The Wandering Earth II (2023) Poster

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Beautfully made, but pacing problems
yooniverse17 April 2023
Over the last decade, Chinese cinema has made giant leaps and bounds in terms of quality and sophistication of their films, especially in sci-fi genre. The Wandering Earth and this prequel, The Wandering Earth II, is a significant milestone. As a prequel, it has more depth in the story than the first, though the premise behind the main conflict is a bit shallow to be believed, as if "digital life" and survival of the planet are mutually exclusive. Pizza OR pepperoni? What kind of a decision is that? You still need the pizza, with or without the pepperoni.

But like its predecessor, the problem is pacing. The story is grand, an epic tale of an audacious plan to save mankind and Earth from the dying sun. But the pacing is so ridiculously fast, that it's difficult to enjoy and appreciate it. It's so focused on the crisis from all angles that it feels like every scene and every shot is less than two seconds long. For subtitle readers, it's even worse to follow. On top of that, there is visual information overload, with names flashing on the screen. There is so much going on, you will be afraid to blink and miss an important plot point.

And then there are the annoying tropes. I think this is the third or fourth Chinese film and TV show I've recently watched that has a shrill little girl/daughter yelling and crying "Baba! Baba!" to stoke our sympathy and emotional attachment to. And, where do they find these foreign actors?!? They cannot act and they are loud. Perhaps this is how they want to portray westerners, but there are plenty of international films shown in China--they have to know how bad these actors are, right? With so many actors (waiters) in Hollywood looking for work, you'd think it'd be easy to find more passable supporting cast.

Despite all this, you're not going to watch The Wandering Earth series for the acting--this is a CGI spectacle. It's gorgeous, and if you treat it like cut scenes from a triple-A video game, you'll enjoy it a lot.
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Better than Earth1 and expect for the next
Bobcorn00826 January 2023
Earth 2 has no ridiculous young man to do stupid things like in Earth 1, characters do the best to solve problems. Performers did their best in characterizing, and the story makes the Wandering Earth Project more reasonable. But personally, it has some cons:

1. Obvious post dubbing. Many characters talk in different mouth shapes, especially the black boy like he was talkin English but pronounced the others. These scenes quite disturb the watching.

2. The data and the effects of Earth Engines seems not right. It's not spoilers but if you started Earth suddenly you should have massive earthquakes, huge tsunamis and weather disasters... Oh I'm going to spoil so I have to shut now. Hope you've watched Earth1.

3. You got VR tec android but you ummmm why don't you guys create more operating bots? Oop I didn't spoil I'm talking about the trailers.

Still, I will give 7.5/10 for this movie. Hope they can fix cons and do well in the next. This gonna be a great series.
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Some feelings
adachen-9886222 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Words that keep flashing through my mind. Utilitarianism, the good of most people; individual hero: indifferent Creator, eternal history; the value of liberal arts students once again useless hahaha (archaeological pictures count?) The movie's been showing a problem: if you are a train conductor, two tracks, one above two people, one above ten people, where do you want to press. This is also the teacher repeatedly in that phrase "fair". From Liu Peiqiang shut his teammates out of the door to fight with the people who destroyed the space elevator, to Han Doduo to give his son's father a place in the dungeon, to his escape to give up his position to others, to over 50 years old to detonate the nuclear bomb. I can't help but wonder if someone is evil if he goes against the good of most people.

The red light that keeps flashing on 550W, that is the relentless monitor, like our Creator. It doesn't matter what humans think at this moment, our joys and sorrows, nor our hopes for the future. We are merely a part of history.

The final quote from Moss, "The optimal solution to save mankind is to destroy mankind," is a terrible thing to think about.

If destruction is the optimal solution for history, human beings will definitely try their best to avoid destruction, even if the end is the same.

This reminds me of another short story written by Daliu, Cretaceous Past, the story of the destruction of dinosaurs.
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The Meandering Earth
agof17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
English subtitles by Coleen Chua

I barely remember The Wandering Earth. It was a poorly told complete mess of dated comedy and cheap overly dramatic drama. Good thing The Wandering Earth 2 is actually The Wandering Earth 0. I bet there is intertextuality and references to the original film, that i've missed. But this being a prequel means it's a new independent story that starts right here.

Watching this feels like reading Foundation a bunch of disparate anecdotes on the given topic.

It starts as an Emmerich disaster epic with tired comedy and a lot of CGI destruction. It's like Don't Look Up, where commie party of zhonghua has saved the world in a jackpot chain of last second lucky rolls. The digital life project, and its terrorist supporters are stupid. This is not Diaspora, the entirety of humankind is still stuck in the solar system, and the movie says that the sun will soon burn everything to a crisp. This is just digital suicide. They even have the evidence of what will happen, when sun destroys all digital life on the moon.

When they finally decided to continue building the engines, the film jumps through years in a montage. And then the mood switches from Emmerich to overly dramatic drama drama. That is effective with its cinematography. But this is still a movie where literally everything literally always literally goes literally wrong in the last second, only to be fixed in the laster second. Don't worry if the timer shows 00:00, there's always overtime. A nuclear blast fireball behind you will wait for 10 seconds so you can deliver your speech. People who love cheap drama and don't care for the plot can probably enjoy this film immensely.

While this film is more coherent than the original, they still have introduced a ton of unneeded garbage that makes everything dumber. First of all they show how HAL9000 ruins everything for the whole run-time, decades before it was even created. It literally didn't exist when it orchestrated all the bad things. Second, there is some 70 years old prophecy that predicted everything that HAL9000 did decades before it was created. They show that nonsense three times, and i don't remember it being present in the second film, which it predicted in this one. This film tries to build tension with its cinematography, but besides it being a prequel, the countdown subtitles literally reveal plot-points hours before they happen. Like, oh noes who will reboot the router if there's nobody home? Don't worry the text on screen already said that internet will be rebooted in 30 minutes.

So they hired real english- and russian-speaking voice actors (maybe also for other languages) but they didn't explain to one of them the plot, so he read 550w as 550 watt.
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Intense and a bit exhausting
grisbain79-149-21786625 January 2023
This is a massive movie that has many many absolutely amazing scenes. I was really blown away, but after an hour I was finding it to be a bit too much intensity and it was becoming a bit exhausting. Still very impressive. I found I was not interested in the human drama built into the story. I don't know why the dubbed English parts were so odd. There is a lot of dialogue you have to read subtitles for that is going quickly but there is so much action you end up missing something no matter where you look. Overall this movie is a wild ride but just started to feel like too much of a good thing if that makes sense.
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A New Benchmark for Hardcore Sci-fi Film
johnnyengram24 January 2023
The Wandering Earth II tells a disaster story from an oriental point of view instead of the western one (which is getting more and more cliche), where humans work as a team to face the overwhelming crisis. There's no hero who can save the Earth single-handedly; still, every effort matters.

In many ways, TWE II is a true sight for the sore eyes in nowadays movie industry, even by the criteria of Hollywood. Outstanding visuals & acoustics, compelling narrative, numerous convincing concepts and details, and furthermore, a much more "universal" human value. It raises the ceiling for movies of the same genre to a whole new level.

If you let go of all the stereotypical thinking and preconceived bias against Chinese movies, then TWE II is definitely worth seeing (better in IMAX).

(Taking one star off in case they get cocky /doge)
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Interesting for showing the Chinese state of mind
Radu_A16 April 2023
While many of the reviews for this thing are likely paid posts - but then so are many for Disney and Marvel - this is interesting to watch for non-Chinese viewers to assess the Chinese mindset in the middle of the biggest political crisis since WWII. With all the noise about Taiwan, do the Chinese use mega-productions like these to rouse anti-foreign sentiment like the Americans do (and they themselves did with "Wolf Warrior 2"? Well, turns out this is not the case and China seems committed to a we-have-to-work-together-or-else ideology which is fairly appropriate given the many, many problems the world is facing right now.

The very convoluted story is almost impossible to break down for this three-hour action piece in which something explodes every five minutes, but the basics are that a Chinese-led, yet internationally financed and coordinated team of scientists builds a net of mega thrusters to propel Earth out of the solar orbit before the sun flares up. There's a lunar station to test those thrusters reached by some kind of mega elevator which is attacked by terrorists (suspiciously similar to Isaac Asimov's "Foundation"). First of many major script flaws: who are they? What is their motivation? Who backs them? The film makers can't be bothered to explain.

At this point you have to switch off your brain to enjoy the movie, otherwise it becomes sheer torture because nothing makes sense. Andy Lau's scientist is obsessed with uploading his dead daughter's collected memory into a new form of AI - does this cause the malfunction on the Moon which then puts it on collision course with Earth? No answer. But hey, did "Avatar The Way of the Water" make any sense? Not really, but it had perhaps a tad more character development. After two hours, you continue asking yourself "who are these people"?

If you are neutral on the US-China conflict, this is an enjoyable albeit completely bonkers disaster flick which may give you a little hope that the Chinese are not quite as belligerent as the US would have make us believe. If you find glaring plot holes and complete lack of coherency insufferable, better watch something else.
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Great Progress.
Xxy-NO22 January 2023
It's a catastrophical & sci-fic film with a novel epic narrative. The Wandering Earth 2 is more about the values of a community of shared future that unites all mankind. The special effects, needless to say, were a huge improvement over the first film, and the plot filled in the first film's shortcomings. At the same time, as the second of the series, it did not regress like most movies, but made obvious progress,. The overall score is 9 points, looking forward to the third part to bring us a better story.

There are three lines in the movie which build a wonderful construction. I promise it deserves one ticket.

By the way, it's a prequel. However,it doesn't matter to me.
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Expected the plot to be tighter
bohemianrh5 February 2023
Good things about the movie: special effects were really cool, I love Andy Lau's performance, I believe it's a type of role he has rarely attempted. Spectacular movie.

Now moving on to the bad: parts of the plot were not closed and left one scratching their head - what was the point of that? Is this thing evil or not? For a movie of such high production quality, I really expected the plot to be tighter. The movie could be shorter. The UN parts were long and didn't add much to the movie for the most part except for one speech.

Overall, similar issues as the first movie. Even disregarding the nationalistic tone, plot logic has been sacrificed for grandiose scenes and lines.
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Not worth watching. Only CG is above par. Poor story.
bkkthailand-3211320 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is an overrated movie, flood with bot reviews. This movie line is very poor and not intended for international viewers. Things are just not making senses.

I'm not one to revel in negativity, but it's my duty as a critic to be honest. "The Wandering Earth 2: Lost in Space" is, without a doubt, one of the most disappointing cinematic experiences I've had in recent memory. After the groundbreaking success of the original "The Wandering Earth," which garnered praise for its ambitious storytelling and visual effects, I had high hopes for the sequel. Unfortunately, my high expectations were met with a resounding thud as "The Wandering Earth 2" crashed and burned in spectacular fashion.

The plot, if you can even call it that, meanders aimlessly, jumping from one contrived crisis to another without any sense of purpose. It's as if the writers threw a bunch of random sci-fi elements into a blender and hit the "puree" button. The result is a hodgepodge of poorly explained scientific jargon and contrived obstacles that left me scratching my head and rolling my eyes.

The characters in "The Wandering Earth 2" are equally uninspiring. Gone are the relatable, fleshed-out individuals we grew to care about in the original. In their place, we get a cast of one-dimensional archetypes that feel like cardboard cutouts. The protagonist, played by a woefully miscast actor, is the generic action hero with no depth or personality. His motivations are so vague that it's impossible to invest in his journey.

The result is a jarring contrast between stunning, lifelike space vistas and laughably bad, video game-like graphics. The alien creatures, which play a significant role in the story, are a particular low point. Their design is uninspired, and their movements look more like a bad B-movie monster than a threat to humanity. The shoddy effects work consistently pulled me out of the film's world, reminding me that I was watching a poorly executed sci-fi flick.

The film's pacing is also a major issue. At a staggering 2 hours and 40 minutes, "The Wandering Earth 2" is an exercise in tedium. The plot drags on and on, with seemingly endless detours and pointless subplots that do nothing to advance the story or develop the characters. It's a classic case of a bloated runtime that could have benefited from some ruthless editing.

In summary, "The Wandering Earth 2: Lost in Space" is a colossal misstep in the world of sci-fi cinema. It squanders the potential of its intriguing premise, offering up a muddled, incoherent story, one-dimensional characters, and lackluster visual effects. It's a perfect example of how a promising franchise can be derailed by a lack of creative vision and a focus on spectacle over substance. Save your time and money, and avoid this cinematic black hole at all costs.
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A great movie
beryldong1 February 2023
This one is better than the first movie, which is very rare these days. The story lines are great. Although there are some plots that do not make a lot sense, it doesn't affect the overall rating at all. It doesn't make me feel it's a 3hr movie at all. This is actually the best Si-Fi movie I have watched in the last 3 years (and I've watched a lot lol) and I think it's fair to say it's better than 70% of the Hollywood Si-Fi movies these days.

I'm looking forward to the third one now given there are some flash forward scenes hinting at the next story line. Also, don't miss the credits at the end. I left early and have to read up on the end credit scenes online afterwards.
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One becomes exhausted by the end.
okpilak4 September 2023
There is no question this movie had a big enough budget to allow for top notch CGI effects. And when that happens, it holds its own against the best companies out there. So for those liking blockbuster special effects, this is a movie to see. The background is that the sun is expanding, and there are two approaches to saving humans. One is a Digital Life project, where the person's memories are put into a computer, and with quantum computers, it can make it seem as if the person is still alive. The second is a massive engine project, where massive engines on both the earth and the moon are in tandem, and both are moved out of orbit to another location in the solar system. The engine approach is the one in favor, but there is opposition, and the computers get hacked, leading to a rousing CGI battle. One doesn't watch movies like this to assess how real the solutions might be, just is it entertaining. A problem I have with the movie is that crisis after crisis gets thrown to the audience, and each solution became even more far out. It becomes overload. Being that it is a very long movie, there are entire sub-stories that could be left out without ruining the intent of the story. And it seems standard in Chinese movies that at some point, a Chinese person plays a super human role that no mere mortal could go, and that becomes key. I will leave it to the viewers if that happens in this movie, since there are so many moving parts. And while I understand the role the child Yaya plays, she became irritating with her voice quickly.
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Wow...this movie is bad
zzzxxxcccvvv-4320220 June 2023
Where to even start with something like this? The whole thing comes across as a bad dramatization of a bad script of a fictional event. Its 2 hours too long. The story is complete nonsense and jumps around like TV show out of order. Every 10 seconds there is a scene of someone crying, looking at a monitor, looking at power point slides, looking at their phone. This over dramatization really hurts the film and ends up having the opposite effect that the director intended. The 3 hour runtime kills any type of suspense or momentum. I would gladly watch your average 4 hour Hindi film than this nonsense. Yes, there are a few cool cgi scenes but lots of movies have those.
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Made in The World
dorMancyx30 January 2023
Definitely better than Moonfall (a traumatizing tragedy) and lives up to the fame of its first counterpart. Inventive cinematography, compelling performances, and jokes that really land. Moreover, sublime visual effects, shown in the futuristic production design, blade-runner-ish architectures, and aesthetic visual layout especially upon the moon, which I can confidently claim amount to Dune's level of impressiveness. Plot-wise, despite the multiple storylines and fragmented expedition, the film does successfully employ suspenseful buildups through countdowns, recurring motivic dialogues, and emotively riveting missions, which all demonstrate the directory's effort and heed to this ardently demanded movie (at least in the mainland). This takes me to my major complaint: I understand the profit-oriented intention behind revising the Wandering Earth into a movie series, but as a fan of the book, the conversion of the original's spinal ideology and the abandonment of its overarching incidents have exceeded my level of tolerance. Why does the production refuse to present the already-there perfectly constructed story in the book, which has all of apocalypse, desolation, hardcore science, dystopia, survivorship, conspiracy, revolution, filial piety, and censored love, and choose to borrow the mere concept. Comparing to the desperately rational and selfish characters in the novel, the film adapts a bunch of romantically heroic idealists, as their martyrdom is emphatically lauded. However, has it really been this way when humanity encounters a global crisis? Do the saints actually unite and salvage us? Or do they (censored material)?
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Great visually but information overload
tomanyadrians25 April 2023
Watched this last night and my head is still spinning, can't give too much away as my brain hasn't fully processed what was going on.

The only way I can describe it is when they were editing the film all the scenes where their was no action were cut leaving a bombardment of visuals, this included the non dubbed version with English subtitles flashing up on screen so fast it was hard to read.

Don't get me wrong TWE2 is a great film and really good fun if you love your big bold Si-fi with huge special effects, limited character development and explosions.

Thoroughly recommended 👌 Roll on TWE3.
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A creative, cinematic take on the sci-fi world; but six-hours of story in a three-hour film.
Smittyray30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of Liu Cixin's work, I was once again excited going in as much as I was with the first (just started watching the TV version of Three Body). The previous movie left me disappointed, but optimism and the first time popcorn was available in a Chinese theater after THREE YEARS of COVID restrictions, I was ready to be impressed! The seats even had massaging pads, yippee!

This review is by an American living in Shanghai. I state this as I find it frustrating to see a site like IMBD taken over by reviewers who seem bent on pushing a narrative - all 10/10's, glowing reviews about China's victory over Hollywood cliches. This site typically offers differing perspectives; often challenging my own view. But, it is off-putting when hijacked by ultranationalism - nearly all are single-reviews, looking like spam. I would like to see Chinese movies succeed as much as American - I'm a movie buff. I also really enjoy seeing the country I reside in on the big screen - in dystopian situations and global disasters, as much as seeing the US and other parts of the world. Reading the Chinese subtitles gives insight to what the non-native Chinese say on screen and how it is translated to the audience. Let me break down my score below. Initially, it was an eight. But, after segmenting, the score was left at a 7.

10/10 Effects The Wandering Earth II's main attraction was the effects. Incredible. I wasn't impressed with Avatar - please don't hate! As much because it was similar to watching a video game. But, this had a very real feel to it - though science would probably disagree. I happily detach myself from reality to enjoy a big-action, sci-fi romp popcorn flick. Bringing to life the space-elevator, which I struggled to imagine in print was a feat unto itself. Major step up for Chinese sci-fi and blockbusters to come.

7.5/10 Characters The first movie was a disappointment as the characters were so unlikable. Wu Jing's (once called the Sly Stallone of Chinese action - a bit of a stretch) character was the only one I cared to see if he lived or died. The prequel did a better job. Both Andy Lau's character - multifaceted, almost an anti-hero and his daughter did an exceptional job. Really enjoyed Teacher Ma, his mentor, as well. Seeing Wu Jing, a 50-year-old act like he was fourteen, swooning over a fellow astronaut was just weird. The object of his affection was supposed to be a tough lead, but he treated her like a damsel in distress throughout. Their storyline was over-extended - way too sentimental, distracting from the movie's energy. No other real female roles minus a wooden spokeswoman.

4/10 Non-Chinese characters This deserves its own section as it was painfully bad. Awful dubbing followed by ridiculous voice-overs were big distractions. Not sure why this was necessary. The acting was in general cartoonish - the Indian scientist at the beginning dropping f-bombs (though without in the Chinese subtitles); gravelly-voiced English-speaking white guy (covering North America/Europe) of some nationality ranting and raving about China; most black actors crying or acting comedically hysterical. Having been in bit commercials and TV shows over here, I know that non-Chinese are available and talent isn't a concern. I was one of the talentless, but enjoyed my time as a low-budget Bruce Willis :)

7/10 Storyline While there's a great story to be told, there was just way too much being squeezed into a single movie. With countless voiceovers - especially towards the end, explaining what was happening was heavy on the TELL, and little on the SHOW. Again, believe this is because there was just too much. It really deserved to be separated into two works. An early attack by a terrorist organization that wanted a 'digital future' as opposed to moving the earth forward could have been better implemented. Cartoonish. The last thirty minutes required so much narrative explanation that by the time the credits arrived, I was ready to split. Even an employee's statement, "Sir, there's after credit scenes, please return to your seat," we decided we had enough.

6/Emotion Factor The Chinese audience prefers the overly sentimental - this was apparent. A number of soldiers sacrificing themselves was quite moving. BUT, the movie ignored the fact that half the population were to be 'sacrificed' as the underground shelters had only enough room for half the population. Hard to feel moved by 300 soldiers giving it up when half the planet is thinking, "Well, no one even gave us a choice." Wu Jing's wife losing her battle with cancer drove home one of the consequences of the earth's deteriorating relationship with the moon, but it moved the story into a drama, removing us from the bigger picture. Way too many scenes could have been reduced by 90%, but meant to pull at our hearts, the piano keys tapped longer than necessary. Also, in regards to the jokes/humorous bits - I was the only non-Chinese in the theater and at no point during the movie did anyone laugh. I don't think it reflects on a boring audience, just flat jokes - just didn't fit the darker story.

8/Politics In regards to being overly political - honestly, as an American who grew up in the seventies and eighties - when the US led the way in all things Hollywood, living in China, but as the constant outsider, I didn't see enough to distract from the film. Sure, it was a bit heavy in the 'Unity' and 'duty above all else', which may be in reference to China's handling of COVID. But, China is also a collective society as opposed to an individual one more often found in the US. China and Russia buddy-buddy, the US taking on a side role, one that could be seen as a bit of the protagonist? Yes, obvious. Though, it wasn't necessarily sinister, just showing another perspective. The Party leading the way? Well, it wasn't directly stated, but was pretty clear - it seemed the old man who was a central figure, could be seen somewhat as The Party's role as leader and caretaker. Again, no more than how many US movies depict democracy (though typically not a specific party).

5/Reviews on this site Seeing this site flooded with reviewers amping up the, "China is showing the US", making it a weird competition that the former must win. "This is so much better...Marvel only knows the solo mixture of people coming together...not like China" comes across as forced and not overly realistic. The Avengers is plural for a reason. Every walk of life makes up the group - even the non-human kind. "American movies have become sci-fi ever!" drown out honest reviews - not that many American movies aren't cliched, of course, but it ignores the diversity of films shown in the US. An extraordinarily small number are shown in China, typically only of the blockbuster variety, limiting audience exposure. The reaction over here to a NYTimes review shows how sensitive to criticsm many continue to be.

7.5/10 Innovative Did the director take inspiration from other sci-fi directors? Of course. Though I believe it is more about paying homage than copying. Serious Michael Bay - Armageddon vibes when they showed people from around the world listening to reports/seeing fireballs striking the earth. Heck, even at one point a main character was going to single-handedly blow up the moon with a detonator - Bruce Willis in another dimension. Hollywood with Chinese characteristics - nothing wrong with that. The cinematic universe is a large place - the more variety the better. Then there is 2001, A Space Odyssey and Hal vs. MOSS in this and the original Wandering Earth. But, plenty of new tech was introduced as was the theme of a digitalized future vs a wandering earth. They explored the pros and cons of each. Perhaps, unrealistic, but it is sci fi and fun to explore.

China's cinema continues to improve, though certain elements have kept it from offering more. An over-abundance of nationalistic films and denial of films beyond its borders - alongside the standard strict, yet vague censorship, has made the Chinese audience hungry for more than the past three years have provided. Perhaps naive, but I believe with the end of COVID restrictions, another corner is being turned, one that will offer better films not just from the Mainland, but allowing for greater variety from beyond.
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This film from China opened a new world for me.
Deserted025 January 2023
Once the best science fiction film in my mind was Interstellar , but this film from China opened a new world for me. Its thinking about the future of mankind is completely different from the personal heroism of Hollywood. I didn't think that collectivism was so magnificent. I think we should seriously consider this issue. The film also discusses the relationship between AI and people. The plot is very deep, the picture is beautiful, and the sound effect is also great. I think Hollywood needs to make changes. I'm tired of the old plot.

This film is the best science fiction film in recent years, just like Interstellar . Interstellar is the latest bestest film of science fiction films that any science fiction fan can't ignore. It perfectly shows the awesome romance of the universe. Cooper is in a different gravitational environment, and the time passed on him is different from the earth. In a moment, there are countless days and nights in the remote hometown. In a moment, there is eternity. It really shocked me at that time. But there are two problems. Cooper can say that his responsibility is to look for light, and Brand can say that he is carrying despair. What despair? Because mankind has given up, the world is desperate, the government and the people have given up. This kind of lonely burden on the whole world is really magnificent, but it is really unreal. Just like his ending, the five-dimensional space is too beautiful to be true. And I can understand that love can cross the Milky Way, can it cross time and space? It's fantastic.

But The Wandering Earth 2 is different. It is true that every flower, every tree, every person, and every thing are like the future that will happen soon. From the beginning of the vast space elevator project, the automatic takeover of quantum computers, including the details of Liu Peiqiang's multifunctional robot for security inspection,it shocked me deeply. It seems to be the same sense of reality as the recorded video sent 20 years later. In particular, the design of the space elevator, which is propelled by rocket and pulled by magnetic force, is too detailed, too real and too powerful. Moreover, the huge plan to save mankind and the lucky gambling of several people in the Interstellar have been decided! Every step of action has an operational plan in The Wandering Earth II. The feasibility verification of planetary engines, the upgrading and iteration of quantum computers, the training of astronauts, the lunar push-off plan, the lunar collapse plan, and the Internet root server restart plan. All these have steps, plans and implementation; In the process, there are command organizations, technical personnel, and alternative solutions. This is the real hard-core science fiction setting. Saving humanity necessarily requires the unity of the whole humanity. Science fiction, science fiction, theory can be fantasy, engineering should be closer to reality. Otherwise, it would be too much less scientific to imagine.

The dream of Interstellar beauty, while The Wandering Earth 2 is thick and real,and still beautiful to the extreme.
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Generally good but could be better
michaellu-8288324 January 2023
The Chinese Sci-fi blockbuster is absolutely a visual spectacle. The three-hour film featured wild imagination and bold designs that matches, if not surpasses, world-class sci-fi big names. One should be amazed at the level Chinese visual effect industry has reached within such a short time (Chinese sci-fi movies with stunning visuals were extremely rare before 2017). On the other hand, the movie marks a return of a post-pandemic Chinese society which, upon its release on the first day of the year of the Rabbit, rings a particular bell for both all Chinese and the world.

It is definitely worth the ticket, yet the story could be refined in many ways because its narrative seemed a bit flawed and empty in my personal view. To start with, this movie is too lengthy for its contents, some jokes and emotional plots may seem unnecessary and redundant. If it were to be around 2 hours, it would look much better. The plot twist entering the second Moon crisis where human were forced to nuke the Moon, seemed confusing and undercooked. I was dumbfounded and puzzled when the character played by Andy Lau made such a bad decision that it caused a huge disaster for the whole planet. To me this plot twist doesn't make sense and surely needs more explanation.
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Every time you watch it, your evaluation of it will be higher than before. Chinese people know that the plot of the movie is better than the special effects!
q-8451224 January 2023
Don't worry about political propaganda and nationalism. China is not what Westerners now imagine, and Chinese movies are not. If you watch the film with the fear of political propaganda, you will miss a piece of art. In this film, the proportion of Chinese is not very high, and the image of Americans in this film is not what some people think of as "villains or clowns". The United States is only in conflict with the protagonists, and the United States has also participated in all actions of human self-rescue.

Unlike the heavily biased Hollywood films, no country has been devalued in this film.

This film continues the theme of unity and peace in the first film. And this time it has a rich and thought-provoking plot.

Please put down racial prejudice, take your mind to watch the whole movie carefully, and don't miss the final colored egg of the movie. All the questions that arise when you watch the film, and all the places that seem to be the director's mistakes, will form an interesting turning point at the end of the film. This transition makes the plot of the whole film more reasonable, and at the same time gives you deeper philosophical thinking. In addition, many details are arranged in the film by the director. If you have watched the first film or have lived in China, they will be very good seasoning.

Finally, many websites, especially rotten tomatoes, wrote about the film before January 22, which means they have never seen it. To draw a conclusion on it only by virtue of stereotype, they used lies to deny the painstaking efforts of the film team for four years.
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Amazing production, mediocre plot
vivihuangca20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Viewed this film a while ago and wanted to write a review. There might be some spoilers.

As a sci-fi film, one thing that it accomplished was the production quality; the visual effects matches the top films at Hollywood and around the world, and the production team behind definitely spent a lot of time and money just on building the sets and putting the scene together. I have not watched many of sci-fi movies, but WE-II is visually as effective as some of the best out there (Interstellar for example), and wins against any of its competitors in the Chinese market for sure. The space elevator visuals was especially well done and left a strong impression for sure.

The storyline on the other hand is a little mediocre, and stereotypic especially near the end of the movie. There's three main storylines. Even though the film is nearly 3 hours long, it still feels messy when I try to piece the story lines together. An example of this is that parts of the line for Liu PeiQiang, the main character, is too stereotypic and protruding. From the movie, we can tell that his family is a major driving factor for many of his decisions (such as leaving a spot in the underground cities for his family). However, his wife and son was not deeply involved in the plot at all; the son's main purpose was also to allude to the prequel. Although it's nothing like a major flaw, when you try to piece three storylines together, the overall characterization begins to feel very odd.

A nice detail I wanted to point out is Andy Lau's story line, when he uploaded himself and his daughter to the cloud and uses that to decipher the code even after he perished. I did feel like some unnecessary decisions led to that moment, but it was a nice touch.

The main flaw of the movie though is the awkward theme that it tries to present. Throughout the movie, I saw way too many themes, ideas, conflicts being presented, which in parts contributed to the messy storylines. The digital vs. Reality life was already a philosophical topic, but director also touches on many different themes like family, love, and presented united heroism. Trying to capture too many things at once only made the story a little dull and uninteresting in parts, other than the visuals. We see Tu HengYu singlehandedly destroyed the engines on the moon, which in the grand plot is quite an awkward and unnecessary moment. If there was better security, the last hour of the film wouldn't even happen. Because of one person, hundreds were sent on a suicide mission, which is very forced and unnatural for the plot development. It was nice to see the movie focus itself on a global scale, but the presence of "communal spirit" amongst groups of characters was way too often and unnecessary in places as well

Overall, I do believe that this film is a milestone for Chinese sci-fi movies and still a decent film, but it still has a lot to polish in terms of the storyline and plot.
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Nice cgi but the rest is garbage
jerry-325901 September 2023
The plot is hoaky and predictable, and wayyy to many cliché scenes they copied from American movies such as 'contact' and 'independence day'. The author of the story did well in 3 body problem trilogy, but his other works are just intolerably boring and facky. Sad he didn't even get the science parts, like solar wind doesn't blow the dust on the moon, and space elevators don't use rockets which defeats the purpose of space elevators (why use cables when rockets can sent space crafts upward without them?). The stories of the two guys, one trying to create digital copy of dead daughter and the other with cancer dying wife, are so overused in Chinese movies they are lame.
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Ambitious, entertaining sensory overload
With its epic scope and impressive production values, The Wandering Earth 2 ambitiously world-builds on its predecessor, delivering Hollywood-level special effects, action-packed spectacle, and dual storylines featuring Wu Jing and Andy Lau.

Unfortunately, the film is dampened by sequelitis and predominantly focused on outdoing the previous film's production values. Director Frant Gwo throws everything on screen to the point of sensory overload.

It is still fun popcorn entertainment; fans of the original will appreciate the expanded mythos, but with no breathing room, it buckles under the weight of its ambitions.

The story is a prequel to 2019's The Wandering Earth. The Sun's gradual expansion into a red giant threatens to engulf Earth in 100 years. Countries submit plans of action, including the Digital Life Project, which proposes the digitized preservation of human consciousness, and, the Moving Mountain project, which proposes installing thousands of ion engines to propel the Earth into a new solar system.

The United Earth Government chooses the Moving Mountain project, spurring terrorist attacks from Digital Life supporters. UEG astronaut Liu Peiqiang and his team race against time to restore the world's faith in the Moving Mountain project.

The mission is threatened by Digital Life engineer Tu Hengyu, who seeks to prolong his dead daughter Yaya's digital consciousness after losing her in a car accident. The construction of the Moving Mountain engines is interrupted when Tu uploads his daughter's consciousness into the network.

First off, as seen above, there's too much plot. The story covers an entire TV season's worth and the plot strands are so tightly interwoven, that cutting one thing out would mean cutting out an entire story arc.

The fast editing with blink-and-you-miss-it subtitles weakens the dramatic impact of what's happening as the film never gives time for the drama to properly breathe. This could have easily been two movies.

Wu Jing is a charismatic leading man and with every new movie, is getting better at manipulating his star power and fitting himself in whatever scene he's in.

Andy Lau gets to flex his acting muscles playing against type as the film's antagonist Tu, but distinctly not a villain. Lau plays out the humanity of the situation and keeps his character sympathetic.

The two stars share one scene together and it left a lot to be desired in terms of having human moments. I was hoping for a Blade Runner-esque philosophical debate between the two leads, one arguing for human life and the other for digital consciousness.

As someone who was sad for two weeks when he passed away, it was fulfilling to see the CGI Ng Man Tat cameo. It struck me still seeing Uncle Tat, as short as it lasted.

The film was so overwhelming that I tired out during the 3rd act. Everything just blurred together into one vague memory. It was just a lot of stuff happening and I honestly forgot a lot of it when I walked out.

I am invested in the Wandering Earth world and would happily watch a third installment. However, the filmmakers don't need to do everything bigger. Everything is big enough.
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A great journey that gets you thinking about life
qtzhbjm24 January 2023
WE2 was a highly enjoyable prequel to the first film with a great story to tell and, for the most part, believable, likeable characters. I saw it on imax and I must say that this movie is definitely one to spend the extra on the iMax ticket, it looks fantastic and is possibly the first movie out of China that really competes with Hollywood special effects. The story centers around two men who have lost loved ones or are in the process of losing loved ones, but sitting on the edge of the world wondering what to say at the end of it all was done with grace and very little cheese like we have seen in previous end of the world mammoths. A highlight for me was building on some physically possible tech like the space elevator and mixing that in with sci-Fi which made the insane impossibility of moving the earth with engines possible (no matter how stupid that plan is at it's core in reality). One thing I disliked was the obvious and very in your face stereotypes of other nations people whilst blatantly highlighting the Chinese as the worlds savior, the worlds most selfless, most intelligent and caring people whilst Russians are tough guys, Americans are rash idiots which is a shame from a movie based on a celebrated author who is known for his ideals of the world coming together and working together. That said, I can look past this as I am sure there were directions from "the top" which ensured this portrayal of the Chinese and that of other nations was present as a non negotiable to get the movie green lit.

Overall an enjoyable movie although I'm sure the books are far better.
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A Chinese science fiction movie surprisingly great
EthanForever24 January 2023
I've heard of a lot of so-called "high-budget" Chinese films, and the vast majority of them are unimpressive, but this one is completely different.

The special effects are great, with minor flaws, but they don't affect the viewing experience; The narrative has weakened individual heroism, and it is overall more towards a grand narrative. The middle part of the emotional portrayal is rather stiff, so the actual rating is 9/10, but I will give it an extra because Marvel movies these years suck.

Overall, this sci-fi movie manages to tell a pretty attractive story with good visual effects, and it comes from China. It's nice to see new competition in the sci-fi movie industry.

BTW, some critics think that there are parts of the movie that put too much emphasis on nationalism, which I think is a bit overstated. It seems to be more about some of the plots or statements that people associate with their stereotypes of China, rather than the movie itself emphasizing a political ideology.
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More hope-filled grand-scale sci-fi
gavinp928 January 2023
'The Wandering Earth II' is a prequel to the Chinese sci-fi film, that comes almost 4 years to the day after the original. I didn't even know they were making another, so this was a nice surprise. I'll certainly look forward to a third one! This shows the planet-wide cooperation/politics needed to deal with the impending disaster of the sun imploding and takes place over number of decades from the 2030s-2070s. The plot remains similar to the first, showing the engineering problems humanity is trying to overcome to literally move the Earth and the moon.

There's a few key character groups and storylines we follow, with perhaps the most confusing centring on 505A/W, which is an AI reminiscent of HAL from '2001: A Space Odyssey', but it does set the scene for sequels. The story there follows Tu Yuheng (Lau), his daughter and Ma Zhao (Ning). The other plot follows Hao Xiaoxi (Zhu) and the politics between the countries. Then there's Liu Peiqiang (Wu) and Han Duoduo (Wang) and their astronaut journey/love story.

While some of it is very fast-paced and jumps a bit all-over-the-shop, in general, the scale of the CGI and action are thrilling and extremely well executed. Maybe slightly too long at 2 hours 45min, but there's not too many dull moments and each new scene poses new challenges for the humans to overcome. Satisfying ending, with some touching moments near the end.
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