finally ruptures - spilling 450,000 gallons of oil - and causing Elmec Ishu to unleash his full wrath on humanity, in the form of armies of strange waterspouts which destroy everything in their path.

Meanwhile, the sub is chased down and captured by the giant squid. But using the sub's external nozzle, Sinbad vacuums up several oil bubbles in the water outside, thus convincing the intelligent squid to release them. Sinbad and Loa reach the tanker, and start to drill into the seabed below it, where a seam of the otherworldly crystals is buried. As the waterspouts make landfall, and with the sub's power and air reserves nearing zero, the drill punches through and floods the crystals with sea water. Gas geysers erupt from the sea-floor, filling the tanker with air, causing it to rise to the surface. The world is saved, but Sinbad and Loa are dying, out of air four miles underwater. Until Elmec Ishu appears, and summons the giant squid back, to carry the sub to the surface.


I thought this movie had a lot going for it. There's moments of ingenuity, and real wit - Sinbad's reaction to the crab battle is kind of priceless.

Biggest criticism: visual effects. As some of the other posters have mentioned they are not that good. The cyclops looks weird and roided out, and the squid only has six tentacles?!? Also not enough was made of the lava demon; it's a potentially cool creature but I wanted a lot more out of the scene.

But let's put this in context. The budget for the movie is listed at $500k. Are you kidding?!?! What the filmmakers did for that amount is astonishing; there are probably hundreds of visual effects shots, which cost tons of money, so how did they do it?!

Also I know for a fact that Asylum movies are shot on a very short schedule of around 2 weeks. So to even compare a movie shot in 2 weeks for $500k, with today's $100 million blockbusters is ridiculous. The scope and sweep of this film, the production value they got for that tiny budget, is actually quite amazing. The cinematography is beautiful, the locations are exotic, the action is non-stop.

Performances are strong too. Muldoon's Sinbad has real heart and a dash of Tony Stark, and never loses touch with the humor. Bo Svenson nails it as the scheming CEO. But the biggest pleasure is Sarah Desage, who is not only smoking hot, but gives a nuanced performance as Loa. Look at the scenes between Loa and her father - it's emotionally rich work. She is someone to watch.

Script and direction are solid. While this isn't what you would call a character driven piece, the two writers/directors Hayflick and Silver show a command of the dramatic and visual storytelling. The camera is fluid, editing is solid. And there are some real zingers in the dialogue. The movie definitely has a brain.

So rather than hate on the filmmakers for making a movie that no, does not stack up to Avatar, I give them kudos for making an inspired, tiny budget action/adventure movie with a great spirit. It's supposed to be fun, and it is.

One of the best Asylum releases to date, if not the best.
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Omg...SO BAD
sleepingbeauty922 September 2012
I only watched this because it was on Showtime. Oh, OK, it was on Showtime Extreme. And extreme it was! Extremely BAD. I love the old Sinbads. I can take "hokey". I can handle stop-action animation. I can even take weak special effects. I could not handle this hot mess. No reason to break it down, every single part of this movie is awful. Here's a little though: Special effects- cheesy, awful. I think they they just gave up at some point and said, "whatever". Acting -what acting? The actors understandably looked bored most of the time. Writing- they winged it. Not sure anybody cared if there was a storyline. But hey, there's boobs! Watch a rerun, the news, or the paint dry. Anything but this.
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Straight To Video & Still Pretty Rotten
FiendishDramaturgy17 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As far as Sinbad movies go, this is pretty wretched. It starts off weak, continues weakly throughout its contrived story, what story there is, and terminates climatically but flat. If this were Made-for-TV, perhaps I could be a bit more forgiving, but even with a tiny infinitesimal budget, it should have been far better than this.

Competent talent could not have hurt, but unfortunately for the audience, no one tried that tack. Had they, perhaps invested a little love in the earlier stages, paid the least bit of attention to necessary elements such as wardrobe, staging, props, or details of any kind.

The story is weak, the production style is M4TV, the acting (other than the two principals) is elementary at best, and the direction seems to be disorganized and lacking in intent. That might be the fault of the film editor instead of the director, but the direction itself does seem haphazard.

All in all? I wish I'd read a book.

It rates a 1.7/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Sinbad hits rock bottom.
RatedVforVinny26 November 2019
I find it hard to find any merit in this debacle of a fantasy movie. Included some ultra cheap (bargain basement) C.G.I effects. Would certainly have the great Ray.H.H, turning in his grave for sure.
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I was feeling generous
wolverine345 January 2011
The film got 4 stars for casting Sarah Desage who made the pain worth while! If the film was good she would have boosted it to a 10 :).

OK, it isn't the worst film I have seen, but I ended up wanting the film to end (and I don't tend to do that with many films, even the bad ones). As mentioned in another review, there was a couple of funny bits, just not enough to maybe improve the enjoyment value.

I have a feeling they tried to make the film bigger than it could ever be, they tried to dramatise it too much with the music and some slo-mo etc. The effects are maybe the worst I have seen of late. The old Sinbad films, from the 1970's, are probably better! They also use the same effects a couple of times (maybe to cut their budget), I don't like that as it is like cutting corners in a production.

Am I being too harsh? Maybe, you will need to watch it to find out. I produce short films, so know the type of work that goes into even a 2 minute film, so can appreciate the work put into this. I just feel, with more thought in pre-production and more of an entertainment approach than a dramatic approach that I think they tried, it may have been much better.

rant over, now go and decide for yourselves :).
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The Cover Art Says Turkey
Vincent_B21 March 2013
I was flipping through Netflix when I saw the cover art of a man duel wielding auto pistols. I new from the artwork alone this movie had serious problems. Against the warnings of the Netflix, I proceeded to watch the movie.

I don't need to really sit here and add what has been cited over and over about this film. To give you a rough idea on how badly the movie is written; one scene in the movie has Sinbad telling his tech that he plans to use the small 2 man sub. The tech explains the sub requires 2 people to operate it. So he takes Loa, a jungle warrior woman... obviously unskilled labor wasn't included in that conversation. During the scene inside the sub the actress playing Loa did her best to look confused or frightened, honestly I could not tell. The tech contacted the sub and told them that he was going to light up a button to press. Loa pushed that button. Great job!

Meanwhile I am certain that the crab scene (already on You Tube) will become the next internet meme, second only to "I took an arrow in the knee." So I won't complain about this movie being junk or garbage since I went against all the warning flags and watched it anyway.
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Re-take of a re-make on a miniscule budget
ladybug253530 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that I raised my rating when I found out what the budget had been on this film. I'm amazed that they were able to pull together what they did on that kind of money. And that kind of time. The problem is: This isn't porn people; you actually need a coherent film for an audience to appreciate the effort.

I disagree with some reviewers' points and agree with others: I actually viewed this film twice; the first time I was sleepy and thought I'd just dozed off for parts of the film, but I was wrong. It really was as disjointed as I remembered. I think the biggest problems in this movie are due to bad editing which affects the continuity, the flow of the story, and the viewer's understanding of the film. This certainly could have been a result of having such a short budget. One bad shot could throw everything off if they don't have the budget to shoot it again. Then you have to choose: keep in the bad shots? Or have holes in the story? Both? Budgeting issues explains a lot of the problems with this movie. Equipment and professional film is expensive. And you're making a film that needs a lot of special affects which will shoot huge holes in any movie budget, plus you're shooting outside meaning you have to deal with the weather, let's give them an "A" for effort. It was a good idea. A "D" for editing. How about extra credit for finishing the film at all?

Caution Spoilers: I think the biggest problem with the film was lack of continuity and coherence between scenes. This is the reason there is so much confusion about the story and leads to many of the complaints. For example, Sinbad's female sidekick is apparently murdered--it's only implied, and only vaguely so, but there doesn't seem to be any mention of what actually happened to her, and no real reaction to her loss (or disappearance). There is one mention of her dying later on, but they never say what happened to her. When did they even find her? Did they go back to that spot?? What happened filmmakers? Did you run out of film? Audiences like coherent reasonably linear story lines. You can't just have characters--especially someone that was supposed to mean a lot to the Hero, just disappear without any coherent reaction or reason.

I thought the script was actually pretty good and they did try to fit in Sinbad's 7 traditional tasks in a modern setting which showed imagination. Criticisms in this regard are misguided. Again, I think the holes were due more to bad editing than the script. Or someone wasn't paying any attention to the continuity of the story. You can tell the story visually; audiences still need to be shown one way or the other. Verbally or visually. They were very bad about explaining the setup, which confused viewers.

Even watching it twice I was confused about his tasks and what the heck they had to do with the ship on the bottom of the ocean. Yes, I got that it was threatening to leak and the sea monster was mad about that--but the sea monster sank the boat! They never explain that, or even offer a theory. And I never got just what his business partner had to do with the pirates. Why did he set the ship up? Holes.

But this part bugs me, and this is an issue with the storyline. Maybe with the script. Why the heck would they need special alien rocks to fire up the hot air balloon? There was plenty of fuel on that island. Yet that was supposedly the only way to get off the island. These aspects of the story simply made no sense. In this aspect, the script fell down--or are we simply missing scenes that filled us in? But there was some well-done dialog, and many parts of the film that worked well. It was just very uneven.

The special effects certainly showed the restraints of their budget, but I thought the sea creature--a giant squid-like thing (not a crab), was pretty good. As was the crab on land. The sirens looked more like Zombies--and their makeup was unevenly applied, again pointing up a lack of continuity and consistency, and I don't even remember the Cyclops! I liked the lava demon; I thought that was one of the best effects. The water spout type things were interesting, but they left me confused. Was that from the squid? Was he a god or something? And I still don't get why HE sank the boat and then freaked out about the oil.

I think the best part of the film was the relationships, that's where the film was strongest. Of particular note was the explanation of the girl being on the island, and her sad relationship (or lack of) with her crazy father. I thought that part was interesting as was the way he controlled the men on the island. As cultic and nuts as that seems it unfortunately has some precedence in real life. Though it seems that the Somalian pirates succumbed way too quickly---just what was in that water? Or did the sirens do that? I'm not dumb, and I saw this film twice. So if I can't figure this out you know there's a problem. Or did I just doze off--again? Where did that scene go?
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Read the title. Then disregard.
neil-4763 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
See, the thing about movie titles is they are the first stop on the advertising trail. They can be mysterious, telling you nothing, luring you in to find out more. Or they can be straightforward - hanging out the shingle to tell you what the film is about.

So if a movie is titled the Seven Adventures of Sinbad then it's one of the latter - you know exactly where you stand, Arabian Nights stuff, right? Then take a look at the cast list, and see that the main male character is Adrian Sinbad. Oh dear. This is the biggest case of false advertising since, well, since the last big case of false advertising. Or, to put it in the current parlance, it is a reimagining. Whatever you label it, don't expect a Sinbad movie (not many submarines in the Sinbad stories as far as I can recall).

Yes, there are fantasy elements and special effects. Done badly. In a movie with little excitement, a no-name cast who are going to stay that way, and an underwhelming story.

This is a poor movie with a con trick for a title.
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Stupid movie, but great action scenes
styujio29 November 2011
At first I was really excited to see this movie, reading the reviews and seeing clips of the movie. But I was really disappointed after seeing the movie. The performances by the actors are crap, the plot is too boring and not well written. the action scenes were awesome but they were absolutely short, each of them being about less than 5 minutes long! The beginning was stupid and so was the ending. Details for the monsters were not enough. Even when my aunt saw it both of us agreed that it was Z-grade movie. Don't waste your time watching this lame movie and go watch the stop-motion Ray Harryhausen Sinbad movies instead.
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In line with Tarantino's spoofs of B-rated horror movies
igost3 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movies is hilarious - I was laughing most of the time. It's really good in being bad - pretty much like Tarantino's spoofs of B-rated horror movies, only in adventure genre. And I'm quit sure it's a spoof, these people can't be serious. My favorite part was Sindbad about to go inside volcano for stones and Loa asks him "Do you need anything else?" He doesn't say a word, just reaches out and kisses her, so perfectly cheesy - it's unbelievable. There are zombies, long-lost father, rogue sailors, giant octopuses and even Somali pirates! And everything is done with serious faces and emotions worthy of Twilight Zone (and yes, special effects are just as cheap). Well done!
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Pretty good,Except no beard on our hero !
guestar5725 May 2010
Starring: Patrick Muldoon,Bo Svenson and Sarah Desage. Maybe the BEST of The Asylum,Or are they becoming better filmmakers or Am I drinking more ??? Muldoon does Sinbad (not the comedian,shh) well,But you would think the umpteeenth Grandson would still have that trademarked beard. Svenson does hve some good scenes and finish,hint-hint. The show stealer is Sarah Desage,Who steals all critics hearts ? So,OF COURSE,She is married to director. Creatures are really good,Crab-Whale-Cyclops-Flying serpents and we even starting cheering the re-acurring creature-SQUID ! Plot concerns a Tanker,Oil Spillage,Umm …Too current ya ask us ! BP, you suck barrels.
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For some reason this movie makes you want to excuse its failings.
cheathamg20 October 2011
It's all very well to try and put this movie in perspective and say it was made on a very small budget, in a very short period of time, and say that it has humor in it and competent actors, but even with all of that, it is still poorly made. If you're going to put it in perspective, compare it to the work of Roger Corman. There was a film producer who knew how to turn out a piece of junk that was not merely bearable to watch but was actually entertaining. This film has flashes of entertainment but have you ever tried reading by a light bulb that only works intermittently? It gives you a headache. Speaking of Corman, one of the so-called moments of interest in this film was a reference to his 1957 "Attack of the Crab Monsters". In fact, there are so many references to other films in "7 Adventures" that I think that was the point of the movie. I think the film makers sat around a box of wine and said, "If we stick in enough references film aficionados will think we're clever." Well, I'm sorry to say, it doesn't work unless you come up to a certain standard of quality. It doesn't have to be a very high standard of quality, but it does have to have a narrative coherence, which "7 Adventures" does not.
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This movie was very very bad...
amazonian_phoenix2 January 2014
This movie is so bad that I am forced to write this review so that others don't waste an hour and a half of their lives on this movie. Please don't rent it, don't see it, even if it's for free. The premise of the movie was a good one, and once the Island began to sink I thought 'hmm maybe this will be a good film'. But once Loa came in dressed with a bra made of belt straps with a broken English and then after 20 minutes, she could speak it properly... I knew that it was going to be downhill from there.

Reasons why I think that this is a bad film. 1. Too much computer animations, and they didn't work well with live action. 2. Crabs don't walk forward 3. Girl with broken English cannot re-learn English in a day or so of movie time. 4. Graphics again got in the way of action. 5. When beasts die, they should bleed. 6.Dialogue was extremely blah

I kind of saw the end of the movie, and it was very predictable. Maybe these are good actors, but this was bad. Maybe the writing was bad. Maybe the actors are bad. Something just didn't work with this movie. I am going to rent the old Sinbad movies so that my mind does not get a negative view of Sinbad. Remember, don't watch this movie.
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Nice shooting location; that's it
Leofwine_draca15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SINBAD: THE PERSIAN PRINCE is another godawful mockbuster from The Asylum, this time released to cash in on the Hollywood flick PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME. An ageing Patrick Muldoon - still best known for his supporting turn in STARSHIP TROOPERS - plays a modern-day Sinbad who ends up shipwrecked on a remote coast and finds himself contending with all manner of giant beasties and monsters. This was shot in Belize but is otherwise purely pitiful stuff, with cheap CGI effects which look terrible throughout and a brain-dead script. Bo Svenson, bloated and unrecognisable, plays in support.
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