"Star Trek: Discovery" The Galactic Barrier (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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This IS Discovery
bnevs1827 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you dont like it thats, fine...but reviewers here act like they are surprised when an episode does what a dozen have done before. Quit acting so shocked that feeling are expressed, that pacing is drawn out, that progressive ideals are put forth. The people you abhor are the people you are emulating. Suck it up buttercups! Quit hatewatching...give your lament that Disco isnt what you want it to be, then leave, because it will never be what you want it to be. I can never understand the fetishism of pain that people will put forth...stop watching something if you hate it! Take a look at your stats, if you have given a 1/10 to more than 20% of your reviews, then its YOU who has the problem.

Per the episode, the galactic barrier was nonsensical, the B story flashback was ill timed, and the DMA going to Sol was telegraphed. Still, these pieces would have worked great if it were treated/presented differently.
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Good story but terrible dialogue
vlancuba-593-2617235 March 2022
I like the storyline. It's interesting. But the dialogue is aweful. Everyone has an emotional issue that needs to be talked our every damn minute of this shows. It's one big message on mental health. It's aweful. Please stop doing this. Get back to the storyline please.
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Dammit, Jim DO Something!
daralynn-3033927 August 2023
That's what I hear in my head. Bones demanding that Cpt. James T. Kirk DO SOMETHING...anything...to turn things around. This is more about the season than this particular episode. I do enjoy the characters but they're not DOING anything. They're certainly not doing enough. This is DISCOVERY yet they aren't really doing that so much as they're discovering how much baggage they're all carrying around from the past to the future. If they want to "find themselves" or do "team building exercises," then they should go back to the Academy and join one of Tilly's training classes. Otherwise, Michael needs to man up, pull up her big girl panties and LEAD her crew. Mooning over a man is something you do in your quarters, not on the ship's bridge in front of your entire crew!

Adira is an angsty teenager on a ship full of adults, with a synth replica of their love interest. He likes me/He doesn't like me. *eyeroll* We get it. Bring on some other teens/young adults so their story isn't so annoyingly obnoxious to grown folks watching. Adira and Gray need to step up into their new respective roles or step off. It's tiresome. FYI, this is not about they/them, etc so don't come for over it. I don't give two hoots and a tinker's damn about who they love or who they are.

The whole damn ship's crew is in need of some major counseling sessions with Deanna Troi, even Culber needs this. Maybe especially Culber. There's no discipline on this ship because the Captain has none. She's as much of a loose cannon/wild card as Tarka. The bickering between the crew members over the best course of action and why it should be one way vs another exemplifies exactly why Star Fleet demands Duty First among their members. Tighten up this ship and it's crew.

Now get out there and DISCOVER something!
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From normality., to Beyond the Barrier.
stevecinwac13 December 2022
One of the key 'Canon', defining elements of the Star Trek universe is directly challenged here.,

The impassible 'Galactic Barrier'.,

Baring in mind how vast the existing galaxy these characters inhabit, and the subsequent timelines of each series; question arising being how come 'Star Fleet', (whose primary mission was exploratory survey missions), haven't already a whole database just specifically for this 'Barrier', and need to conduct an ad-hoc mission just to penetrate just by excuse of this impending disaster??

It's another double-down episode upon similar theme., sub-plot giving a far more obvious focus upon 'Imprisonment and Escape'.

Unfortunately the more unique sci-fi aspects have again been swamped by giving vent to character / crew doubts.

Fortunately the effects team(s) are the saviours of this episode making the visuals interesting., distracting most from the lack of conclusive progress to the plot. Trimming of some monologues could've improved overall balance.
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An Episode of Grey's Anatomy in Space
gbarrett-3994126 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Between the relationship drama and the pointless techno babel, I forgot that this was supposed to be a Star Trek show. The super crew is slated to safe the day again. The president throws out some nonsense that she was the Federation's top negotiator for 20 years, but when Discovery arrived in the future, most people assumed that the Federation was no more. Who was she negotiating with? The amount of plot holes and plot devices that they throw into this show are insane. This show would have much higher ratings if they stopped calling it Star Trek and just called it some other generic space show name.

Also, this show makes space seem small. There is no concept of scale anymore since they can jump anywhere at anytime, but still delegates can show up late for a meeting. Just weird.
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Tarka backstory
sparklefish22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode engaged my interest and I was able to watch without playing on my phone out of tedium. I liked Paul's conversation with Adira, and the negotiations between Michael and the President.

Book and Tarka had some interesting scenes and I liked seeing that Tarka isn't all that bad. His friendship with Oros was moving.

The effects were well done.

All in all, one of my favorite two episodes of this season.
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Take THAT, boomer nerds!
jkoseattle7 March 2022
Musicals are built to get you from one song to the next. It's all about the songs. The actual story is of secondary importance.

Martial arts movies are built to get you from one fight to the next. The actual story is of secondary importance.

Discovery is built to get you from one therapy session to the next. The actual story is of secondary importance.

Porn is built to get you from one sex scene to the next. The actual story is of secondary importance.

For all of you complaining that STD is just one emotive character reveal after another... well, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. Those are the songs/fights/sex scenes, folks. The problem is that this choice disregards Star Trek's entire massive, loyal audience. As such, Discovery feels like it's constantly saying "Take THAT, nerds!"

The lack of interest and attention the writers of this show pay to the attributes of Star Trek that has made it so beloved is so palpably obvious that eventually one has to conclude that this is intentional. That really, beneath all its vapid middle-school-journal dialog, the show is just mean-spirited and smug. "All you boomers with your sterile science talk... well we're going to show you what REAL DRAMA looks like. Oh, and we can do science too, just listen to all our science-y talk. Happy now? You're welcome."

No attention is paid to what has made the show such a success for half a century. Sure, boxes are checked by using some of the souvenirs of series past, but they come across like teenagers rifling through grandmas stuff, and though they never really liked her much, this or that knick-knack is cute. So they can say they are 'honoring' grandma while really just using her. Listen to the utterly incomprehensible science jargon they throw at us. Do they really expect anyone to know what they are talking about? Of course not, it's a cover so they can tell themselves this is REAL SCIENCE FICTION. But the feelings scenes are the songs.

Next time you watch, squint a bit and take away the fancy CGI and prosthetics, and forget about those absurd sets. What's left? It's actually a really cheap piece of trash, all dressed up in Star Trek. It makes me sad how cynical it all is.

Scenes after scene after scene of sharing feelings while whatever story might be going on grinds to a halt. How many minutes of screen time/dollars of budget have been spent on bringing that to our screens, yet the original series could break your heart with one brilliant line - "You couldn't pronounce it".

We're all being swindled, folks. The Star Trek name is just being used to foist very low quality content on us. It's so depressing.
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Compelling and interesting story
rrtiverton25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With the exception of the episode "All In", this season has been quite good! It is telling a good story about this Dark Matter Anomaly that has been discovered to be a mining device sent from outside the galaxy. Now, what ever that civilization is, has turned the DMA loose on the Alpha quadrant.

Sure, the season's plot could have been expedited - several missteps along the way (see "All In"), but all in all, good story telling. Good back stories. It is an 11 hour movie broken down into 56 minutes parts. The final episode plays out next week; I hope it concludes with some intelligence and not another "The Burrrrrn" conclusion.

The ensemble seems to have gotten into their groove - Burnham, Saru, Detmer, Owo, etc. Some cast members need to come back (Tilly, Grudge). The interactions feel organic, honest now; not scripted.

---------- Onto these reviews. I see the same people giving a "1" or none rating and flaming the show. Ya know... if you hate it that much... don't watch. I cannot STAND "Below Decks" and "Prodigy". After a hand full of episodes, said my peace, turned them off and tuned out both series.

Star Trek is so old a franchise. I watched it in real time in the 1960's. I have signed posters from William Shatner and James Doohan. The TOS Enterprise Hallmark ornament and the JJ Abrams Enterprise are hanging in my office. There are so many venues out there to rekindle the love of the old. Why incessantly and and continuously bitch about this show?

Hang it up and move on - you are not adding to the conversation.
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The intergalactic whisperer
mariekevanderleij8 April 2024
The writers improve but can they please cut out the mushy mumbo jumbo?

Discovery goes where no one has gone before and some captivating space jargon is thrown in like the galaxy's edge being made out of air bubbles which can travel between atmospheres without being burnt up in the process.

But the improved acting and plotlines falls flat on its belly by psychological reassurances between crew members fit for a Kindergarden. Scientists holding hands, really?!

In the meantime I keep wondering what's up with Burnham's vocal cords. Is she the intergalactic whisperer? Please send her to linguistic therapy!
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This show is killing me
marmar1327 February 2022
There was a point in late season 2/early season 3 when Discovery occasionally got Star Trek right. I was hopeful. After all, every series starts out mediocre to bad before finding its legs. Unfortunately, Discovery has taken a complete nosedive.

In season 4, it has reached the point where each episode is more unbearable than the last. Personal drama drones on and on and on. Characters constantly announce how they feel instead of showing through action. It's tedious enough that I felt compelled to leave a review.

Also, in all of the series, there has never been a character more annoying than Adira. Not Wesley Crusher. Not even Neelix. I thought we were done with Adira, but nope. They're back this episode and more annoying than ever. This person is supposed to have lifetimes' worth of wisdom inside them, and instead they act like a present-day zoomer with daddy issues. Worst Trill host ever.
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Classic Trek in story and characters.
mjackiw-165-31389615 April 2022
This episode had a true class Trek feel. It took us into a new place, showed us character conflicts, and brought about a wonderful story.

As for "senior Trekker" and the others, it's clear from their comments they are not Star Trek fans, are misogynists and bigots, and are spamming the two new shows to bring scores down. The "manbabies" need to just go away and let fans enjoy their shows.
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Everyone is so nice
pjdickinson-2782224 February 2022
One of the best episodes of this atrocious season. It's still awful but a little less so than usual. Everyone is being so nice to each other as our motley crew of emotionally unstable people who bizarrely are the galaxy's only hope travel through the bubble barrier on a diplomatic mission. Obviously, nothing much happened but there's the promise that next week something might just like every other week. Goddess Burnham will, undoubtedly, spring into action and it will be tears and smiles all round with buckets full of whispering but until then we have this.
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Star Trek Discovery of Boredom.
dvbtecman25 February 2022
This is the most boring sci-fi series ever.

I love Kirk, Piccard, Janeway and co. But this captain is just embarrassing. Not because she's a woman or because she's a person of color, but because the writers have drained the character of all credibility and sympathy. She acts like a complete idiot and with her a large part of the crew. Why is there only boring drivel but no action?

Have the writers already passed puberty?
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Better, not great
stjhagens24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think we can all agree this was one of the better episodes of the season, but I still have a lot of issues with it.

10 episodes in and we still don't know who species 10-C are, talking about stretching out a mystery way too thin. That is way too many episodes to keep a mystery going, especially when there are hardly any advances in each new episode. We learned nothing new this week about 10-C. I was expecting a shot of maybe a Borg cube in the last few seconds, but no.

If no familiar crew member ever dies, there are no stakes. Of course the ship was going to reach the other side safely. And of course Burnham will solve all issues before the DMA reaches Earth. The show would benefit greatly from a red shirt once in a while. Remember Game of Thrones, in which no character was ever safe? This show would be so much more tense if there is real danger.

The Tarka story was fine but it took so much time of the episode. Why call it 'The galactic Barrier' when only 20% of the episode is revolving about it? This episode was focused on relations, emotions and feelings. The galactic barrier story was just a backdrop for those personal problems and stories. Yet again we have time for the personal feelings of someone, in this case Saru and his love interest, while the ship is in major danger. The show would benefit more of choosing what to focus on. Seeing the title of the episode it should have been 75% galactic barrier and 25% other stuff, but is was the other way round. Problems are always solved way too quick and easy. Let them fail once in a while, with some damage to the ship and some casualties as a consequence to let us know how dangerous space is. Remember that Enterprise episode in which the ship got damaged so badly that we see people floating through space! Now that was some heavy stuff!

The bridge crew all got some lines, but who are these people? Please give us more than some throwaway anecdotes or sentences.

Burnham whispered her way through the episode and even whispered when she was on the shipwide intercom. I loved that she wasn't the centre of the universe for once. I hope that for once she isn't connected to everything, but maybe we are all fooled and it turns out that species 10-C is actually her father or something like that.
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This Show has Come a Long Way
kkc-225 February 2022
I HATED seasons 1 and 2. It wasn't Star Trek.

It befoulded the memory of Star Trek.

I hated the mutinous lead character.

It was terrible science fiction.

It made me ill.

Then season 3 came along, and I noticed that the producers/directors were starting to do 'fan service' to old fans like me. It started getting good. It started feeling like Star Trek. I begane to like it.

Then season 4. It is now pure fan service. Pure feel good. And.. it's about 50% touchy feely relationship building.. it's almost too much.

But I am an old romantic, I don't mind.

I think that people who like ever bigger guns and loathe the notion of humans evolving into adults would hate even season 4.

This particular episode was nearly entirely touchy feely.

But what it did brilliantly, is to give important back story on a difficult pseudo-villian, and made him very human. They did a great job on this episode, if you like touchy feely.

If you don't like touchy feely in your Star Trek, then I don't recommend this incarnation of Star Trek.
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csilvey-2524325 February 2022
Would someone please take action without having to explain why? Do we always need a backstory to every action that is taken? For the last couple seasons (at least) half of the episode is devoted to explaining how something in their past is making them behave in a certain way.

In DS9 Sisco loses his wife in the first episode, and we don't hear about it every week. I think the Voyager crew talked less about being on the other side of the galaxy less than this crew talks about their feelings. Bring back Philippa Georgiou. At least she didn't care what people thought.
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going where no show has gone before
larryd196926 February 2022
Into the painfully unwatchable. The knowing looks, the continuous unending shots of characters expressions. Its gone beyond cringe and has crossed into uncomfortable to watch. Another victim of agenda based writing.
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I don't understand....
jamisonjohn2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original Constitution Class and the Refit NCC-1701-A, both made it through the galactic barrier with no problem. Why was lore once again ignored? The entertainment factor is getting worse, not better. By completely ignoring the fans, they are alienating everyone. This season is nothing but a group of whining little babies. Sure, it's fine to have emotions but don't make every episode about that. Plus, I'm gay and I think the gay factor in this show is too much. Tone it down a little. Focus on Trek, don't only focus on being gay or sitting in a dark room in silence. That's not entertaining.
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50 minutes soap opera about feelings and making "connections"
goggolya24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series has too many love stories, everyone is in a relationship with someone. And every scene is about emotions and loved ones.

Even Saru wants to get laid this season, but T'Rina leaves him on 'read' after his confession for some reason. And now we know that even Tarka had a boyfriend he met in prison. The cat is the only person on the ship who's single...

Tarka's motives are redefined every third episode. First was that he wanted to go home to his universe. The newest is that his boyfriend in prison told him about another universe, he believed him. And now he wants to visit it?

Season 3's Burn was caused by a crying Kelpian child.

Season 4's 10-C is Tarka's prison boyfriend who wants to emigrate to another universe. The stupidity of the writing is getting out of hand!

The Galactic Barrier was hyped up to be an impassable force of nature. But in reality it's just a platformer mobile game in a lava lamp, where you have to time your jumps right from bubble to bubble. Every space ship could do this with enough patience!

The special effect are so inconsistent. The bridge only has sparks now because the flamethrowers were moved to the bar...

The shows inconsistent writing summed up: Season 1 Stamets: We can spore jump anywhere in the universe.

Season 4 Stamets: The best I can do is only our galaxy.

Another marvel from the writers: Oros and Tarka spent years trying to build an inter-dimensional transporter to escape from their cell. They can't leave because of the implants in their necks. This is the ONLY WAY to escape Tarka states. Then as soon as they get hold of a gun, they just shoot off the implants...

This whole season is a filler with bad writing, boring episodes, no adventure, juvenile plots, and mediocre acting.
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Kumbaya everybody
syncopatedrhythm25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This whole show is a load. Burnham has to pontificate and bloviate over the PA to the crew before they "Fly". Fly is the stupidest word they could think of, it's space dummies. Nothing cool like, engage, make it so, move out, press on, etc. Tons more whispering, I thought it was like when in the TV show Lost, and you could hear the Others surrounding them. Even Tarka has a boyfriend now. 20 bucks and my left body part says the cause of the DMA is Tarka's boyfriend.
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They found time for Tarka's backstory
isabellacheng25 February 2022
... during a time-sensitive mission whereby the fate of galactic civilization hinges. Seriously?

I have nothing to add, beyond padding my review to the minimum 150 characters. Oh hey! This must be what the writers were thinking!
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The episode where absolutely nothing happens
info-354-54955925 February 2022
You can skip this episode and be fine, nothing happens its just a bunch of people patting each other on the back and getting ready to hop into the void.

Agree with the top review, this is a show more akin to a daily soap opera for Monday's at 10am(on the gaytv channel).

Enjoyed last season, was so hoping startrek keeps going I love picard and nextgen, but at this point even as a die hard fan im saying stop, for the love of god...stop this...noone wants this.
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The Bold and The Beautiful - Space Feelings edition !
martinsmarkss24 February 2022
I have nothing to say about this episode, pretty much again nothing happened, they are dragging and dragging this season, everything is so slow and boring ! I finally figured out that Star Trek Discovery it's all about feelings and nothing else anymore ! World in ST:D seems so small, color scheme is so annoying... - I know how season 4 will end well at least 5x things 100% for sure!

1. DMA will be someone again!

2. DMA was caused by someone's feelings (Anger - perhaps!?) 3. Lots of crying and whispering, and talking, and then 5 minutes of most ridiculous action and illogical things!

4. Micheal Bhurnam will save all galaxies again single handily maybe killing a few thousand or million beings in a process!

5. Complete ignorance of STD own internal continuity!
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Paging Dr. Phil!
rmurts26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Five minutes of action, sixteen hours of galactic hugs, or at least it felt like sixteen hours. We have Saru who has an elementary school level crush on a Romulan who seeks counsel with the Good Doctor. We have Burnam and the Federation President having critical conversations in hushed whispers that don't match the urgencies of the moments.

This has become nothing more than a very drawn out episode of Dr. Phil. Writers, "what were you thinking??"
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freshorange26 February 2022
The WORST show ever produced from the very first Episode 1/ Season 1 until now.

Everything has already been said and the myriad of problems of Star Trek Discovery have been explained in detail thousands of times.

So CANCEL IT and throw it finally in the trash can. NETFLIX already pulled the plug! It's an embarrassment for everybody!
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