"Star Trek: Discovery" Die Trying (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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A Vast Improvement on the Previous Episode
sbulgacs13 November 2020
We actually get a standard Trek away mission in this episode, and the story is moved forward after reaching the Federation (did it really take 5 episodes to get here?). However where the overall story arc is going is anyone's guess, the ending of this episode is a bit of a cliff hanger really. In Trek canon we know humans in the 29th century can time travel, the Admiral in this episode even mentions it, but the crew of the Discovery aren't even going to try and return home, not even think about it or discuss it? Seems unlikely. Kirk and Spock managed to travel back in time twice off their own backs! To totally ignore that would be a bit of a joke. Canonical problems aside, the only bit of this episode which was cringe inducing was Burnham's overly emotional monologuing..... again. It also makes no sense all the federations subspace transceivers would suddenly break, and even if they did, all they'd have to do is drop new ones whenever they went anywhere. If dilithium is in such short supply, it's not as if anyone is going to waste it taking out subspace transceivers. Also blinking breaks holograms, seriously? Who thought that one up?
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Michael Burnham Finally Got Schooled. MIchelle Yeoh and David Cronenberg Steal the Episode.
ObsessiveCinemaDisorder19 November 2020
Having attained its location through Senna's memories, the Discovery crew reunite with Starfleet Headquarters. As the Discovery is unable to prove their time-travel story to Starfleet, Starfleet remains distrustful of them. During their debriefing, the Discovery crew and Starfleet must work together to solve a health crisis.

I enjoyed this episode. Things are now kicking into gear and the season seems to be heading in the right direction with some adjustments. We learn more about what's happened in the future timeline and I am intrigued to find out more about the Burn. I like that the Discovery has to earn the trust of the current Starfleet.

These past few weeks, I have been hard on the Michael Burnham character throughout my weekly episode reviews. Well, this week I'm happy to say that the season's 5th episode, aptly titled Die Trying, is finally addressing Burnham's insubordinate self-centered attitude towards Starfleet protocol and authority. They set her straight here and it paid off all three seasons of hate-watching. And who better than Oded Fehr, the sacred bodyguard from the Brendan Fraser Mummy movies, to stick it to her as the Admiral of the future Starfleet.

Michael's acknowledgment does mean she is starting to develop as a character in the right direction. It's been the elephant in the room for way too long. Hopefully, the writers will follow through and keep her changing for the better through the rest of the season.

Each episode with its subplots seemingly wants to explore the other crew members but the show never lets any of them take front and center for an episode. The last episode should have been lead by Hugh Culber and this one should have lead by Nhan. When Adira was ordered away for a body check early in this episode, I did a double-take as she was so quickly dispatched and exited frame just as I was warming up to her. It was almost like the show telling the character her turn was up and she had to vacate the spotlight of attention.

In a comedic interrogation montage that seems directly lifted from Martin Scorsese's The Wolf Of Wall Street, Michelle Yeoh's Philippe Georgiou steals this episode in a scene with guest star David Cronenberg batting her eyelashes at Starfleet interrogators. There is an intriguing plot thread that is laid about what happened to the Terran Empire in the future. Did the Terrans have anything to do with the Burn? I like to see that storyline explored and hopefully with more David Cronenberg.
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Average Episode
mando202014 November 2020
It was an OK episode. Much better than the last one. Visual effects were great in this episode! I still don't have a feeling there is a much progress to the main story. Saru got sidelined again in this episode, rest of the crew doesn't seem important and Cmdr. Burnham saved the day. It's a standard recipe for every episode.
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On track
ay613 November 2020
This episode seems to take us back on track with some interesting new adventures in interesting new times.

There's more than a hint of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century about this episode. Relics from the past come and save the day the old fashioned way! It's amusing, but let's hope it doesn't become a theme!

We rejoin the Federation, or what remains of it, which is exciting as it's as yet unclear whether they're truly still friends, or maybe now foe. Lots can change in a few centuries! There's an obvious struggle production-wise to make things even more ultra-hyper-futuristic to reflect a millennium of advancements; I think they may have gone a bit overboard - that walkway and floor were pretty ridiculous. But as always, the effects and CGI were top notch.

This instalment also seeds the ground for Philippa Georgiou's spin off. I hope that some of that story plays out in Discovery before they spin it off! And David Cronenberg! It would be a real treat if they make him a recurring character.

There's definitely an argument that it's the Michael Burnham show, but is that really such a bad or unprecedented thing? We've had the James T Kirk show, the Jean Luc Picard show (now two shows!), the Jonathan Archer show. Is the upset here just because she's a black woman? You know, I think some of it may be exactly that. I think it would play a bit better if she cried less, that's getting a bit tiresome now, but she's a good lead, it works for Trek to have a focal character within a larger ensemble.

Overall a great episode, interesting, exciting, with some groundwork laid for future storylines. And I'll say it again: David Cronenberg!
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Getting better.
pdfletcher12 November 2020
Best cold open so far. I hope that Ms. Martin-Green gets away from the Paul Giamatti school of projecting earnestness. That is, she whispers too much. She is a very talented actress as was shown in The Walking Dead, but she comes off here as a bit wooden and the whispering is undercutting her power.
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If You Hate It So Much Stop Watching It.
brianbeans12 November 2020
There's isn't a damn thing wrong with this show, as a life long viewer and lover of the Star Trek brand. These are fictional characters set in a fictional universe. There's creativity, and flexibility. Awe and wonder. The best of Star Trek. We could only dream of this vision of Trek in days gone by. Discovery, it's writers and cast, are worthy heirs of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek legacy and vision. Pity that the lessons of Star Trek are lost on it's haters; lessons that form the backbone of it's universe. What a pity indeed indeed. Season 3 has been amazing so far. No wonder they green lit season 4 (currently in production).

You'll love this show! I love this show! Yes! Give me more of this!
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Continuing to be "Burnham Trek"
rsvp32113 November 2020
...and it's boring the h out of me! (What makes it even more unbearable is that she can't act!) Nothing about this series feels like Star Trek, anymore. At the same time, it's funny how *every week* the paid reviews roll in headed, "best episode ever! 10/10!" Lol bots

The series also continues to ignore white, straight males, not just on Discovery, but apparently in every aspect of the show! If any other group were so blatantly and inexplicably omitted in this manner, there would be accusations of bigotry and racism.
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Getting Their Feet Wet
Hitchcoc1 July 2023
Even though it is the fifth episode of this season, we are back to square one, with a foundational episode. The crew shows up after 900 years and naturally Starfleet is quite (suspicious. They gang is immediately checked out. Showing a total lack of professionalism, they are the consummate smart asses. Their chance to stay without being split up is contingent on them showing their new bosses knowledge and reliability. So they are asked questions and act like children (actually snotty teenagers), making the leaders suspicious. I guess since the contemporary Star Trek offerings are full of this behavior, the producers are more interested in catering to low common denominators than telling good stories.
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It is the BEST of ST: Discovery yet
cin_kong13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't forget the focus of the series is centered around Michael Burnham. So it should not be odd that there is so much of the character.

Finally we are getting a perspective of the Federation, in whatever state. Believe me, there was never an exposition like this in the previous classic TV series.

The writers did a marvelous job with the secondary characters development. They have made it easy to love knowing who they are.

With this episode, Discovery has found it's place in Star Trek lore.

Only spoiler here is the cameo of the iconic Intrepid class USS Voyager. Wow!
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Finally, discovery becomes star trek
fraserc-0089616 November 2020
After three seasons, Star Trek discovery finally feels a bit more like traditional star trek. This episode explores the discovery crew's displacement by slamming them infront of an uncertain starfleet in the future and forces them to prove not just their usefulness, but their resolve and motivations. Cracks finally appear in the badass Georgiou's facade and the flaws only work to make the character more interesting. The interaction between Cronenberg and Yeoh makes for the highlight of the episode, closely followed by Martin-Green's excursion to the Federation seed ship to prove discovery crews worthiness to starfleet.
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Put Burnham in her place and respect the command structure.
jimel-0938615 November 2020
Do the writers realise that the crew are ignorant of 900 years of technological advances? Imagine a Viking in a longship pulling up to the USS Enterprise and telling William Halsey Jr. how to run his fleet.
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bgbrunocom12 November 2020
That start was magnificent - that feel "return home, home in the future". <3
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Die Trying
Prismark1017 November 2020
So Discovery finds the Federation of the 32nd century and it is another cold welcome. The crew should be used to be it by now,

Admiral Vance is rather hesitant to trust a crew that has suddenly arrived from 900 years ago with spore technology. There is nothing in the records about some of the events the Discovery crew are talking about.

It does lead to a difference of opinions between Saru and Burnham. I thought Saru was too subservient to the Federation hierarchy and too ready to trust them. I think Vance's clumsy attempt to separate the crew was a misstep and I just suspected that the Federation would have an unhealthy interest in the spore drive.

Discovery as a science vessel wants to prove themselves and opt to go and get some space seeds which could cure some alien refugees.

This involves going to Cmdr Nhan's home world. However getting the seeds is not easy as the crew find a family in stasis. They appear to be dead while the father seems to be phasing in and out.

It was another very traditional Star Trek type story, maybe too basic for my liking.

More intriguing was Georgiou's story. A Terran got the attention of a man called Kovich and he was played by David Cronenberg who had some questions to ask. This does suggest a possible shake up of Georgiou's story.

Now if they can only get this Cronenberg guy to direct a few episodes of Star Trek.
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So Schmaltzy
machina225 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What on Earth is going on with the writing and dialogue in this show?

I'll start by saying that I don't mind ST:D. At times over the last two seasons and a bit it's been very good, others less so. It's not as good as Voy, DS9, TNG, or even ENT, but it's consistently better than ST: Picard. And I thought the first two episodes this season were very good - almost excellent. It was visually impressive and the decision to commit the crew to a far future where the Federation is a shell of its former self was bold and full of potential.

But the last three episodes have been an utter drag.

I can take the addition of a very uncharismatic, dull, and utterly unnecessary new crew member that has the hallmarks of Wesley Crusher 2.0.

I can take the fact that the casting seems driven more by the need to tick various boxes, rather than by the need to find 1) the best actors possible, and 2) people who have an aura of charisma.

I can also take the fact that most of the crew are written to be either utterly unlikeable or totally unbelievable in their roles. This is can take mostly because Saru is an awesome and interesting character, and Georgiou adds some more than welcome bitter sarcasm to proceedings, even if it is hammy at times.

I can even take, most of the time, the fact that Burnham has to be the centre of attention and constantly breaks the chain of command (something she's done since the very first episode, when she literally assaulted her captain and falsified orders). But this Burnham obsession starts to grate when it's totally illogical - as in this episode. Apparently Burnham is best suited to convince a Barzan of what to do, and not another Barzan - sure, ok. Just as Burnham was more suited than the doctor to accompany a Trill with apparent medical complications to its home planet last episode. Makes total sense.

But the schmaltz, it's becoming unbearable. Every episode is filled with motivational speeches, emotion-driven dialogue, sappy scenes of people 'connecting', of eyes welling up with tears, and a crew (of what is supposed to be a SCIENCE ship) that talks about 'believing' and 'hope' and 'belonging'. It is quite literally a sci-fi soap opera at present.

The sci fi part of this sci fi soap opera is becoming increasingly weak too. This episode, for example, we have the crew finally finding the Federation, only for them (I say 'them', I mean Burnham) to become fixated on saving some refugees who just so happen to be being treated in the exact location they beam in to make first contact with this far-future Federation. Naturally the Discovery is also the only ship capable of saving them, and a cure is to be found in a seed ship that's randomly floating around in space. Cue Burnham captaining Discovery and leading the mission (because Saru has to stay behind as a guarantee - uhuh). On and on it goes.

The last few episodes have had plots as thin as paper, and almost every scene where science fiction is actually involved has a hole in it the size of a wormhole. The show is becoming riddled with inconsistencies, lack of logic, and a tiresome sentimentality.

I hope things improve in future episodes. I doubt they do.
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ranhines13 November 2020
This IS Star Trek! Brilliant writing, acting and story line. For those who want to know everything immediately, go suck a lemon. We're 932 years in the future and you want answers this quick? Things have to be setup, explored and then paid off. Like any other series. For those race-baiters lamenting not enough white men? Child, please! Go watch Star Wars! Stop bothering us! Sincerely, Not A Bot...dummy.
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The best Star Trek Discovery episode .
marianthenightman12 November 2020
This is my favorite episode,I like to see the new Federation ships , including one of the greatest ;) although i hate those lens flares which makes everything to look so blurry and the new designs to be almost useless .Also I think the series will be great without M.B. which is the most pointless and annoying character ,hopefully they will reduce her role.I realise the section 31 series will be most probably set in the future ,so I cannot wait to see that show,now.I have a feeling this new Federation is not what it should be at all.This is also the first watchable episode from the new season.
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Illegal to time travel to the future?
Unique31415915 November 2020
A little confusing since we always time travel to the future. If they were cryogenically frozen all that time, is that not the same result? If they had travelled near the speed of light (for some time)without warp tech would that not have dialated time and had the same result? If they had orbited a super massive object for some time would that not have also dialated time with the same effect? I could see the desire to restrict travel to the past, but it seems silly to me to simply restrict time travel to the future. What am I missing?
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Tune down the eye contact and smiling and please stop with the whispering
TheLastBen14 November 2020
It's getting more and more difficult to get through episodes as they get consumed and transcended by emotions, there are plenty of shows centered around emotion, Star Trek shouldn't be one of them, science and exploration and action come first, then a small dose of emotion is fine, but please, stop with the smiling, and what's with Burnham and the whispering ? let her use her voice, she's spending entire episodes begging, smiling, crying and whispering, oh my GOD !
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Proper Star Trek
GabrielSymes13 November 2020
I like this programme a lot. The characters are growing, the story arc is solid. This episode, though, was proper Star Trek. There were fun interactions reminiscent of classic trek, the story was brilliant, the effects jaw dropping in places. Awesome.
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Too much Melodrama
maceddd14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nice idea with all the federation ships.

Such a boring soap like episode. Probably the cheapest way to fill the time. All these highly emotional scenes.

And seriously - going to get some seeds on the other side of the Galaxy for some refugees? Very weak storyline this time.

Hope they'll do better next time
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Why is everyone whispering?
micjammusic14 November 2020
I am loving this 3rd season so far and my message to the haters is this: if you don't like it, don't watch it. Your useless and baseless criticisms and comments will not change anything, in the slightest.

But I do have one question-why is everyone always whispering? It's my only criticism, really. I seem to be constantly turning the volume up and down.
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Very nice STAR TREK story!!
WKYanks14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What an opening scene. Discovery arrives at what's left of the "The Federation" and it was nice to see joy and awe in the crew's eyes as they make their way through a distortion field and take in the 32nd-century Federation/Starfleet landscape. We see the USS VOYAGER (NCC-74656-J). It appears now, that the Enterprise is not the only Star Ship to have earned alphanumeric designations. I guess Janeway and crew were thought of with reverence. I also (on second viewing) caught the USS Nog, an obvious tribute to Aron Eisenberg who sadly passed away last year. Quite nice. Suru orders the hail "USS Discovery reporting for duty"!

Sensors now have the ability to differentiate the symbiote from the host. Saru, Burnham and "Tal" are requested to beam onto the space station. They beam over, are in awe of their surroundings, and meet ADM Charles Vance, head of the Federation. We learn that Kaminar ended up joining the federation which makes Saru very proud. The ADM, rightly so, is very suspicious of Discovery and her arrival and after speaking with Adira, orders her to medical for a "diagnostic". An interesting term for a medical exam, I'm sure Reno would approve. The ADM eagerly awaits a debrief of Saru and Burnham. They tell their story and we learn that today's Federation consists of 38 member planets, down from 350 at its peak. The ADM is convinced they are not lying to him, but there is no historical record of a "Red Angel" or "Control" so he caught between a rock and a hard place. He explains the "Temporal Accords" (a nod to 'Enterprise') and that time travel now is illegal and of course Discovery is guilty. He cannot risk trusting them without proof. So, he "requisitions" Discovery and orders her crew debriefed for reassignment. BAM, Saru, and Burnham are shocked. (and so was I)

The crew debriefings begin and they are being conducted by holograms. All quite humorous, but the best one was Georgiou's. She is conversing with 2 holograms and she quickly overloads them by forcing them to shut their programs down. Then she enters into conversation with what appears to be a 32nd century Section 31 agent (Intel Department maybe?) played wonderfully by David Cronenberg and finally, she has met a mental equal or at least someone that intrigues her. He talked to her about 5 April 2063 (Terran holy day), where Terrans met Vulcans for the first time and they killed all the Vulcan's onboard. (referencing IAMD from Enterprise) We learn that the Terran Empire has crumbled after she left and that no one in the last 500 years has traversed between the mirror U and our U (universes drifting apart since she left) and we see Georgiou is visibly shocked by learning this. He decerns that the only reason she is here in this universe is that she must care for someone on the ship. All without asking her a question. At the end of this episode, Michael walks up on Georgiou and she's just standing there in a daze... she finally snaps out of it as Michael asks her if she is alright and she walks off without answering. It appears that Georgiou has always been under the impression she would return to her empire. Looks like that's not going to happen and she is torn up about it. More to follow for sure and I hope it includes the unnamed character played by David Cronenberg. He was pretty awesome here. I'm still wondering what's up with his glasses.

Back on Discovery, Michael is explaining to Saru that the ADM just doesn't understand and that Saru should be fighting for them. She goes on about how they can use Discovery to help the Keelu(?) and that would be enough proof for the ADM to let them stay together. Saru quite nicely puts Burnham in her place and tells her they will follow the correct procedures.

Saru and Michael join in conversation with the ADM once again and they figure out the only way to help the Keelu is to obtain a plant seed from a world that is no longer fertile in order to create an antidote. Michael remembers a seed ship, the ADM confirms its existence and of course, Discovery is the only ship that can get there and back in time. Michael can't explain this to the ADM without being the usual "Michael Burnham smart-ass" so the ADM again puts her in her place. Saru sees this as a way to solve two problems, help the Keelu and earn trust. Saru will stay behind and Michael will head up the mission - with Federation Security on board of course.

Discovery drops into the coordinates of the TeeKov and there is a huge ion storm that is masking the ship. They will have to enter and tractor the ship out. They do this, but Detmer is once again freezing up. Michael figures out a Barzan family was keeping watch (4-month rotation) over the seed vault. Now we know that the Barzan also joined the Federation so Michael orders CDR Nhan to join the away crew. Michael, Hugh, and Nhan beam over. They walk up to a running hologram of a family humming a tune, the same tune that Adira was playing on the cello. (All Along the Watchtower starts playing in my head) Reno, Stamets and Tilly work together and figures out that a CME hit the ship and killed the family and because the dad was beaming into the seed vault he didn't die because of quantum blah blah... they figure out how to save him and he helps the away team gain access to the required seeds. It needs to be mentioned again that these scenes are bolstered because Culber is in them. He's frakin awesome. I'm starting to think of him like Garak in DS9. If he's involved in the episode, it is better. Culber reveals that the husband will die of radiation poisoning if he stays. Of course, he doesn't want to leave his family. Michael convinces him to leave and as probably expected, Nhan remains behind to finish the Barzan responsibility of watching over the seeds and ensuring the dead wife and two children receive a proper burial. You can say this isn't "earned" I guess, but it's a fitting closure to this character and in character, I think. She did remain on Discovery to replace Airium out of a sense of duty. One wonders why Discovery couldn't have just jumped back and dropped the husband off after he healed though.

Couple notes... I really enjoyed Stamets, Reno, and Tilly working together, banter and all. I felt the Nhan character was just a tag-a-long so this ending to the character was a good one. Michael just can't help being herself. It was nice that the ADM and Saru put her in her place. When Suru described Earth's renaissance painter Giotto, it harkened back to Archer's story of the gazelle to the Vulcan's and I thought showed great leadership and thoughtfulness when speaking with ADM Trance. But when ADM Trance stated that Detmer's "readings" were baseline, Burhman responded with "we all put out lives in Detmer's hands and would do it again". That's not the point and reveals a lack of leadership and understanding. Stating something along the lines of "we are aware of that and we will help her heal" would have been more appropriate and in my eyes depicts why she isn't ready for the Captain's chair.

So all in all I thought this was an outstanding episode. Plenty of trek lore and a nice trek story that didn't need shots fired to tell. I'm looking forward to figuring this "tune" thing out and can't wait to see Georgiou's story unfold. She just may end up in Section 31 in the 32nd century. It looks like Discovery is going to have to figure "The Burn" thing out.

Reese got the con!!
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Rolling my eyes.
majorbonobo12 November 2020
Why do I keep watching this?! Even with David Cronenberg guest starring, even if I cry with every cheesy motivational speech by Burnham, why must we tolerate the blunt attacks of this cringe-provoking piece of soap opera? Star Trek-fragility?
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Wow a great episode at last
ewaf5814 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like Discovery but wasn't that impressed by the earlier episodes in this 3rd series.

But now the Discovery really has got the chance to discover need Worlds and have soon real adventures.

The new Starfleet headquarters is intriguing and might not be all it seems. We have a mystery concerning some music while Miss Dark Universe has started to act strangely.

I now can't wait for the next episode - quite a turnaround.

I'm from the UK and watched my first episode back in 1969 - and I'm glad to see it's still producing quality stories.
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Derailed by Burnham... Again!
philhemstock-1178214 November 2020
This was actually not a bad episode, a big improvement on the previous 4 episodes.

However. Once again everything has to be saved by Michael. Why?? It seems so forced! Of all people who could have helped it should have been Nhan, a member of his own race who hasn't seen or heard any of her own people in a millenia. But aww no, let's stick Michael in there yet again to save the day. Ridiculous! And can somebody please stop her whispering her dialogue?

Some interesting developments in terms of the Terran universe but as many others have said, 5 episodes in and the main storyline has hardly started. Can anybody say SLOW!

My favourite part of the episode... When the general gave Burnham a good slapping down. Learn your place!
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