"The Book of Boba Fett" Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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The punishment Fetts the crime.
southdavid13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, if I was hoping that the initial episode was a bit of a blip, an idea that was held up somewhat by the second episode, this third one has me wondering again. Whilst not completely awful, it has introduced an aspect to the show that is so cringeworthy, I think I'm trying still to mentally block it out.

In the past, Boba (Temuera Morrison) heads into town to collect the tribute from the Pyke Syndicate but on his return to the raiders camp, finds that they have been slaughtered by the biker gang. He sets off on a Bantha, looking for revenge. In the present, he secures the help of a local gang, by way of ending a trade dispute, but is then attacked in his private chambers by Black Krrsantan. Team Fett eventually subdue and capture the paid assassin. Rather than escalate though, the twins come with a token of apology and say that they are leaving Tatooine, as a new and dangerous clan is arriving to stake a claim.

I'm going to start with the bit I absolutely hated, which was Boba's new gang of misfit mods. Boba Fett lived on in the minds of Star Wars fans because he looked cool. I understand why he doesn't keep the helmet on all the time, Temuera Morrison is around on set a lot more than Pedro Pascal is and having two shows where the lead is masked the whole time might be a bit weird. The surrounding world should remain cool looking, Tusken Raiders look cool, Danny Trejo delivering a Rancor looked cool, the new masked clan at the end looked cool. This gang though, riding around on their dayglo space Vespas do not look cool, or capable, and their chase scene with the mayor's underling was the series second embarrassingly awful action scene in three episodes.

I also didn't like the fact that for the third straight episode we've have a change in who the primary antagonist is.

To be clear, none of this means that I'm going to stop watching the show. I'm eager to see his revenge on the biker gang, for Krrsantan to inevitably join forces with him and for him to ride into battle astride his new Rancor. . but please, just a bit cooler from here on out.
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Strong production values, solid performances, but weak on storytelling, characters and dialogue
snoozejonc12 January 2022
Boba Fett faces up to a fight to keep his territory.

I personally find this one to be a so so episode that isn't particularly memorable.

It starts with a big and lazily written exposition dump explained via dialogue in the opening scene. What follows are a series of fairly lacklustre exchanges between Boba Fett and various other characters. Most of the scenes set in the present are quite simplistic, with bland dialogue and devoid of any real intrigue. I did not find any of the new characters introduced particularly engaging. It seems more like a tick box exercise to appeal to a younger audience.

The plot (I think ) is attempting to build up to a big conflict between Fett and another faction for control of Tatooine's criminal world, but there is very little suspense developed.

The flashback scenes with Tuskens are the most interesting as it does give Fett some additional motivation to fight the biker gang. I also enjoyed the baby Rancor scene which hopefully might lead on to something good in the upcoming chapters.

No performances really stand out for me. Temuera Morrison is a solid lead action hero, but the role has not called for any acting challenges yet.

Visually it looks impressive with all the state of the art technology used for the landscapes of Tatooine, but the action spectacle was for me largely forgettable.
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Poorly conceived, under-written and excruciatingly padded
RogerBorg12 January 2022
Oh dear. After such a strong episode 2, this series is already flailing and fumbling around with a frankly dull and dragging filler episode.

It's not unwatchable, but only because of Morrison and Wen, who do their usual purposeful best with the meagre material. Danny Trejo is in it too, but get just a few lines of cookie-cutter dialogue that he can't do much with. There are a couple of the welcome callbacks to the original movies, including a spider-droid that's animated to look like 1980s stop-motion, a nice little touch.

But everything else is pretty much a hovertrain wreck. The writing feels like a bare outline that never got fleshed out with detail or dialog, and every scene is dragged out far beyond its content. Very little actually happens beyond introducing new characters and plot points, and oh dear, those characters.

Say hello to the Hover Scooter Cockney Cyborg Teens, and yet, that's exactly as awful and cringe-inducing as it sounds. Even the rancor is a moody teenager. Sure, there's an imposing wookie bounty hunter but he only gets one plodding, insipid and mild action scene.

In that vein, the character of Fett has been so bowdlerised here as to be almost unrecognisable. Mercy taken to extreme is just weakness, and that's what we see here. Has Boba taken some sort of vow not to kill that we missed?

The lowlight of the episode though has to be a genuinely awful "speeder" chase scene that fails on multiple levels. It's clearly intended as a homage to 1970s car chases, and does have some callbacks to those, but it's dreadfully badly implemented. Slow, dragging, with shockingly shoddy effects and zero excitement or peril. Oh dear, and I think that was meant to be the big showcase of the episode.

When it all thankfully came to an end and we got the storyboard art, I was left wondering how they'd managed to fill so much time with so little content. It's a poor advert for continuing to watch, although I'm sure we all will anyway.
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Just one simple question...
rsvp32113 January 2022
Where - where in the whole Star Wars universe, has anything like the four bedazzled power rangers and their bedazzled scooters appeared?!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

So *lame*, and a great big fail.
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Time to admit it....
iamjohhnylaw12 January 2022
This was just abysmal. Too many things wrong to count. This episode will go down in infamy. Should end up with around a 6.0 rating here or worse when it's all said and done. The speederbike chase is as bad as anything Star Wars has ever endured. Shameful mess.
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Best parts are flashbacks
AleksandrBelenko12 January 2022
You can guess which are the worst.

Bobba Fett as a crime lord is unconvincing. All the citizens under his rule disrespect him. There are other fractions that are trying to kill him, but he just sits tight and does nothing.

He would prefer to solve a problem of local theft than attack his enemies.

He is portrayed as a wise man, that thinks through the situation before his judgement. That's great, but as a bounty hunter, as a criminal, he is a softie.

And that's a shame that main character is polar opposite to what he was before and should be now. Otherwise, even this episode is pretty good.
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Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa
Prismark1013 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All this needed was some songs by The Who and it would have been a space age Quadrophenia.

If only Sting was available. He was too busy doing Only Murders in the Building. We do get Danny Trejo as the Rancor Keeper.

Well I rather liked the space Vespa car chase with the Mayor's assistant who is driving a Cadillac, the kind you find in Cuba. It was cheesy fun and you can spot some popular robotic machinery on the road.

Boba Fett is still not much of the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. In every fight scenes, he needs assistance.

The Tusken Raiders I'm afraid are not in this much. They have been slaughtered.

It leads to a bigger villain, even the Hutt twins quickly take their leave from Tatooine.

As for the Wookie, there is a big fight scene where Boba Fett does not need his Baca tank after getting some serious injuries. That Wookie bites. Instead he lets another have it to recuperate from their injuries.

I do not think getting that Wookie to run away was a good idea. It really did look like a man in a suit.
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rmmil12 January 2022
I've enjoyed the series so far, but episode 3 was a misstep for exactly one reason: That dang chase scene.

Star Wars is usually pretty good with chase scenes, but this one was painfully slow, and the entire esthetic of the biker gang and their Vespa scooters was way off, not "Star Wars" at all.

I know the chase was supposed to be a call-back to 1970's car chase films, but it was just executed so poorly.

Did I mention how much I hate those scooters? I really hope we don't see that group much going forward, but fear we will (gotta attract Gen Z SOMEHOW!).
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Did i watch the same episode as everyone?
amooorales13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what's with all the low reviews, i enjoyed this episode alot and not sure what everyone is complaining about. I thought this episode is great at showing the power struggles that Boba is going through right now, and how he doesnt know who to trust just yet. While slowly building his crew he recruits some new biker gang, and i admit they do feel a bit out of place, almost like some kids from that show Euphoria on HBO max. But they got a cool concept behind them being half machine half human. Boba is making his moves carefully to ensure his throne doesn't get threatened. The baby rancor scene was pretty wholesome too. I like the direction the story is going. You can downvote me idc. This episode was good.
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Poorly Executed - Robert Rodriguez is a bad fit
Ellimof12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a great episode last week, The Book of Boba Fett took a step back this week. For me, it is mainly because Robert Rodriguez is back in the director's chair.

My main complaint is how bad the action was done in this episode. The fight with Black Krrsantan was awkward and slow. He was so intimidating in the last episode, but comes across as a guy in a monkey suit fighting a bunch of teenagers in this episode. Then comes the biker chase scene later in the episode which comes across EXTREMELY slow. Maybe the slowest high speed chase in tv history haha. These issues fall on bad direction and poor editing by the director.

Besides the bad action, there is just awkward pacing which I felt in the last Robert Rodriguez episode. So far, I'm not impressed with him. His style comes across as amateur and fan made. Then there's just some weird character choices like Boba smiling while petting a rancor and talking to it like a puppy. That just doesn't feel very Boba Fett. The biker gang as a whole has a weird aesthetic, and seem unnecessary at the moment.

These issues I mentioned just take me out of the world and don't bring the immersive experience that Star Wars usually is. From a story aspect, not much is happening so far in this show, and episodes like this make it really drag. Thankfully, I believe this is the last episode directed by Robert Rodriguez for the rest of the season. I'm sure it'll get better, but I just expected better production from a Star Wars show.
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All the bad guys are good now.
mluinstra13 January 2022
First Boba Fett becomes the bounty hunter with the heart of gold, then the Sand people become misunderstood and oppressed and now the Rankor is a puppy dog. I don't know how many times someone has talked back or threatened Boba Fett and he just lets it slide or hires them. I'm starting to think he is a coward.

Plus they now have speeders that look like Earth motorcycles. Why not?

This episode was another boring one. If I have to watch that scene where young Boba Fett watches his father leave that water planet (where the cloning facility is) on his ship again, I will scream.

I'm not getting this show at all. It's losing whatever Star War feel it had and becoming it's own beast. Either way, it's boring so far.
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This episode is overhated
posibleantonio12 January 2022
I personally think that this has been a good and decent episode, despite not being the best of the season, reasonably.

It is a short episode which has the enough plot development and nice references to the Star Wars saga (the pykes or the Rancor) while adding new elements to the lore, such as the bikers, which I enjoyed and will help Boba to remain its rule in Tatooine.

I think people are expecting too much from a middle-season episode, so just wait for the finale to be surprised, meanwhile, enjoy the show.
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Boba Fett has 7 useless bodyguards
ohroonoko13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, the Gamorreans are shown to be weak. I expected these guys to be tough, and ferocious, like NFL linebackers fishing their way through the offensive line and sacking the QB with extremely unnecessary roughness. But just like we saw in Chapter 2, they're good for nothing.

Boba Fett was such a badass in The Mandalorian. Now we see him all wet in his undies getting the life squeezed out of him and his toes curling up. Pathetic!

Boba Fett now has 7 bodyguards: Fennec, the 2 Gamorreans, and the 4 Go Go Power Ranger Scooter Gang Punks. But not one of them was guarding him when he was at his most vulnerable, snoozing in his bacta tank?

Let's not talk about that low speed Landspeeder chase that could have ended at any point in time because Boba Fett has a jetpack.
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Star Wars isn't cyberpunk
Eli_Elvis17 January 2022
Terrible episode. What was Rodriguez thinking?

The power rangers biker gang was a huge miss. Why can't they pay for water if they have crazy bikes and implants? It's like kids wearing Burberry and saying they can't pay for food.

That chase scene was an abomination. Bad editing? Idk?

The only good thing was the black wookie.

Too slow, too soft. This isn't Bobba Fett. This is Disney.
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Painfully bad....
sumtim3s00n12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The moment the chick opened her mouth (amongst the United Colors of Benetton youth) when Boba addressed her, one knew it is going to be just another clichee tv trope. OH no! The merchant is really bad! And the poor kiddies have no other way but to steal their way through life. Boba sympathises :( , poor poor kiddies.

They could at least build/portray us a harsh life and world of Tatooine and the person Boba had to become before showing us he is still good underneath(not counting the pathetic Dances with wolfes). Instead we see him constantly being a pathetic loser who does nothing and is compassionate with everyone all the time. Im all for compassion but come on, the show is supposed to be entertainment.

This, is so bad I have trouble believing Favreau had anything to do with it. It is sticking to EVERY trope and basic of the "writers handbook 101" there is and doing the whole season on a budget Im guessing is the equivalent of half an episode of Expanse.

Just cancel this travesty.
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Rancor should kill the spy kids
yzwprnxh14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the rancid. Hated almost everything else. Do SOMETHING, Boba, anything! Go talk with the other families or kill the pykes, I don't know, just do!

It's really tiresome seeing him do nothing and be weak.
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The Power Rangers of Tatooine
lucafarina12 January 2022
It's not a good episode but not a complete disaster. That coloured squad is orrible!!! They look like Power Rangers with these speeders.

Seriously the worst episode yet.

I'm losing interest in this story.
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Oh Rodriguez...
ultroks14 January 2022
That gang with clean bright colors and shiny bikes without a slightest dust on it, is so out of place for Mos Eisley... felt that they came from some cyberpunk universe rather than SW.

Chase scenes felt so slow and poorly directed, with Back To The Future only much worse... But not everything was bad, Rancor scene was pretty good and hope we see more of Danny character in future...
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LMFAO - Bedazzled power ranger bikes??
ScoobySnacks6614 January 2022
So far this is the worst episode of the series. It's feeling less like Star Wars and more like a franchise designed to sell merch at the Disney store. The chase scene and bedazzled power ranger bikes with the young cyberpunks was all cringe inducing. I can imagine the Disney marketing execs worrying that Temuera Morrison (who is awesome btw) is too old and not hip enough to sell merchandise so they decided to bring in some younger cyber punks to ride some ridiculous, brightly coloured hover-Vespas in the most boring chase scene in Star Wars history to connect with the younger demographic. Lame.

Hoping that Krrsantan returns to team up with Boba's crew, the cyber punks teleport back to one of Rodriguez's Spy Kids movies and Boba riding his pet Rancor delivers some sweet, sweet vengeance.
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Hit and Miss
franzul12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Truely...the bike gang was lame and the chase scene poorley made... But omg this Rancor gave me everything i have ever wanted!!

10/10 for that Rancor scene, 5/10 for the rest.
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By far the worst Star Wars episode Favreau has ever done
ctkoch-4535621 January 2022
The 4 super color saturated speeders, complete with angst teens absolutely ruined this episode for me. Like Mos Eisley is a wretched pit right? I mean at least make them dirty? I can't believe that idea was 'ok'd' by Favreau. Everybody deserves a mulligan, so I'll let this 1 pass as most his work in the Star Wars universe has obviously been splendid.
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Rodrigues OUT, Sequel-esque Disney Star Wars
joshcowham12 January 2022
I'm genuinely a bit depressed after watching Episode 3. Rodrigues just destroyed the beautiful world building of Steph Greens fabulous episode 2. The tuskens were just cast aside and replaced with power rangers. WHO THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA? They look so out of place. How did Black Krrsantan get defeated by a bunch of teenagers yet he is a feared and ruthless bounty hunter who is working for THE HUTTS???!!!!! Wtf. The story has no RESPECT. Jon should know better. Embarrasing . Get Steph Green back & Rodrigues AWAY from our franchise he is worse than Rian - so selfish - he's trying to turn Star Wars into spy kids .
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Definitely the odd one out.
walljacobd12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Came for Boba Fett. Stayed for Danny Trejo and the Rancor. Pefection.

Regardless of the back to the future chase scene. I swear, that biker gang was taken right out of BttF 2. It seemed a little bit out of place. Plus the first time we see Fett use his jetpack and it was kind of underwhelming. Fett could've chased him... All said and done, it was a great episode. The weakest so far but still good.
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Colorful "biker" (moped) gang is so lame
drummer091325 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Moped gang brings the wrong vibe to the show. They belong in Whoville, not Star Wars. The scene of them chasing the mayors was so cringy and looked terrible. Why were they going so uncomfortably slow? Please have Boba help them with their style and, get rid of the scooters and give them speeders or kill them off.
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Oh, good lord.
W011y4m513 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I audibly sighed & then said to myself "not MORE flashbacks" in this episode... Which just encapsulates how painfully repetitive, predictable & monotonous this series is quickly becoming.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I then had to sit through an awfully contrived introduction of stereotypically young, "hip", "edgy" & "cool" characters - who act like hormonal teenagers, riding futuristic motorcycles - so the old protagonist can surround himself with a crew that'll hopefully look less dated, relating to youthful audiences more, in the hopes that he seems more "down with the kids".

No idea if this means we're supposed to perceive him as some kind of lovable space grandad but okay?

Furthermore, I get Disney is a soulless, corporate production company that's motivated entirely by greed, which views its major properties as nothing but marketable brands - heavily influenced by what's deemed "commercial" / "profitable" at the moment, as trends change... But the brazenness of the reasoning behind this creative decision here seemed particularly desperate, as if their inclusion was solely to boost optics & remain relevant.

Embarrassingly superficial.
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