"Sex Education" Episode 8 (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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An Amazing Season for Character Development, but...
mathewmartin160418 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
... I'm simply not buying the Otis/Maeve relationship anymore. The 'will they, won't they' worked well for the first 2 seasons, but to end again with them not actually getting together is a real slap in the face. And with her character now moving overseas, there's a real possibility that it won't ever happen.

Meanwhile, the relationship that was shown between Ruby and Otis in the first few episodes was beautiful, and watching the two of them grow off each other was incredibly believable. Having her open up to Otis in a way she never had before, only to be rejected was heartbreaking to watch, and I actually don't understand why it was included. Ruby reverting back to her 'mean-girl' background character status afterwards is even more confusing, I think she had less than 10 lines of dialogue in the 2nd half of the season. Building a character up so much, only to then ignore them is criminal. It's a shame really, there was so much potential.
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Ok guys,its not funny anymore
Giannis250417 September 2021
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3 seasons and yet everytime you find a reason to not get them together...And that America thing kind of scares me cause usually when a show send away a character somewhere far its because they wanna end the character...Dont misunderstand me the episode is very very good but the ending is so uncool for me.
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Too much on the plates for writers
talrejajeet18 September 2021
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This series had great moments, but i cannot lie I am so frustrated with the ending. Even though maeve and otis kissed, it is such a gutpunch to the viewers yet again who's main interest in the show was them being together (and how aimee managed to change maeves mind that easily) it might be selfish for maeve not to take this opportunity so i understand that aspect, but the fact that they have had this tension for 3 seasons now has made it that much more difficult for us viewers. Eric and Adam breaking up at the end was such a pointless note to end on, since Adam was battling with his self-image vs his love for Eric and it deserved more merit for the final episode. One of the main character developments was Mr. Groff, and there was zero closure in the final episode to justify the amount of screen time he took up. They completely forgot about rubys character (and the lack of closure between her and otis) in the last few episodes. Other than that it was a really good season, but If season 4 happens, I hope they don't drag these storylines on any longer.
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A heartbreaking end to an overall great season.
lorinczadrienjeno17 September 2021
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Another painful end to another season. I get it. It's the second time that Otis and Maeve get separated for some reason. Is it cliché? Definitely. But I would like to look on the bright side. This is not a bad finale, it's actually promising. Let me explain.

I adore this episode for giving us so much character growth in so little time. Otis and his family (I think it's fair to call it that, although Jean's reaction to the paternity test makes things complicated) go through a tough time, we get to see his regrets and how he genuinely cares about the people close to him. He also realizes that he likes to help people, a side of him which he repressed for a while. I feel like through season 2 and 3 he was discovering himself and making many mistakes, but at the end of the season it seems like he's more himself than ever.

Maeve's growth is also amazing, honestly I always felt like she got treated the worst and this season doesn't go easy on her either, but she's happy. Just as Anna notices, we the viewers know too that she has never looked so happy. The scene with her mother giving her money is something else. We get to see how much she loves her mother and how Erin cares so much about her. It will never be easy, but their relationship has developed so much since the last season and I can see that Erin wants to change for real now. Soo, the "cliché". Well, anybody who says that Maeve made the wrong choice I respect your opinion, but this is a chance that could lead her to a better life, an opportunity which if you miss, you might regret forever. I think their love is more than strong enough to make it through this period. I'm excited for the future and all I can hope is that they don't make a bigger cliché out of it than it's necessary.

Other characters get so much growth too, Jackson accepts that he cannot be with Cal and goes running with his mom, which I think indicates that he is starting to find himself. Ola and Lily talk things through and Lily accepts herself for who she is, realizing she is not strange, rather unique. Eric breaks up with Adam. Well this was definitely painful, they had many problems, but breaking up seems a little much. Maybe the fact that he cheated on Adam indicates very clearly that this was never going to work, like a subconscious sign.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the future. They set up sooo many things in this season. It's actually kind of crazy. Hopefully they keep up the great writing of the show and show us finally how this Maeve-Otis dynamic will really work.
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Here's round up for the season
AfricanBro30 September 2021
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S3 took an entirely different approach. S1 was more about grabbing our attention, full of laughter and cute moments, S2 was more mature and explored the emotional aspect of the show more and S3 was really about character development were we see the characters mellow. The last couple episodes, this inclusive, really lay the foundation for S4 as well.

Now the next bit is just an extra bit, stuff I wanted to get off my chest. An extra long bit.

Of course I'm all for Otis and ruby end game now, despite spending the previous two seasons hoping it was gonna be Maeve. It's been on and off, keeping us guessing throughout whether they were gonna end up together or not and it got annoying, but after seeing how quickly she forgave Isaac I figured that's it, isn't it. The only glimpse we had of Otis and Maeve as we remember was when they got stranded together. I think the writers deliberately distanced her and Otis throughout the season to prepare us for her departure(either from the show completely or just the country). Thinking about the show in it's entirety, we'd probably still support Otis and Maeve, but thinking of it as things stood in S3,even without the whole America aspect they just don't seem like working out.

Otis and ruby on the other hand, despite being arguably the most antithetic characters in the show had some really beautiful chemistry which is why it hurt so much to see ruby hurt like that. They didn't last long but it was one of the seasons highlights.

It's irksome to think of about how the main characters are the villains this season, Otis hurt ruby(unintentional), same with Eric and Adam. I understand they had to break up because they were at different stages in their life, but he didn't have to kiss another dude, did he. Adam had the best character development in the show and he deserved so much better at the end of the season.

Lol Rahim as well, after spending so much time reading adam's unimpressive poetry dedicated to Rahim's ex, he deserved so much more that poop storyline. It's hilarious and so unnecessary.

One other thing that deserves mention is how much Maeve and Aimee's friendship has grown this season. They're miles apart in terms of personality yet they're still one of the best pairings in the show. I love aimee's script, she says the most out of pocket things and Maeve listens, there's no judgement between them.

I loved Eric's maturity, his self realization and how he handled the situation with Lily when he went to see her. It showed us that the old Otis was still there who wanted to help people. I loved how he gave this perfect little heart to heart speech outside her door and first thing she did when she opened it was ask why he was sitting on her floor.

I'm sad to see lily let her weirdness go because I relate to her so much despite being a dude. Not in the "alieny" or sexual stuff but I did have to let go of a lot of weird stuff I'm into towards the end of high school and beginning of college. I used love gothic art and I was the only one, so people thought it was either weird or satanic, eventually I just stopped and now that I started drawing again I find that I've lost a lot of my creativity/imagination along with my drawing skills. So I'm hoping lily finds herself again next season and people who're more accepting. Getting back with Ola as well, but more as a friend and not dating.

I feel like this reviews getting too long so I'll be keep it short with the last few things. I loved how Jean and Jakob's relationship has progressed, I'm glad the writers didn't just swiftly throw Ola into Jean's pregnancy and make her okay with a new family and baby half-sibling while still mourning her mum. Big twist coming with that paternity test though. Micheal Groffs character is also really depressing but he's taken such huge leaps in self realization and trying to better himself and hopefully he can manage to mend his relationship with his son. Sort his life out. I like how much of Hope haddon they revealed to us, and how she sorta confided in Otis(again speaking to his maturity). Cal and Jackson, not everything ended well but I think it ended well, showed that both characters were mature enough to deal with them not working out, and in the sidelines also helped Jackson open up a bit more to his mother, which was amazing to see after the past seasons' tensions.

That's it folks, thanks if you read thus far lol.
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I hope Maeve doesn't leave the show
wvisby20 September 2021
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It's always a bad sign when the main character leaves to go to another place place off screen but I really hope she doesn't leave the show I hope she comes back

Also what's up with the DNA test at the end with Jean I'm saying jakub is not the father.
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Keep on keeping on
mertafor17 September 2021
I could say there are several over-dramatic, exaggerated subjects and even minor inconsistencies to make a point this season but no complaints here, overall it has been a great one. Instead of evolving the story around the main characters, which could be much easier for writers, they introduced new ones and provided background stories to certain side characters to make them more involved and even likeable.

Usually british shows start off well and drop the ball somewhere around second season but it's surprising to that this show still maintains the quality and wit even in the third season. Probably the most American British TV Show I've ever seen, the perfect chemistry I suppose.

As usual, Netflix pushes the limits to make things political yet it didn't bother me at all thanks to high skilled writers and the nature of the show. In short, it's all very well handled, looking forward to future episodes.
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life is about mistakes and repercussions.
vishalmellark19 September 2021
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Season 3 of SE is scintillating and the boldest the show has ever been. I loved how some character's story arcs were flushed out beautifully . Jean and aimee , two women struggling to accept the change in their life . Adam and ruby , they opened up to people more than they thought they would ( even if that ended up hurting them ) . Otis deserves honestly all the heartbreak , he chose maeve over ruby , maeve deserves heartbreak too, maeve is just selfish , she should've not kissed issac in the first place , she literally says she needs him in her life . She's all over the place.

Otis is better and happy with ruby. Ruby opens up and tries new things when she's with otis. They complement each other well. I think they are going to be the final pair as emma mackey is not interested in playing maeve anymore .

Brilliant soundtrack , cinematography , editing and acting .


Sex education is a masterclass . Must watch .
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majid-alansari20 September 2021
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I have always wanted to see Otis truly appreciating his mother. We finally see it in this episode and it was beautifully done!
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A decent ending to a...ok season
Dannyboi9420 September 2021
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Sex Ed season 3 was ok, not as good as season 2, and not even close to as good as season 1. Most of this season seems to have focused less on Maeve and Otis and more of less interesting characters. Like this new one, Cal, who is the worst thing about this season. Even Eric is slidelined this season.

The storyline between Ruby and Otis was the highlight, their relationship was very interesting, and it's a shame the writers shoved it into a ditch without a second thought. The new head teacher Hope, was a good new villian to the show, with a nice little side storyline about her, but again, the writers did nothing with it.

Season 3 wasn't bad, it had a lot of good moments, like S3 Ep 5. That episode was amazing, but aside from that, this season has been a little disappointing. I wanted more Otis and Ruby/Maeve, and less new borning characters. They even managed to make Jean irritating at times, and how could they manage that? She is a great character and they turned her into this moaning woman complaining about white men. C'mon Sex Ed, we know this show is a bit progressive, but we don't need to know about it every 5 seconds.

It was sad to see Maeve leave, she was a great character, but I hope that next season, that does mean more time with Otis and Ruby. Just keep Cal's screentime to a minimum. No one wants this new one. Give us more Eric and Adam instead.
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Okay ending to a great season.
seanwriter20 September 2021
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This ending was really rushed imo. I think they set up the season quite well but the writers probably panicked and didn't know what to do so they gave us an okay ending. I do feel like we are back to where we started with this ending. Eric is single again. Otis and Maeve is going nowhere and now she's going off to America? It also doesn't help that there's rumors Emma who plays Maeve is done with this show and if that's true I'll be proper mad because why give us that ending if she might not be coming back? Why even have Otis and Maeve start having a relationship if she might be done? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

I also think we don't get closure for a lot of characters this season. Like Michael and Ruby. They spent a lot of time developing their characters this season just for them to drop their storyline? Both of them are finally likeable characters and they just tossed them aside out of nowhere? I hope they give us more episodes soon i need a lot of questions answers.
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Near Perfect Season
jarjarbinks-5151418 September 2021
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This season had a perfect game heading into the ninth inning, but beamed the final out with an inside fastball, aka this was a near perfect season. The character arch's were fantastic, loved Ruby being a huge part in the beginning, but they kinda messed up leaving her completely out pretty much the last couple episodes. And then Otis and Maeve were finally a thing until she decided to LEAVE THE COUNTRY. Like come on writers, we've been dying for years to see them together and you tease us like that, shake my damn head. Overall my favorite season up until the last 15 minutes of the last episode, just beyond frustrating.
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Quite disappointing and repetitive
saveedali17 September 2021
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So we ended season 2 with Eric and Rahim splitting up because Eric realized he loved Adam more and Otis acts like a complete idiot but then makes up with his mum and everyone else but he still doesn't end up together with Maeve. Fast forward 8 episodes and Eric has broken up again but this time with Adam because he realizes that this isn't what he wants, and Otis yet again acted like an ignorant and selfish idiot but then makes up with his mum again and then makes up with Maeve but they aren't together again.

See what I meant by repetitive here? Because it's back to where we were at the start of the season which is quite annoying

The ending was quite rushed as Maeve makes the decision to leave without consulting Otis and Otis doesn't make a plea for her to stay and it ends as if everything is fine.

Lily re-discovering her interest into her alien fantasies was also rushed and had zero development at all as she also just happens to like what she does after she is asked for one autograph after being tormented and bullied for it by the rest of the school?

This season also failed to give any direction to Ruby's relationship with Otis or Isaac's relationship with Maeve. Both of these end abruptly and then these characters are sidelined without any development as to what happens next for them or if they still have feelings for their counter-parts which is quite disappointing

Overall the finale failed to conclude some crucial storylines, and rushed the things it did without much elaboration which is quite a shame as the show did really well in it's first two seasons.
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Season lived up to my expectations but not this episode necessarily
ahk-3771417 September 2021
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Season three has easily been the best season out of the three. There wasn't anything wrong or that I disliked about this season because it lived up to what we wanted. We finally saw Maeve and Otis together, kind of. And when it happened it was one of the best moments. But the fact Maeve goes to America, it just ruins the whole thing between them, and there's rumours that Emma Mackey may not return and this is may be exactly why. I really hope there is a season 4 and possibly 5 because there's still soo much more they can do with these characters because no one ends the season with the strong end to their personal story, expect Maeve. Overall that I was the only issue. This episode alike to the others are just amazing.
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Just a few words for Adam and Michael
charlieshread26 September 2021
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Most of the reviews here have focused on other characters, so I just want to put a spotlight on Adam and his father Michael and I think the final episode of season 3 is an apt place to give credit.

The growth that both these characters have gone through has been simply incredible. Michael was built up in season 1 as the "bad headteacher", but since we've got to know him better we have been brought on a wonderful journey of failure, crisis and searching for meaning. Michael attempts to improve himself and become the man that is worthy of winning back the love of his wife Maureen. It is a spectacularly joyful scene when Maureen and Michael reunite for one passionate night, though Michael's heartbreak is not entirely recovered when Maureen devices this will be too confusing for Adam, so they better stay separate, for now...

And speaking of Adam, wow. This character has gone through the most profound change of all the characters in the show, and that is a big statement. Sex Education is a deeply sensitive and emotional story with richly developed characters and Adam Groff is the most exemplary. Beginning the series as an angry bully and somewhat of an offensive thug, we've seen Adam open up to becoming beautifully sensitive, caring, courageous and a bully no more. His relationship with Eric transformed him completely and seeing Adam come out and begin to accept who he is such a joy to watch. Then in the final episode of season 3 ...BIG SPOILER... Eric ends the relationship with him, WHY ERIIIIC, WHY YOU DO THIS?!! Leaving Adam utterly heartbroken and that was one of the most heartbreaking emotional scenes I've ever experienced. I was expecting him to throw himself off that bridge, but thankfully he seemed to be resilient and he was enjoying himself at the dog show. It seems that Rahim and Adam have more in common now that both of them have been dumped by Eric, so who knows, maybe they'll be matched in season 4.

So I want to thank the writers of this show for creating such beautiful characters - basically all of the ten or so main characters in this fantastic ensemble are wonderfully developed - and I would like to give extra credit where it is due for the development of the characters Adam and Michael as well as a huge applause for the great performances that all of the actors on this series deliver and especially Connor Swindells who is incredible.
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Otis breakdown scene
vinayrahulsahal20 September 2021
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Simply the best scene of the season was when otis breakdown when he thought jean was going to die.
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This isn't a goodbye, it's a see you soon
DjDarkrai1020 September 2021
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And hopefully we do see this show again soon because i am going to miss it. Season 3 was a bumpy ride, although personally it was my favorite season so far. Lot's of ridiculous melodramatic love triangles and a Mrs Trunchbull-esque antagonist made the season very divisive but I personally loved the ridiculousness and drama.

The finale was a perfect conclusion to this season and managed to get me laughing, crying, and smiling the entire way through.

Otis's session with hope was really sweet and the final moments between him and maeve were perfect.

Excited to see where the show goes from here,

See you soon.
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More characters to enjoy. Can't wait for season 4!
dpoland-7658921 September 2021
For a part of the season I was unsure how I felt but overall I was so excited to see more done with Adam (especially), Ruby, parents etc. Otis and Maeve are not forgotten of course, but that story in itself is not sustainable.

I did miss Ruby for the last few episodes so not super jazzed about the writers dropping characters that no longer serve the Otis-Maeve story.

Hope to see Ruby and her friends again. Even Hope wasn't completely wrapped up I think.

A great season though.
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ronaldoteen18 September 2021
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I love it so much this episode, was amazing and heartbreaking end.
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Season Three Review
southdavid28 September 2021
When I wrote my review of season two of "Sex Education" around 18 months ago, I said that "For my money, it wasn't quite as good as the first season, but it was still excellent stuff." For my money, season three isn't quite as good as season two, but it was still enjoyable stuff.

After a summer away, the class of Moordale college come back to some changes, such as a new headteacher, Hope (Jemima Kirke) who has some plans for rehabilitating the schools image, in the wake of last years negative press. Though initially open, her plans include severely decreasing the freedoms the students have previously enjoyed. Having not spoken to Maeve (Emma Mackey) all summer, Otis (Asa Butterfield) has begun an unlikely relationship with the schools leading fashionista Ruby (Mimi Keene), though this is a closely guarded secret.

Though my reviews tend to only give the second paragraph to plot summation, "Sex Education" is now such an ensemble piece that I haven't managed to detail even half of the stories that make up the run. Other's include Jean's pregnancy, the relationship between Eric and Adam, between Lily and Ola and a much larger role for Alistair Petrie as Mr Groff, discovering that he misses all that he's lost and the reasons why he's so emotionally distant. The show also includes a year trip to the battlefields of France and, for Eric, a trip to Nigeria - where prejudice against his sexuality is a matter of life and death.

I thought this season was again, really good, and we powered through it in only a few days. I do feel that it suffered somewhat by straying away from the actual 'education' aspect of the show and into more of a traditional comedy drama. I also think, looking back having seen the run, that it does end up being rather inconsequential. Very little has actually changed from the end of the last run, at this point. Though there are a couple of storylines that will run on into season four.

Again, though I'd argue that each season of the show has been inferior to the preceding one, it remains a really fun and funny experience and I'll certainly be back for the fourth (though I would, perhaps, advocate ending it then).
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Good season, sad ending
btwjonathan19 September 2021
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Why did eric break up with adam. They were so nice as a couple. Eric broke rahim and now adam like common know what you want. Maeve and otis were almost together but then america came so yeah. I did reallly ship otis and rubyy they were a good couple.
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Amazing season but thIs episode is such a missed opportunity
Joaograff18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Should have ended the show in this episode

(Three years of high school one season for each)

Now it just feels like they're forcing another season, so annoying they could've ended it in a perfect way, the writers are brilliant! And it could've been one of the best shows of Netflix, but now i feel like season 4 is gonna ruin it.

Also Adam and Eric breaking up was annoying cuz it seemed like Eric didn't really care, but adam is the best such a great character development and he is my favorite character on the show this season

I hope they will be able to do a good season cuz i love that show and there are so many good things about it, but i don't really see that happening, we'll have to wait and see

Overall great season with a disappointing finale.
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What happen?
miguelcesar20 September 2021
In the last 4 episodes the series seems to have been written by other writers.

Ruby was the best character of the show in the 1st half just to have 10 min lines with the 2nd half of the show.

No one cares about maeve and otis as a couple.

Please fix this in s4 Ruby and otis as a couple was the best thing ever done in sex Education.
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Scared For Maeve
tahmid-saad18 September 2021
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So I had a few problems with this season but overall I still think it was my favorite season to watch.

My first problem is how they treated the Ruby and Ottis part. Like some times it was super cute and other times it was frustrating. I think it was written to be this way however it still makes me frustrated. Like I respect Ottis not leading Ruby on but she loved him because he wasn't like other guys. Yeah he's dorky but he cares and I really liked that. So I'm really hoping they have a friendship outside of school that they can build off of each other and Ruby can continue to love Ottis as a friend because she really opened up to him and I don't want to see her fall back into the mean girl persona

The second problem was I am really annoyed the baby isn't Jackobs. I know they gotta add some drama but it's very frustrating because I want both of them to be happy and together and while they can be it's just gonna cause even more problems.

My third problem was Eric's character this season. I was really pissed that he cheated on Adam. It wasn't even in a moment of impulse..he just did it and that was infuriating because this would be the second time he cheated in the series. I just don't want to think of Eric as some nasty cheater when that's who he's supposed to be. It also kinda grossed me out that the guy he kissed clearly wasn't a teenager...probably late 20's to early 30's. And that's wrong no matter what relationship you are in.

Then my forth problem was it felt like they split the characters up way too much this season which I was upset about. I wanted to see more of them together but the writers chose to make them go through their own stories which were all very well written and interesting to watch but it just didn't work for me all that much.

Then lastly this isn't a problem but rather just something I wanted to talk about. Meave and Ottis...yes they aren't together but I was very satisfied with their relationship. Unlike the last two seasons they basically confirmed at one point they will be together. They both love each other no matter what happens. And I was happy with that decision. They no longer are a will they won't they.

However despite these problems I loved every minute of this season and would easily say it's my favorite out of the three and would give it a 9/10.
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Good Season but maybe this show is confused?
Hal207818 September 2021
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The show has become less and less about Maeve and Otis, focusing on more characters and can do so really well. Adam is a great example of changing expectations and growing him into an extremely likeable person. The stuff with Moordale felt like the show wants to end but purposefully leaves things unresolved with characters like Mr Groff. I thought Otis figuring out that he isn't someone who can just stand by and not get involved was great. All he wants to do is help people at the end and he can do it all by himself if he has to. The very end with Maeve leaving is where I'm not sure what the show wants to be about? I think for her it's the right decision and she can't pass it up but There is clearly more to be explored with how Otis and her will develop so far apart but then a 4th season has a lot of speculation of it will even happen so is this it? Good ending to this season but maybe not to the whole show...
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