Zeitgeist (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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What's important is that it gets you thinking
purple_mage92 February 2008
I found this documentary to be excellent. It is a thought provoking, well executed expose' on the manipulations of the masses by those with wealth and power. Some who watch it will find many of it's connections far-fetched, but the fact of the matter is: there are many sources to back them up.

The Truth is, this film doesn't have to be 100% correct, or 75%, or 50%. There's still some serious problems with the world if a forth of it's information holds water. And even if it's all bull, it'll shake you into questioning what is true. And that's all it needs to do.

No one should have any illusions abut what the War on Terrorism or our Federal Banking System.

As a student of both American and European History I found the explanations given in this documentary to be reasonable and logical. Watch it!
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Very compelling, definitely don't believe everything you hear, do your own research!
EHBless15 February 2008
I've watched this movie about 4 times by now, will definitely watch it again as i show it to others. Many interesting arguments, many good points.

While this film is aimed to prove everything presented as truth, one should watch this with an open mind. Take in all the topics, then do your own research, just with any speaker/film/presentation. To blindly follow is pure ignorance.

I do not believe everything in this film. I do however think that everyone should see it if nothing more than a thought experiment. You should be aware of all sides of an argument as to make your argument more effective.

You don't have to agree to find this film interesting.
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Inspired Eye-opener
kupvlc6 March 2008
This film explores three themes which seem totally unrelated: the Christian faith; the attacks of September 11, 2001; the American Federal Reserve System and Income tax. I have never seen a documentary in which images and music were put together in such a powerful and artistic way. The film depicts the fraudulent Zeitgeists that have been used through the centuries to subdue others into acquiescing. It shows that the one truth we are fed daily is a carefully crafted lie, which hold us spellbound. I regret the movie replaces the seen-trough lies with conclusions which had better not been drawn: it would have sufficed to point to the many similarities between The Bible and older books, like the Egyptian book of the dead, without adding the conclusion that Jesus of Nazareth might never have existed. Emphesizing this option as being the most likely one, takes the focus away from the extensive lies which surround Christianity for certain, as is exposed in this film.

It rightly connects the tragic events of 9/11 with the true perpetrators thereof, and does not shy from showing the terrible consequences in human life both on that day and in the years that followed in a fraudulous "War on Terror", which to most people in it is very real, but for its inventors just a cruel joke on a population of semi-sentient humans, who slaughter human life as some humans would slaughter cattle.

Finally, it reveals that unbelievable manipulation has reached a 100-year anniversary after the 1907 panic and the 1913 introduction of the Ferderal Reserve bill, which opened the way to stage not one but two World Wars, which to the casual beholder did little to change the balance of power in the world, but in truth transfered power from the open to the shadows on a grand scale.

A film worth watching over and over again - if you can stomach its dreadful horrors, both in picture and in concept.
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Gather all the information you can constantly research what you hear and read!
Watch-Research31 March 2008
I love this movie. and no I don't take everything they say as full truth just because they say it is. But I do plenty of my own research after watching movies like these and this one is good. But of course don't believe any one source (me included) do all your own research and get your data from a variety of sources and different countries. Then establish your own opinion. I believe they should show movies like these in public schools and in Colleges. Why let only one side of the story claim to be truth? Anyway.. this movie is fast and comes at you. It is not a slow political documentary, I love they way they lay out their cards. its almost like a Informational Action Thriller of debated Non-Fiction.

Do your family, friends, neighbors, and fellow Americans a favor and watch this film and tell everyone you know to watch it. Its free on the internet. It only costs you 2 hours of your life you would have waisted watching worthless reality TV anyway.

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Astonishing with big A
eegorr6 February 2008
Watch it. It is worth to see every single second of this. Spread around.

I part: Very precise connection of astrology and religion, in facts.

II part: Another 9/11 truth, without government bull**** commission.

III part: Answer who is who in the political, military, economy of USA. Im not American, but i felt miserably after this one. Cant imagine how it would looks like that i AM American.

Sadly, American government likes to interfere in other's country business. One of it is mine :( It would be much better if they turn their heads to personal problems of common American citizen.

Along with Michal Moore's Sicko, this is a bullseye!!!
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Actions, not questions
TudorVieru18 February 2008
zeitgeist, like the man from earth, is not meant to provide answers or change conceptions, but simply presents a possible path of evolution for mankind. I've met many people that were not able psychically to conceive that such a massive conspiracy could actually exist. I guess this is the most difficult thing to believe. To be pulled out of a world that makes sense and that they can understand and suddenly to find themselves alone facing a brutal system, governed by secrets and lies and manipulations.

It is best to ask question, but it is better to do something about it, rather than feeling sorry for yourself.
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Questions worth asking
guhleman27 February 2008
There is a lot of arguing going on about the legitimacy of the claims made by this film. Certainly we cannot just swallow everything the filmmaker is trying to feed us. However, the film is not the first to suggest that 9/11 is a vehicle of war and profit designed by the American government. Whether or not you believe it outright or not, the questions provoked by the film are worth asking and can't be ignored. The supposed evidence provided by the government to substantiate their final explanation is feeble at best, when compared to the perhaps theoretical evidence offered by films and articles of this kind. I agree that the people are conditioned to accept media as truth, and thus have accepted the government as such also. The people have allowed the government and media to strip them of their thirst for truth by tricking them into believing anything. As responsible people we can't sit back and allow this to continue. We are entitled to the truth, and we are not getting it. I'm not saying that this film is 100% correct or anything like that. I'm only saying that to any reasonably intelligent person, it's obvious that there are major deceptions at work here. The longer we ignore them, the more we become them until eventually it just won't matter because there won't be anything we can do about it. If everyone were to demand answers, we might just get them.
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An Eye opener
dfgremnants1 April 2008
I heard about this movie long time ago and like all good down loaders i was going to download it but i don't know what happened i just forgot about the movie. Then this whole wave of posts, threads were being made in different sites about this movie and things it mentioned and still i was ignorant. So today, i mean today my friend actually gave me the movie for reviewing. So what are my verdicts. i was a fool for ignoring this awesome movie and i am glad i watched it. This movie is shocking and all the time convincing. Its a must watch if your a Muslim or anyone it will make all the things clearer to you. But i must warn you, you got to have an Open mind when watching this movie, this movie touches so many things that you might get confused or totally feel betrayed.
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Reveals the Truth about Corrupt People in Our Beautiful World
MonkeyVooDoo9 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is amazingly convincing. Many people have tried to guilt you into believing 9/11 was an inside job, tried to barrage you with endless facts. The only documentary that can rival this documentary is "Endgame- Blueprint for Global Enslavement." This movie systematically disproves the greatest believed story of all time, by using simple pagan facts. This movie systematically disproves everything the pigs of our government have tried to prove. This movie disproves all of the reasons behind every major war in the past century. This movie has changed everything I thought would happen in the future. This movie encourages you to get up off your *ss and become enlightened to what the government is actually doing to try and control everything about you.

In the words of Shakespeare: "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war."
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When does healthy scepticism become crazy paranoia?
tieman6429 October 2008
"The belief in the Big Other as an invisible power structure is the most succinct definition of paranoia" - Slavoj Zizek

We've seen these horror documentaries before. They all claim that a "secret cabal" is slowly conspiring to reduce human rights and enslave the world. They attempt to create a mono-myth, linking various conspiracies and hidden agendas into a single all-encompassing myth. A myth that explains the purpose and point and future of everything.

"Zeitgeist", which plays on the paranoia of the internet generation, itself implies that "evil politicians" and mysterious world leaders are secretly conspiring to oppress the human race. But the truth is, such leaders are themselves servants to invisible systems, and politicians aren't evil so much as they're products of a social system that is conducive of corruption.

"Zeitgeist's" first act is essentially a short lecture on religion. It's overly sensationalistic, but the documentary's point is generally true: religions evolve over time, our current religions borrow heavily from past myths, and religion is itself simultaneously a tool for control, an elaborate shared psychosis, a social support network and a means for placating various existential anxieties.

"Zeitgeist's" second act is it's weakest. Here we get an elaborate critique of the "official 9/11 narrative", the film-makers analysing and debunking various aspects of the 2001, September 11th terrorist attacks. The jury's still out on all this.

"Zeitgeist's" third act is perhaps its most important. Here the film-makers critique various aspects of money creation, banking cartels and debt based currency. These points are all correct, of course, but amount to a fairly superficial critique of capitalism. The truth's worse, and far more shocking - capitalism is itself a shared psychosis - albeit in a prosaic way. One's far better off reading books by thermoeconomists, steady-state advocates and any neo-Marxist radically aligned against neoclassical economists.

In a more general, philosophical sense, "Zeitgeist" is false to imply that there is some conscious, scheming "order" out to get you. There is no order. These "evil conspirators" - which is not to say that shady figures don't commit conspiratorial crimes; they do, they're just don't quite know what they're doing - are every bit slaves to unconscious drives and physical currents. The actual entity doing the controlling does not exist. There is no Big Other, no master plan or entity in possession of secret knowledge.

"Zeitgeist" goes on to say that human beings will "accept this new order" because Americans are dumb, "mindless slaves" addicted to "pleasure seeking activities". Essentially this echoes Marx's ideas that a comfortable populace will never challenge its rulers for fear of rocking the boat and losing the few amenities it has. There's much truth in that (and also the opposite; as capitalism sucks more wealth up the pyramid, people have less and become more violent). And yet, according to sociological investigations, people are increasingly finding less and less pleasure in recreational activities. This growing indifference towards intense pleasure contrasts with the official view that our society is bent on instant gratification. Lacan and Marcuse foresaw this decades ago, when they essentially stated that subjects who dedicate their lives to pleasure would increasingly become so involved in preparatory activities that the joy of the official goal of their efforts fades away. We see this today, with millions obsessed with prolonging youth/beauty/pleasure, yet obviously living in permanent anxiety and under the shadow of ultimate failure.

Today the command "Enjoy!", the motto of capitalism, is a much more effective way to hinder man's access to enjoyment than out-right prohibition, which maintains a space for transgression. The lesson is that the selfish "care of the Self," and not a "repressive group of conspirators", is the ultimate enemy of intense pleasure experiences. Man's dream Utopia, where he whimsically takes part in every conceivable, masturbatory pleasure, will increasingly morph into a kind of apathetic Antonioni-like boredom. The direct intervention of pain (weird sado-masochistic sexual practises etc) or the escalations of perversions, now seem the only remaining paths to intensity.

Thus, the fact that "The Big Other" doesn't exist, has two consequences. Firstly, the failure of symbolic fiction causes man to cling more and more to imaginary Simulacra (films, computers etc), and secondly, it triggers the need for violence of the body (ie Cronenberg).

Bizarrely, we see these themes of repression, sexuality, knowledge and utopia in the Bible. In Genesis, Adam and Eve tended to the Garden (society), obediently doing their duty and obeying the orders of God (bureaucracy). They were naked, repressed and stupid, but they had food and water and enough kinky Biblical entertainment to keep them busy. Along came Satan, the story's actual hero. He taught them the truth: that it is wise to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. And so Adam and Eve taste the fruit, gain wisdom, develop a moral sense, learn of their nakedness and challenge God. In the real world, society is perhaps evolving backwards toward this Eden State. Man doesn't want to eat from the Tree of knowledge, but wants his own isolated utopia, with the right balance of abundance, myopia and external Law. What's more, he wants all his troubles, decisions and fears to be taken care of by a paternalistic God, where God represents bureaucracy and the symbolic Order. The irony is, our current social models cannot support this (it will take 6-10 planet earths worth of resources just to provide a middle class life for everyone currently on the planet). This creates little Satan's out of us all, everyone waiting in the wings, perhaps to be awakened and sent clawing at God.

5/10 - Scepticism is good, but this is mostly a sensationalist horror movie.
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It's time to look into the spirit of the age and to find out if it's a good think or not.
ironhorse_iv14 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While it's full of conspiracy thinkers, it's better to listen and take in what they're saying rather than keeping yourself out in the dark. You don't have to agree with what they are saying, but at less give yourself an open mind when watching this film. The more you know, the better. Having watch, both right wing and left wing documentaries, these movies does have more standards of journalistic integrity than the others. Directed by Peter Joseph, the Zeitgeist documentary style films (2007's Zeitgeist the Movie, 2008's Zeitgeist: Addendum & 2011's Zeitgeist: Moving Forward) are all pretty well-made films, that does give light into a lot of things that hasn't been talk about, much. Most of things talk about in the films, I found interesting and agree often on, but sadly, the first film is in the series, is by far, the weakest one of them, all. It felt too out there to be taken serious. It's also badly put-together. Zeitgeist: The Movie is split into 3 parts with showcase how Western Civilization is control. The first part talks about how the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith) control people, using Christianity as an example. Yes, historic, it's true that many of the modern day religions do hold some control over people, but it has little differents if paganism or an atheism society came into control. In such a society, control would still be manual for society to exist. Is giving control to a higher power, a bad thing? Not always. Having faith in something doesn't make it, all bad. Without it, we wouldn't have the wonders of cultures. Does civilization need to more from religion like beliefs to a science like belief to achieve greater means? It's really up in air. About Christian religion specifically is mainly derived from other religions, astronomical assertions, astrological myths and traditions. Yes, part of the Jesus myth does, but it also derived to those events that Jesus went through. Peter Joseph forget to mention that. Indeed, there were some historical proves that Jesus might have live. Is he a deity? That's for another debate. However, some of the parts that director Peter Joseph bring up is either distorted, out of context, or completely made up. Some of his sources are also either non-existent or heavily biased. Still, this sequence was pretty alright. The next sequence is the one that really bogged me down. The movie lost so much credit, when it talks about the 9/11 attacks in 2001. It states that it was orchestrated by the US government in order to generate mass fear, initiate and justify the War on Terror, provide a pretext for the curtailment of civil liberties, and produce economic gain. Let me break this illusion, down. This film has no credible information because the film didn't add anything new to already well-spoken conspiracy theories that been surrounding 9/11 since that day. It didn't go to Washington D.C, Pittsburgh, or New York crash sites to search for clues, and it damn didn't go to Afghanistan. Let's note that this film is created in 2007, so it's a bit outdated. There are a lot of documentaries that came after this, that pretty much show that there is no way, the US government could had done an attack like that. It would first be costly. Let's remember the years after 2001 had an economic bust than a boom. Second off, war isn't as profitable as it was in the old days due to technology grown in the private fields. Third, if the government did do it, do you really think that all those people would cover up a horrible act for so long? NO—somebody will come out. I do think there are honestly some good people in the government. I don't think our government planned 9/11, but perhaps they knew, some information of the terrorist attack ahead and couldn't stop it happening. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying trust your government! I might be against the idea that the government did 9/11, but no way, believe everything they say. I do know about the government covering up events in the past before, such as the 1964's Gulf of Tonkin incident, the whole Operation Northwoods, the whole pre-knowing of Pearl Harbor, and even the Remember the Maine incident. The film asserts that such wars serve to sustain conflict in general and force the U.S. government to borrow money, thereby increasing the profits of the international bankers. I do think the banks do have too much power, and need to be review badly. Still, if an secretive power elite like the Rothschild's family had a globalist agenda conspiring to eventually rule the world, then why do the Rothschild wealth have subsequently declined. They lose more money than gain. That's why I don't think all bankers are evil like the film says. Even, if the banks have control, why are we able to watch film like this? It would be total George Orwell's 1984 state by now. While, I'm not against Globalization, and capitalism, I don't think it's as evil as the documentary state it is. We do enjoy some freedoms under a capitalism system. I'm not the biggest fan of it, or socialism, personally. I do have to believe that some kind of order is better world than total chaos like the film wish to have. Capitalism is no different than religion. It works because people believe it works. If the people in charge didn't believe in it, it would quickly show its flaws and fall apart. At some point I dream people can abolish the monetary system completely, instead use automatic systems which would monitor all the useable resources on the planet like the Venus Project, but it will take years of economic evolution for such ideas to be successful. With that, go see these films. Can we believe in absolutely everything that these films say? Obviously not. But it's worth looking at and do your own research.
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One of the greatest films provoking the thinking process.
juha-k-oksanen26 March 2008
Zeitgeist offers a grim view of things, that connects a lot of questions that arise when one wonders why things are the way they are, while we have more than we need on this planet. (not enough compassion among those who are being given the power, by the people)

Zeitgeist offers a path to lots of topics, about which one can finally engage some intelligent debate, without being shut down by simple evasive excuses, mostly in the form of offensive comments.

Zeitgeist offers a lot of (black) humor in many ways, f.ex in the form of ridiculous criticism, like most of films that try to really make a difference and fight the commonly accepted values. It shows effectively how fear and the lack of quality education (wisdom, not talking about merits or institutions) affects our thinking.

Some critics even seem to derive a weird kind of pleasure from neglecting things and praising their narrow views about the Zeitgeist being overly one sided. F.ex, should the film digest all the information for the viewer? That kind of stuff is widely seen on many movies. Especially considering films like Zeitgeist, it would affect destructively to the effectively developing mood and atmosphere. Leading to a situation where there is less room for these kinds of great emotions and thoughts among viewers that it offers as it is. We should try to find our fears and let them go, so we could think more clearly and maybe even enjoy some new things. We have our primitive side, but we also have the power to learn to control it.

Here's a bit more of this "lunatic" "mumble" to lighten up the end (and to give some of you an excuse to keep your values):

Concern, respect and self-awareness. Mix those up and you get compassion, kindness and love. Your "heaven" on Earth.

Lets get this species evolving! ;)

With Love,

Juha K. K. Oksanen
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@ thor-teague from United States
queensofthestoneage11 March 2008
Interesting that Thor (page2 of comments) focused solely on the religious aspects of the film. This was only 1/3 of the overall content.

While I welcome his comments and it provokes further thoughts on the basis of Christianity being ancient Egyptian mythology, there is much more to this film than simply the religious section.

Stating that Horus was born on 365 days of the year, as opposed to Zeitgeist's focus on his birth on just 1 of these days of the year does not refute the remainder of the film.

It does not address the assertion that demolition experts are saying that they could not have done a better job of knocking down WTC buildings. Ancient Egyptian 'spells' vs Christian teachings, does not refute many of the remains of the WTC buildings possessing hallmarks of demolition work...

It does not address the evidence provided of 'false-flag' operations in America's involvement in previous major wars. It does not address the evidence found for England's similar operations, and for that matter all other involved countries similar stories.

Yet another example of governments seeing what they want to see for political/financial etc. reasons is raised in documentaries like "Storyline Australia - Truth, Lies and Intelligence" which show that irrespective of the wealth of evidence that the war was without foundation, the war machine was in motion and there were vested interests politically and financially in these conflicts progressing.

As with any internet/film/media works, take this with a grain of salt as everyone else has suggested. Do not take this as the authoritative truth. Use it as a basis for your own research.

A great film, and as it was intended, THOUGHT PROVOKING.

~Bill Hicks was the king~
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A manufactured and fraudulent zeitgeist indeed
thor-teague5 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The more I think about Zeitgeist, the more I realize how ironic it is; Zeitgeist is more a symptom (and a fairly malignant one) of its subject matter than an antidote. The entire documentary purports to be inviting you to open your mind and educate yourself, yet when you do so all you find out is how hypocritical Zeitgeist is. So... we don't want to be unkind or cause hurt feelings, but we want to be academically correct. Yes, sir.

Here are just a few factual errors; this is by no means extensive.

The Crux was indeed visible from the Mediterranean 2000 years ago (in modern day it is only visible from the southern hemisphere), but it was not called the Southern Cross. It was referred to as Centaurus and was part of a larger constellation. Only the Australians referred to it as Southern Cross, and it's impossible that Australia's indigenous peoples were in contact with the people of the Mediterranean at this point in history.

Egyptian mythology simply cannot be distilled down to a bulleted list of character traits about two of its myriad of Gods. If you bother to educate yourself about Egyptian mythology, you will quickly realize that all of their gods traded roles and changed from dynasty to dynasty, pharaoh to pharaoh. Throughout Egypt's existence, Set's role was revised repeatedly. In fact, he was occasionally HELPFUL to Horus--he ferried Re through the underworld every night! This is among the most basic and simple facts about ancient Egypt and it blows my mind that Zeitgeist got it THAT wrong.

The Egyptians did not have a concept of good and evil as you & I understand it. The good and evil that we commonly understand were introduced to the world by the Judean philosophy. Applying modern ideas of good and evil to ancient pre- Judean cultures is folly.

But even more fundamentally, you simply can't use Egyptian history as a factual litmus test for ANYTHING, let alone Christianity. All their records dissolved when the papyrus disintegrated. Those hieroglyphs that represent what we know of their history are all spun political speech--you might think of it as the Fox News of the ancient Egyptian world. Egypt's legacy is its architecture and art, NOT its facts! Archaeologists have long since recognized this shortcoming and that we will never know the day-to-day common stories of Egypt and thus a "true" or "real" representation of its culture and people. Imagine 3000 years from now investigators attempting to piece together our heritage solely from stories on Fox News, and you start to get the picture.

Horus was indeed born on December 25th--but Horus dies and is reborn the other 364 days of the year, too. He represents the sun. HELLO? MCFLY? The laundry list of other supposed deities that were all born on December 25th is glazed over pretty fast. Why, pray tell, have I never heard this anywhere but Zeitgeist, even as a curiosity? It's... questionable, to put it politely... that this is the only source of this information. Its justification--it was stricken from the record by people who didn't want you to know about it. (I.e.... "The devil did it.")

The whole conspiratorial assumptions the film makes about Christianity inheriting the traits of Egyptian religion is pretty uneducated, and is a typical attitude of non- Christians/non-Jews. This was not a conspiracy. It was a deliberate, visible, calculated PR war between Judaism and ancient Egypt. When God blotted out the sun, for instance, it didn't just happen to be a random attempt to scare Egyptians. It was a direct, overt refutation of Ra himself. Any traits that first-gen Judaism took from Egypt was an overt assertion of its superiority. The same can idea can be applied to the pagan astrological attributes that Christianity inherited. It's not a conspiracy. For example, Easter and Christmas both occur on Pagan holidays, something the ancient Roman Catholic church did to appease pagans and make the conversion to Christianity a bit smoother (it is most likely that Jesus was actually born in April.)

Zeitgeist's portrayal of Christians burning their wallets (?) because of their interpretation of Revelation is not representative of the whole picture; those individuals are in the minority--but yeah it's out there. It is also personally offensive.

Feel free to look up my review on Loose Change, and all that business applies to the second portion of the film. I have no comments on the third portion of the film, which may or may not be accurate for all I know. I do not consider myself educated in that subject matter.

Additionally, I feel confident in saying Carl Sagan would not have approved of being included in this documentary, considering how wrong its astronomy was. And it's disrespectful to do so after he's no longer around to have any say about it.

But outside of the nitpicks, this film is a bad faith film. It's inviting us, the audience, into this world of privileged information that nobody else in the world has. If Zeitgeist does what it sets out to do in spirit, you should be able to see through this film.

Taking this film strictly as entertainment, it's actually quite amusing and a worthy watch. It is well crafted and nicely produced. The narrator (who I'm going to assume is also the editor) does not sound like a pimply-faced 14 year old, unlike Loose Change. But it should not be interpreted as documentary. Conspiracy documentaries are really coming out of the woodwork these days as a voice of their own, and while I encourage criticism and questioning, I encourage knowing what the hell you're talking about even more. I give this film a few dubious points for being among the first of its kind and amusing--but that's all I can bring myself to award it with.
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WE are extraordinary!!
mikkel_dehn15 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Whether you like this movie or not, it would be idiotic NOT to watch it and hold it up against the facts that already exists in this world!!

Mass-manipulation, religious madness, scare-tactics, False Flag-operations, hidden agendas, economical manipulation, fascist regimes, hidden truths, corrupted educational systems... I could go on and on! Many controversial topics are presented in this documentary, and unlike many critics point out, it is all well documented for(On the official website of the documentary you will find a "Sources"-section, I guess no journalist or critic ever thought to look there?!). But as any other publication in the mass-medias, in this case the Internet, it should be watched with a well-sized portion of good sense. I know how you Americans like well-sized portions so this should create no obstacles for you to jump over, or blow up!!? My good sense tells me that the Western World today, as we know it, are living a lie. We are puppets in a giant show, we are both the actors and the audience controlled by very few instructors, but what we fail to realize is that we could end this show quicker than they started it! We just need to open our eyes to new possibilities. It's not like this is new to us either. Once the World was flat but some guy wanted to prove people wrong, so he sailed to the west in order to go AROUND the globe and land in India, thus greeting the Indians. Well, I guess the people living there ended up being called Indians, but it wasn't India he discovered back in 1492.

So watch this!! Think about it after wards and reflect on e.g. WHY there are so many god-sons from different religions who all are born on the 25th of December, WHY George W. Bush never made a statement alone or under oath regarding 9/11, WHY they are trying to enforce a North American Union over your heads, WHY you DON'T have to pay income taxes since it doesn't exist by law and is in conflict with the Constitution itself, WHY any American are completely stripped of ALL rights if they are under suspicion of being a TERRORIST, WHY no historians EVER wrote about a Jesus Christ. Think people, think.. THEN make a decision of whether you would believe what you knew before Zeitgeist or after! I believe my life after Zeitgeist! I am extraordinary - WE are extraordinary!!!
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Some of it explains our problems
trackstation21 February 2008
This movie goes into a lot of detail, I found it amazing, it has inspired me to look into and fact check for myself on the information provided. Between government's and church's that choose to start wars it shows you how little is paid to humans and the basic needs that we need. If you look thou shall find. Do your research and see if the information leads in the direction of the movie. Then 9/11 I at first could not believe our government could do something like blow down the trade centers but with the officials now that are now in office, I can see it being happening in some back room. If you paid close attention to the trade center buildings you can see a demo effect in the way the buildings collapsed, then wtc 7 wasn't hit at all and it as while had a demo like effect.Wake up
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A thought provoking look at the world
gingerman8727 March 2008
This film shows viewers not to believe anything they read, are shown, or told, and on the official website it says, "It is my hope that people will not take what is said in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realised." Which is a true statement to make. For years people have believed only what they have been told to believe when they should be finding it out for themselves.

Another quote i'd like to use is "there are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine and the truth." (Extreme, from the album "III sides to every story" 1992) The Media has told their story of the world, and Zeitgeist does its best to tell the opposite side, I believe that neither is right, but by researching it further i'd like to realise what the truth is. (an improbable feat, i know.)

I'd like to ask Juha what you mean when you say "we have more than we need on this planet" as i have heard that the population currently is using somewhere in the region of 1.5 times the amount of resources that are available, which makes sense to me if you think about one of the major rules of physics, "energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." if the population is increasing constantly, where is all the extra energy coming from to support us all? I would suggest to everyone that reads this to watch Zeitgeist:The Movie and take everything with a pinch of salt, and to treat everything you watch as 'fact' like this from now on, get into discussions/debates with people about everything and anything, to broaden your view on life, and most of all, try to listen as much as you speak.

(feel free to email me with any ideas, I'm always interested to hear others' views)

Thanks, Frase
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A wake up call you've never had
jota-b2 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Icredible. That's the correct term to describe this documentary. As said in the storyline, Zeitgeist is constituted by three parts, in a first look, very distinctive, but that in the end all serve the exact same purpose. The beginning of the first part describes the religion in a general fashion, slowly centering the argument in Christians. In a very mature and culturistic way, it makes you think if all that you've been taught by your family as a kid, concerning god, is indeed truth. The second part discusses 9/11, by showing the viewer all the recordings, statements and testimonies hidden by the government so far, that they didn't want you to see, stating that it was in fact, a way of finding an excuse to subsequently going in to war with Iraq, with one very simple purpose. Oil, which leads to importation, which leads to money. And which leads to the third part of this documentary, that talks about that very same thing, money. The third part is about how money is generated and how crisis are created, by telling the story about how the Federal Reserve of the United States was originated, what is it's purpose, and who has been behind it until now days. In general, it clearly tells the spectator who how and why is behind the curtains of this huge theater we call world economy. My advice to all the readers who are thinking about watching this spectacular documentary, is to actually watch it, and think. Think about the big picture that is this stage you're acting in, without even taking notice. But think about it with an open mind, and don't take everything as the only truth, do some research by yourself. Believe me, its worth your while.
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Fact's are The Truth
reiciunas29 January 2008
this informational Peace of documentary is in real a product of us-humans...I hope ,many people will take this movie serious and will understand,that church and priest's blessing will newer clear Your soul.THAT SIMPLY IS NOT IN HUMAN'S POWER... The history is the best "teacher" of us and to understand that we have to agre to a fact that "absolute power" exists and to stop it we have to do one thing-LIVE WITH BRIGHT MIND AND UNDERSTAND Difference Between WRONG AND RIGHT. One part three this movie explaining the conspiracy and affair of American government,-similar things had happened all over the world,is only currently USA is a powerful world's "player" and it's very important for all of to understand that the world belongs to HUMANS and ,again, we must understand WRONG&RIGHT...
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The thoughts in your head, " Are they really yours?"
asif-dd321 April 2008
This is perhaps the most compelling and intellectually stimulating piece of footage i have seen till date (21-04-2008). I personally feel that every one should see this at least once.

Peter Joseph (the director/writer) has done an excellent job. When u compare this to something like "Fahrenheit 911", this piece is much more factual,gripping, and inspiring/motivating.

The most brilliant accomplishment of this movie is that it makes you question the thoughts in your head." Are they really yours?".

I am definitely going to watch it again and again and make sure that people i know do something similar.

Finally, even if u hate documentaries .... U HAVE TO WATCH THIS ONE!
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Welcome to the present
RadkoMilanov21 February 2008
If Dostoevsky was alive and browsing the internet he would make a website explaining Nietzsche's work. If Einstein was alive and browsing the internet he would make a website stating that everything is relative but in most cases that does not apply to Dostoevsky's work. Finally a simple everyday Joe would make a search engine that searches within the websites of those great minds.

Guess whose site will get the most visitors.

Sleep happily, dance and sing while you are awake!

An interesting production

Seen best without applying too much opinion...
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Interesting but maybe misguiding...
Jose Guilherme24 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It is hard to evaluate this "documentary". It certainly starts out very well... they debunk Christianity's basis very well... but to the end they start flying into fantastic conspiracy theories that actually seem to contradict the current manipulative techniques.

How can you divide and conquer... if you have one world government ? Duh.

I certainly can understand elites of various countries suckering people in... but coordination of disparate elites in such an effective way ? Very hard to believe.

Watch it. Somethings are real eye openers and its the best case yet presented on how 9/11 simply doesn't add up.
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Existing On a Planet of 'Dumb' Apes...
Len987627 July 2008
What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common? 'Divide & Conquer' is the 'Motto'. The social manipulation of society, through the generation of fear and division, has completely detached humans from their sense of power and reality.

The movie's narrator says it all:

Narrator: The most incredible aspect of all: these totalitarian elements will not be forced on people, the people will demand them.

Narrator: The last thing the men behind the curtain want is a conscious informed public capable of critical thinking. Which is why a continually fraudulent zeitgeist is output via religion, the mass media, and the educational system. They seek to keep you in a distracted, naive bubble. And they are doing a damn good job of it.

Narrator: Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. It serves to detach the species from the natural world, and likewise, each other. It supports blind submission to authority.

Narrator: Nothing is more profitable for international bankers than war.

Narrator: The bottom line is this: The Vietnam war was never meant to be won. Just sustained. This war for profit resulted in 58,000 American deaths and 3 million dead Vietnamese.

A 'must see'! I rank this documentary a 10 out of 10. Visit www.zeitgeistmovie.com.
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Loved the irony
smash01610 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The ultimate message this film is telling you is to think for yourself and not accept everything that's thrown at you. Considering most of the comments around here it horribly fails at delivering that message. I truly think the important point the filmmaker wanted to make is one of irony, and I am glad to see at least some people share my thoughts on that account. If you're going to watch this film with an open mind, you should arrive at roughly the same conclusion. If you don't, you're just one of those tons of alleged conspirators mentioned in the film.

Apart from irony, this film also has great fictitious value. How annoying then to see your roommates actually worrying about chips being implanted in their heads.
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How Can They Hear the Truth Above the Roar?
pannicatack1 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In the musical 'Chicago,' Billy Flynn sings a song about how he thinks the world works: Just wow them, and they'll fall for it. This film is a prime example.

It wows you by bombarding you over the head with images and sounds, quite shocking to the average viewer, and because of the way it is put together, it seems quite compelling. However, looking a bit closer after an initial viewing shows that the film is nothing more than paranoia-mongering.

The film starts off with an 'overture,' in which music that sounds like that of Philip Glass (that is, if Philip Glass was stupid and drunk) plays over repeated images of explosions and other stock footage, eventually coming to the image of an airplane striking the World Trade Center, along with a picture of a hand writing "2+2=4," when other hands wrench the paper away from him, and replace it with a Bible and a folded American flag. It then fades to black with what looks like a Windows Media Player backdrop, where a is talking about 'establishments' that are meant to control you. It then moves to George Carlin's "Invisible Man in the Sky" monologue, before going into the film proper.

The film consists of three parts: 1. The Greatest Story Ever Told 2. All The World's A Stage 3. Don't Mind The Men Behind the Curtain

The thing about the film is that it's very slickly edited. After it's overture, it seems to turn somewhat more mild. The very first four words of part one, spoken by the writer/composer/editor Peter Joseph: "This is the sun." From there, it moves on to talk about how Jesus was ripped off of several other deities from other civilizations, which are all identical sun gods, throwing in 'son god.' After spending time discussing Christianity and other religions, and coming to the conclusion that 'religion is the fraud of the age,' it moves to part 2, where it makes a very startling accusation indeed: The United States Government planned, carried out, and covered up the 2001 September 11th attacks. Then in part 3, it talks about the Federal Reserve, and how it has been behind all of our economic crises and wars, and how there is a 'New World Order' waiting to come and enslave us all.

But the sad fact is, there is not a single original thought in this entire film. Part 1 is essentially a pitch for authors such as Dorothy Murdoch, aka Acharya S., who has written a number of books that argue Jesus never existed and was in fact plagiarized from earlier religions, a theory that has never been accepted by mainstream scholars.

Part 2 is virtually indistinguishable from the myriad of 9/11 'Truth' Films - Loose Change, 9/11 Mysteries, etc.

And Part 3 is essentially Aaron Russo's 'America: Freedom to Fascism.' Peter Joseph even takes Russo's word about the "RFID chip" that is supposed to be used to control us.

And, it is about as factual as it is original. Here are just a few of the myriad of falsehoods in the film.

1. A large bulk of the 'Jesus sun god' line in Part 1 rests on the contention that Jesus was born on December 25th. While that is the traditional date used for Christmas, no religious source actually gives a date. There were several dates used for celebration. Even today, many Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate Christmas on dates that are not December 25th, such as in January.

2. In part 2, they make the contention that the hijackers are still alive. This was a very popular talking point for 9/11 conspiracy theorists for quite some time, but it is simply false. The source of this is a BBC article. After the list of suspected hijackers was released, some people with the same names as the suspected hijackers called in to voice their confusion. However, the fact of the matter is that they shared only the same name. The BBC later admitted that it was a case of mistaken identity. It also defies logic that these 'conspirators' would leave their 'hijackers' to blow the whistle in this manner.

3. In part 3, it claims that there is not law that requires you to pay an income tax. This is a lie, plain and simple. It is right there in the Internal Revenue Code, for anyone who isn't lazy to read. This point was proved wrong when Russo said it, and Mr. Joseph has no excuse for repeating it.

4. He says that the 16th Amendment is unconstitutional. Nobody seems to complain much about the other twenty-six Amendments, though (unless you're Ann Coulter and you think women shouldn't have the right to vote or something), which are all unconstitutional by similar standards.

5. He talks about the cause of WWI, with the Lusitania. He talks about a conversation that seems to imply that the sinking of the Lusitania was planned. He argues that the Fed and the people behind it wanted the ship to sink so they could go to war. Well, he fails to say exactly what the 'men behind the curtain' did to cause it. He says that they wanted it to happen, but he does not offer a shred of evidence to support the notion that the 'men behind the curtain' caused it. Even more egregiously, he makes no mention of the Zimmerman Telegram. As influential as the sinking of the Lusitania was, it was the Telegram that caused the US to enter war.

There are people who say that this is the most important documentary of our time, and others say that it doesn't matter if everything the film says is false, and that the point is that it makes you think about things.

Lies do matter. And when this film that purports to destroy lies is made of lies itself, you need to reconsider the merits.
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