Video X: The Dwayne and Darla-Jean Story (2007) Poster

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Positive Reviews Are Probably From Friends and Cast/Crew
mortradio30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is, without a doubt, one of the worst films I have ever seen. This isn't even laughable tripe. The film is amateurish, stereotypical, and an utter bore.

Two naïve rednecks runaway (because the girl is underage) so they can live by a river in blissful happiness. Unfortunately, their entire savings is stolen, and thus they enter a life of crime, and end up dead after finding out that their blissful haven no longer exists.

Filmed in mockumentary style (more of an excuse for the director not to properly frame a scene), the camera work, along with the acting, seems to have come out of a high school project. The Hillbilly Trailerpark dialogue is not even laughable because it is the bad.

Don't bother watching this "film" (if you can even call it that). It is a complete waste of time. If Dwayne and Darla-Jean committed any crime, it was the crime of making anyone sit through this 90 minutes of garbage.
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Pleasantly Surprised
trajeal6 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I actually thought this was a pretty good movie. Not Hollywood by any stretch, but a cool flick. No intense effects or well thought out dialog, but it seemed so real, so natural, that I really felt like a fly on the wall, witnessing these young peoples' descent into unthinking madness.

Each of Darla Jean and Dwayne's actions were preceded by events that were totally plausible. You believe they had no other choice but to go down the path that they did. Dwayne didn't start out as a murderer, he basically got angry and then panicked on the trigger. The farther they got into their "vacation", the more desperate he had become, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him when they finally got to the campground.

The guy who played Dwayne played his role perfectly, using just the right amount of irresponsibility and panic, and I found myself believing that the guy really was some ticked-off Kentucky farm boy in the wrong place at the right time. Even at the end of the movie, 17 year-old Darla Jean was still naive and childlike in her thinking (a trait most girls her age have well surpassed in this day and time), which made me feel so badly for her and the situation Dwayne had put her in.

The direction seemed random but was actually spot on. The camera angles were made to look arbitrary, like the shot of the two of them arguing outside of the car when they realized they had been robbed, but it was actually just great camera work. I also liked the bits of the neighbor's birthday party - anyone who has ever had a video camera recognizes those snippets that happen when you rewind and watch a tape that's still in the camera. Nice touch. The last shot of Dwayne freaking out on his car during the kid's birthday party was perfect and so well done. It makes you remember how they had started out so innocently, not knowing what was to come.

I think you have to be in the right frame of mind to watch this movie and enjoy it. If you walk into it not expecting much, you might even find yourself pleasantly surprised at how much you liked it, no Hollywood magic and all.
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mcateer-7942326 March 2022
All Darla did was scream and cry. So unbelievable. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Such a waste of time. The camera location was so ridiculous ad faked.
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Just Wow.
Illyngophobia5 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I snagged this at a local Hollywood Video store that was closing; as well as five others for two dollars each. I thought the title seemed familiar to me,so I took it. It was the first I popped into my DVD player. After sitting through two hours of the Video X:Evidence extra on the DVD, I finally watched it. Oh boy.

Plot: Two lovers; Dwayne - Looks sweet, but has a temper problem and can change on a dime and Darla-Jean - An under-aged blonde haired girl who wants to start a new life and become famous. Their journey to Little River; turns into a violent murder-robbery that ends up with 11 dead and a blood trail through six states; as well as the arrival of the third partner; a cowboy named Billy who was convicted of grand theft auto sometime prior to them meeting.

I'm not quite sure what I seen here. I had moments where I wasn't sure if this was real or they were actors; especially with the guy from the RV stop. This honestly wasn't that bad of a movie really. It was more entertaining than Murder-Set-Pieces if that means anything. The characters were good,and I did feel some emotion and suspense with this at a few points (Unlike with M-S-P) and it did feel like The Blair Witch Project at times,which was cool.

Pros: I did like the characters. I became attached to Billy and then started gaining sympathy for Darla-Jean. And Dwayne was the perfect tough guy/antagonist in this. Emotion was very well done. Probably my favorite scene was Billy making jokes about the "river" when they got to Little River.

Cons: Umm... *long pause* I guess it was the camera work; and not being too realistic effects wise. I expected to see more carnage and blood,especially since all most of the shots were made at point blank range. I would have loved to see Dwayne and Darla have a closer bond,since they are suppost to be the happy loving couple-unless the tension had been there from before the camera was rolling.

I'm giving Video X a 7/10, since I can't find anything wrong this the film. And I agree completely with others who have reviewed the film previously.
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Unbelievably Bad
bob-carroll-131 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, worst movie I've seen in a long time. They took the concept from Blair Witch and added Bonnie and Clyde (without the charm) with really annoying fake southern accents. Must have been a real low budget film, they obviously didn't pay any writers and hopefully not much for the actors.

This makes Ishtar look like Gone With The Wind!

Dwayne and the underage Darla Jean leave home with their life savings in pursuit of Little River, which Dwayne remembers from his happy childhood there. Along the way they get robbed, find the robbers and kill them, then go on a crime spree. Most of the film is foul language, arguing, yelling, bitching and whining. Most unpleasant, with no likable characters.
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Real Story
lilkaebaby28 October 2023
You have to understand when you watch this movie that this was REALLY them. They are NOT actors. Thats why it's filmed the way it is. This is the real Darla Jean and Dwayne when they were committing their crimes!! That's what makes it good. You are literally given a snapshot of what exactly they were doing and thinking when all of this unfolded. They obviously didn't start off as criminals but it surely ended that way because of pure desperation. They did what they thought they had to do to survive. And you'll never see another movie like it because this is as true of a story as you're gonna get. I liked it because it's raw and uncut. REAL. Not some cheesy reenactment.
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Spoilers but fun
abraxis025 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
They got me! I thought this was a for real documentary although I felt the filmmakers were being rather dick*sh and dishonest to some of the folks who agreed to be interviewed. I should have picked up on it at that point that this wasn't an up and up documentary. But I didn't hence I think this deserves at least 7 stars.

I didn't realize it was bullsh*t until I tried to find the "video x" via torrent. Well EVERYTHING is available through bit-torrent and a few short google searches later I learned I'd been had.

Normally I'd rant and rave about being tricked but they did a good job. Every character in the movie was convincing. Now it seems ridiculous but they managed to suspend my disbelief and that was pretty fun (in retrospect I thought the "crimes" were gruesome and a reflection of the worst of man's inhumanity towards their fellow man), but I kept watching enthralled. Job well done!
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Kudos to the crew
pbnjballard22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only giving this crud a single star because the crew was put through days, weeks? Of nothing but screaming, pure Hell. In fact the screaming at each other got so bad that I fast forwarded to 10 mins before the end. Good God, the 3 actors must have had laryngitis for weeks after wrap. Even if they were given free reign to adlib, it was still just awful. All 'Darla Jean' did was either cry or scream.! This movie almost drove me to scream back "Just shut uuuupppp!"
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Great film-making! Good movie.
MBunge29 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Video X is a fine demonstration of the fact that being the best is not quite as important as being the first.

In 1999, The Blair Witch Project exploded into the public consciousness as a brilliant marketing scheme actually had some people wondering if the story of film footage from a missing trio of college students was real or not. The film and hand-held video was shot by the supposed students themselves as they encountered a mysterious evil in the woods and was recovered after they disappeared. It took the concept of the mockumentary and applied it to deadly serious horror.

In 2003, Video X came along claiming to be the hand-held video shot by a white trash loser and his underage girlfriend as they embarked on a cross country killing spree. And it's better than The Blair Witch Project. But its very excellence only emphasizes the limitations of this new genre.

When I say Video X is better than The Blair Witch Project, I don't necessarily mean it's more entertaining. I mean it does a better job of abiding by and fulfilling the concept of "real video" storytelling. While Blair Witch was obviously edited together, Video X looks exactly like someone taping things with a single video camera over the course of several days. The camera gets turned on and off, it gets passed from one person to another, often the camera isn't even shooting the people who are speaking. If Blair Witch was the idea, Video X is the realization.

And even with the restrictions of making the footage look and sound and feel as close to reality as possible, Video X does a better job of storytelling. Dwayne (Joey Graham) and Darla Jean (Michelle Moretti) aren't pawns moved through the film by the plot. They start out with a simple foolish dream, to run away and make a new life for themselves, but they make the worst possible choices running after that dream. Through it all, as the killings move from accidental to intentional, as the none-too-bright lovebirds hook-up with an older ex-con who sends them further down into the darkness without realizing what he's truly doing, Dwayne and Darla Jean remain real people who think and act and feel in real ways. Video X asks us to consider that, sometimes, the worst sorts of evil can start out with relatively harmless stupidity and one terrible mistake.

It's impossible to know if Video X would have become the same sort of box office phenomenon as The Blair Witch Project. Its true-to-life crime drama might not have resonated with the public like supernatural terror did. But if Video X had come first, it would have definitely caused at least a minor sensation as a bold new direction in film-making. But it didn't come first, which means the audience has already seen the whole "is this real or not" angle. No matter how genuine the video footage seems, you can't give the film the full suspension of disbelief it needs. Even though in most respects it's a better film and a better story, the conceit of making you wonder if it might be real is so central to the appeal of the film that is can't completely work without it. It's like buying a used car. The first time you do it, the salesman can seem awfully convincing. But the second time you buy a used car, no matter how persuasive the salesmen is, you just can't believe him like you did the first guy.

I don't mean to sell Video X short. It is still entertaining, though like all these hand held video films, those with motion sickness should beware before watching. But it proves that no matter how well made one of these movies is, it will never be able to recapture the "is it or isn't it" doubt that this genre needs to be completely successful as art.
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ldrake25788 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that I had to stop watching after the first five minutes. Although I am not from Texas, I knew something was drastically "off" when the interview with the retired sheriff was conducted in "Mohr County, Texas." There is no Mohr County, in Texas.

One would think a writer could be a little more convincing.

The script and acting only became more contrived and pathetic from there. I only feel stupid for thinking this was an actual documentary -- only because my video store (a rather reputable independent one, in fact) placed this under the crime documentary section).

If you enjoy such "laughable" scare-flicks including The Blair Witch Project, then you may very well enjoy this film, but please do not watch this with the mindset expecting a documentary, because it really is not. From the perspective of law-enforcement officials, there is no "Video X," nor are there any interstate crimes committed by the crime-duo of Darla Jean Stanton and Duane Foote.
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