The Redsin Tower (2006) Poster

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When good home movies go bad
aventer-120 October 2007
If you don't know, the makers of this film made several faux home movies, supposedly taped by serial killer and rapists documenting their exploits. They were certainly different and truly scary. The film makers use some of the same techniques here but its not nearly as effective. The characters are a bunch of losers who decide to drink and get high in a haunted building. A sub plot has a jilted boyfriend pursuing one of the loser girls. The girls and their male friends, played by actors obviously too old for the roles, chatter away, make out, talk trash and do what real losers do....but its not much fun to watch. In fact the goofy boyfriend is a lot more interesting. He is somewhat appealing in a geeky way and even though he flips out and turns into a stalker, you feel a bit sorry for him. The others have no real life apart from getting stoned and drunk and aren't even likable, just boring losers.

The set is apparently a basement with utility tunnels, one of which appears to be a cave. At least it doesn't have straight walls like a building would. Why they call it a tower is odd. There are no stairs. All the action seems to take place in the basement. And its a small set. We see the same window over and over even though the people comment about the "maze" they get lost in. The gore effects are quite good but they don't start until we have been put to sleep by the endless chatter from the dopey girls. The camera work is pretty good too. The lighting is so low key and dark that lots of the good gore stuff is really hard to see. I know its supposed to be a dark old haunted place and all but a bit more light would have made the effects much more entertaining. Its also rather sad to read comments from persons obviously involved in making the film trumpeting this film as a "10" in press release language. Nobody talks like that. It doesn't fool anybody.

This movie will be liked best by fans of the makers earlier work. For other viewers its average at best.
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Redsin Tower? More like Dogsh!t Basement.
ElijahCSkuggs18 November 2007
First thing I thought and said after finishing August Underground Mordum was "Well, that was f@ckin stupid." The first thought after watching The Redsin Tower was "Well, that was f@ckin weak." So I guess the difference between the two is one's a really negative remark and the other's a normal negative remark. So I guess, Toe Tag and Vogel did actually make a better film. But that's like me saying that piece of crap doesn't smell as bad as this one.

Redsin Tower is just an average film, flat out. The movie is simply about a group of kids looking for a place to party, have sex and do the cliché things teenagers do in a horror film. They end up choosing the supposedly haunted Redsin Tower. There's another weak and pointless side-story about a psycho ex-boyfriend who has unbelievable investigative skills. God knows how the hell he found the Redsin Tower, or why he went there. Did they mention it? I don't know and I don't care. So yeah, that's the story. And guess what? It stunk. Before complaining about the flick let me say what I "liked". I thought the gore/effects were done pretty well. But can someone tell me what the hell was hanging from the ceiling when the fat kid with the lisp looked up? A flying lizard/dinosaur thing? That on the other hand was not a good effect, it looked like crap. Another thing that I liked.....hmmm...okay I enjoyed one performance. The girlfriend of the Burnout character. She seemed to be the best actress of them all, and actually exuded a "nice girl" feel. Besides that I didn't give a damn about any character. I especially disliked the psychotic boyfriend and goth girl. I also thought it was shot pretty well, it was nice and clear.

But overall, the movie is just a weak, clichéd filled, amateurish movie that delivers no scares, unless the cheap loud sound effect trick was used. It's a completely average movie that a few people will enjoy, most likely independent horror fans. Only check out this flick if you're bored or if you're a fan of Vogel's previous work.
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Vogel's first 'real' film is a bit of a letdown.
BA_Harrison18 December 2007
Fred Vogel, director of the (mostly) effective faux snuff August Underground trilogy, takes the basic plot of Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead—a group of people travel to a remote abandoned building where, one-by-one, they fall victim to an evil spirit that possesses their bodies—and gives it the ToeTag treatment: the characters are universally loathsome; there is plenty of swearing and female nudity; and, of course, Vogel (with help from make-up FX guy Jerami Cruise) delivers oodles of violence and general nastiness.

Unfortunately, despite sounding like a gore-hound's dream-come-true, The Redsin Tower is actually a rather disappointing film that suffers badly from an uneventful beginning (a good 40 minutes pass before anything really interesting happens), some rather confusing moments and an unnecessary sub-plot (featuring a psycho ex-boyfriend of one of the girls), and bloody awful lighting that often makes it impossible to see what is going on.

Vogel would have done much better if he'd 'borrowed' more than just the plot from Raimi's 1982 masterpiece for his first stab at a 'real' film. Had he emulated the actual structure and pacing of The Evil Dead, which was a non-stop horror roller-coaster ride, then the result might've been much more successful. Instead, the first half of the film is wasted watching a despicable bunch of losers do nothing but take drugs and talk about sex; the second half is spent watching them stumble around an old building in the dark before being killed. And with absolutely no-one likable in the whole movie, it's hard to give a damn what happens to them anyway.

Even those viewers who settle down to watch this film purely for the gore will end up feeling a tad cheated. Although there are some violent deaths (my favourite being when a pretty goth chick gets axed), everything is shot in such poor lighting that it's almost impossible to see any of the bloodletting clearly. It's a shame that the only special effect that really sticks in my mind is a very silly looking bat creature.

With his undeniably powerful faux snuff movies, Fred Vogel certainly made a name for himself on the underground horror circuit. However, if he wishes to create such a stir with fans of more 'traditional' horror films, then he really needs to come up with something better than this.
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Wow... painful to watch...
marvinmartian14 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK... I love horror movies and I'm not that picky about what I watch but hey... This movie is just more than I can bear... I've almost never stopped watching a movie but this Redsin Tower is one of the few movies I cannot stand...

Let's start with the story... boring, conventional and seen three million times... come on, I don't see what's new here: a boyfriend wants to get revenge on his former girlfriend? a tower full of mysteries and bad things??? it's just the basic story of 99% of the bad horror movies out there.

but worse is the film.... the image is so dirty that it looks just like a cheap holiday movie... I enjoyed the Blair Witch Project movie but at least the image was something interesting... here it is just bad and blurry... nothing worth spending money to see...

Finally the acting is just awful... at times it just seems the actors are almost looking at the camera when delivering their lines ... I know why the actresses were chosen... mainly because they spend most of the movie talking about sex and walking around naked... frankly here too it's not worth losing your time watching...

As for the good critics .... I can only think about one explanation... they were left by the producer, director and lead actor of the movie... else... we didn't see the same horrendous film...
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Very average
sevdah27 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Being an August Underground series fan, I could hardly wait to get my hands on this movie and see something different from the obviously talented ToeTag crew. Yeah, sure, it's different, but this is not for me. I give it 3 out of 10 because of this: 1. This type of story is told about 10 000 000 times already. Girl breaks up with her mentally unstable boyfriend and he begins to stalk her. His behavior is increasingly aggressive and near the end of the movie he ends up butchering someone with an axe.This storyline meets one that is very reminiscent of movies such as " Evil Dead" because his girlfriend hooks up with the bunch of brainless , shallow bores and goes with them to party in an abandoned tower ( but where are the stairs inside of that tower? ) which is haunted by evil forces that like to kill and rape for no apparent reason. Nothing at least slightly original . From beginning to the end.

2. Most of the movie is boring and consists mainly of these characters ( i didn't get the impression that there are real characters here ) getting high, drinking beer, and talking about absolutely nothing relevant or interesting.It takes a lot until we get to the gore, guts and demons. And when we do, it ends quickly. Not much for the gore fans here.

3. The acting is mainly lousy and flat. It adds to my impression that this departure from previous entries made by the same crew is disappointing, because AU movies included good , very convincing acting.

4. Fred Vogel is obviously a talented director and he proves that in " Redsin Tower", but he's not good when it comes to writing scripts for horror flicks of this kind. Or maybe he is, because this type of mainstream banalities needs no good ideas, just recycling of the old, old, old senseless rubbish. But still, it could have been more interesting and dynamic.

5. The special effects are good because they are done by Jeramie Cruise , and he proved himself as the master of that art in AU series. There aren't much of them though.

6. The overall atmosphere in the movie is fairly O.K. , but it's not frightening or creepy because the plot quickly becomes very predictable.

7. There is something lacking at the end of the movie: explanation for the fact that the only person spared from wrath of " evil forces " is the dumped , homicidal boyfriend. Why? Did they like him because he's a murderer? But who cares, this is not the movie that's supposed to raise questions and make you think. At least I got that impression.

All in all: very typical,mainly boring, directed skillfully, acting average or below ( but the guy who played the dumped boyfriend was O.K.), good SFX and make-up... You can see thousands of movies very similar to this one. It's pale, predictable and unimaginative. I think I'll stick to the ToeTag's earlier work.
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Worst pile of dung ever!
imdb-973528 October 2007
This has to be one of the DUMBEST piles of DUMB I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE I liked Agust Underground and thought Mordum was OK for what is was. Penance was unnecessary, and this it one of the most poorly directed and scripted, acted, edited films I have seen in my life. Everything in it is just a waste of your life. There is absolutely nothing redeeming or interesting about it. Actually I take that back, it's interesting to see how horrible dull and predicable illogical a film can be. Nothing is shocking the entire movie consists of a guy with a lisp that had me rolling on the floor trying to be scary and getting one of your moderate looking girl friends to take her top off and do her best impression of Evil Dead that she can. Throw Zack Morris in there and a dead end useless plot line and you have this pile or brain damage.
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The most disappointing movie of the year?
DVD_Connoisseur1 December 2007
"The Redsin Tower" is, for me, the most disappointing film of 2007. Hyped as a major underground genre film, the release on DVD was a much anticipated affair. In fact, I held off watching the movie for several weeks until I was really in the mood for what I believed would be a splendid treat. I wish I hadn't bothered.

While the opening credits promise stylish production values, the film soon starts to descend into a chaotic mess. While early scenes are okay, the moment the film intends to start building tension, everything falls apart.

This is a poorly executed vehicle and a lapse in form for Vogel and the Toetag gang. Coming across as a poor man's "Evil Dead meets Dark Waters", this is a film that will disappoint many, including die-hard Toetag fans.

5 out of 10 for the stylish opening credits, a decent soundtrack and solid effects. While some of the dialogue is entertaining, the film immediately starts to suffer as it enters genre territory.

A genuine wasted opportunity.
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a tower of disappointment.
siriouslysid13 July 2010
I'm not sure where to start with this one, i just watched the august underground trilogy and am still unsure if i hated or loved it; but i knew that i loved toe tag pictures talent for realistic gore, I also read up a lot about Vogel, and knew these weren't the types of films he had the desire to make, so with Redsin Tower i did have quite good expectations. I am a fan of low budget and underground, most mainstream horror is a joke to be fair, but only when they get it right. Red sin was definitely not a film that deserves praise. The over used cliché'd plot of a "haunted" house or tower in this case, with a few annoying teenagers deciding this is a great place for a party and realise they are mistaken when they start to get killed one by one. How boring, however i knew the story before i watched and still went into the movie with an open mind trying to look past the terrible acting and embarrassing script writing. Basicaly, thats all the movie really is, just another boring over hyped low budget stupid film that didn't give itself any help to begin with, with such a terrible plot and script. The only things i liked about this film was the gore, but sadly there wasn't nearly enough of it to make this film worth a watch. If reading this and you still feel like watching- i'd only watch the last half hour as it was probably the only part that was a little entertaining. There was only one scene in particular that i enjoyed, but frankly Redsin just does not cut it. I wont write Fred Vogel off completely though and will continue to watch his movies and hope he learns how to write a good story to match his talent for creating gore.
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Redsin Genius
mogsgame31 October 2006
My immediate reaction to The Redsin Tower was this: ToeTag is going places. Watching this pitch black horror film, i was amazed that the makers of August Underground, which i consider to be the most disturbing film experience i have ever had, have made something completely 180 this time. Redsin Tower will earn them an enormous following. They have made a great, sinister, hard edged movie that has mainstreme appeal, but without sacrificing their dark integrity.

It's hard to gauge Vogel's actual directorial talents from the August films, of course, but he proves a natural behind the camera in his first "traditional" attempt. It is one of the most ambitious independent horror films of recent years, and Vogel and crew take the narrative into astonishingly diverse and original directions. As a filmmaker he has a great eye for Americana, subtle character interactions, color pallete (lots of eerie, Argento esquire blues and reds), pace...and of course, BLOOD AND GUTS!! The movie is on the surface throwback to teen body count films like Slaughter High, The Evil Dead, and Night of The Demons, but i link it thematically to films like Carrie and The Exorcist. This is the most perceptive teen horror film in ages, understanding that all the horror is an extention of awkward young feelings and tumult. Which isn't to undercut the other macabre places this film goes. ToeTag juggles a lot of different themes and styles here, and almost completely succeeds. If this were relased nationwide i can imagine it becoming as successful as Hostel and Saw-it's that professional and well made. I already think Vogel should be placed at the forefront of the "Splat Pack", and this film is just further evidence of his sinister genius.

I won't say anything about the plot. I'll just say any expectations are going to be totally destroyed+the ending is absolute genius. ToeTag is one of the most important genre forces today, and this awesome film should catapult them far past the underground (not that i would ever want them to leave!).
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may have spoilers, but not many.. my review from
fuctup_ce11 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Many independent films have been the big thing in the last few years, especially in the horror genre. Actually for a while now, with extra special thanks to the miracle invention of DVD, fans have been able to view the sickest of underground to Art-house, and foreign cinema. But there is one DVD release we are all waiting for (true horror fans that is).

From Pseudo Snuff to a movie of this caliber, it's a huge leap for Toe Tag, and I believe a standing ovation is in order! From Director Fred Vogel and the infamous Toe Tag crew, comes a picture that will make you laugh your ass off, cringe in fear and beg for more…

The Redsin Tower

Mitch (A.K.A. Mitch Bitch) is on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. After 6 years in a relationship with his now ex-girlfriend Kimberly, she has finally dumped his lame psychotic ass. His thoughts and wants of marriage and kids had began to freak her out, as she is young and wasn't too sure if this is what she wanted her life to become.

Mitch gets to the point where he cannot live without her and goes on the hunt for her and her friends. Supposedly beginning at a party, it ends up that it is raided by the police. Kim and her friends decide to take the party elsewhere. Their decision for a new pot spot… The Redsin Tower.

Built by a murderously deviant soul many years ago, the tower is believed to be haunted (and we all know how fun it is to party at a haunted place!) When Mitch finds out about their change of plans, his insanity and jealousy finally takes a turn for the worse. Now he is out for blood in attempt to get Kim back, either by taking her life out of fear of losing her to another guy, or just go all out and take his own life.

Now, within the creepy walls and corridors of the Redsin Tower, the party begins. These kids are now on their way to unluckily discover what is in store for them, as well as you the viewer.

Within the film, there were great guest appearances that took me by complete surprise; a viewing pleasure indeed. Blood, guts, gore, fear, claustrophobia, and straight up terror, this is what you will receive from this film and more… tenfold!

Sorry folks, this is all you are getting from me. No movie comparisons or anything. Go see it for yourself or wait in anticipation (which I know you're all soiling your underpants) for the DVD release whenever that may be.


For screenplay and storyline, I give a 10. In my opinion there were no imperfections in this film. From beginning to end, be it the laughs or the scares, you are kept at the edge of your seat. Much writing credits are given to Fred & Shelby Vogel, although it mixed many influences from each of the Toe Tag members, many of which are brilliantly done with their own twists. If I mention any of these influences there is no point in seeing the film as it would ruin the whole thing. Going from the films Toe Tag had previously released, Fred and the crew have thrown us an extreme curveball to completely blow our minds. It's refreshing for any horror fan to view a film that does not telegraph anything ahead of time to the viewers. You are left almost completely unaware at all points as to what each scene is leading you towards. Oh! And just to add, the ending that was so twisted and mind-blowing that it will leave you thinking and wondering… what comes next?

For acting I give a 9. Though very strongly acted, it did have some very minuscule weak points. Regardless of this, a meritorious job by this entire cast of newcomers. This is not always the case with an entire cast of newbie's. Outstanding!! Also, not to mention the cameos in the film played by non-newcomers, also worthy of praise.

For FX I give a 10. Being that Toe Tag had quite a few able FX people on set, a huge merit for outstanding gore, makeup and all that is unholy goes out to the special FX master Jerami Cruise. Forget Savini, forget Nicotero… the master has now stepped up to his rightful place. The set and art designs done by Cristie (Crusty) Whiles were outstanding and completely believable. Watch the film and you will feel the eeriness and intensity not just from the story and FX, but the interior of the film as well. To all others involved (sorry, no listing for me to go by for names), a magnificent job done as well.

As for the cinematography, I give a 10. Brilliantly shot! Scene by scene, angle by angle, the attention to detail, colors and all were outstanding. Cinematography alone can make or break a film. In the case of the Redsin Tower, it amongst everything else made the film. From looks of grime to colors and feel of Giallo, the blend was flawless.

Overall, the Redsin Tower gets a 10. This film is a must for anyone who has any kind of love for the horror genre. A new stepping stone into horror that will take Toe Tag Pictures and their fans on a journey that will not be forgotten. The words 'horror' and 'terror', as of this moment, now combined create a new name… The Redsin Tower. The word 'accomplished' is also now renamed, and that name is Toe Tag Pictures. First rate horror, in the raw. This needs to be seen, needs to be known, and most definitely needs to be recognized.

Copyright © 2006 Cinema Eulogies

not my full review, for the whole thing and more visit i had to cut the profanity
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The most film that i'll never heard of.
retroboi12 March 2020
The film who brought 'August Underground' and they bought 'The Redsin Tower', Its..It's kinda very a little bit done like demonic movies it's like 'Evil Dead' and 'Night of the Demons' Soo the film was bad, i wish that director 'Adam Wingard' should do any remake this 2006 film 'The Redsin Tower' that could be better than the original worst but little bit film.
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Nice gory riff on 80's horror
isvguy2 November 2007
The Redsin Tower is a throwback to the teen horror films of the mid to late 1980's. The movie that it takes its major cue from is Night Of The Demons. We all know the story…bored young people decide to go to party in a place that they really shouldn't be hanging around. In this movie that place is an abandoned structure known as the Redsin Tower. There are stories that it is haunted and that makes it an even more enticing place for our group of potential victims to go to and party.

The first 45 minutes of Redsin is your standard fare, seen before in countless other films. What stands out this time around however, is the realistic partying that takes place. I mean, there is a lot of dope smoking going on. And it's not just two characters sneaking off to catch a buzz…everyone is getting high. In one scene two characters in a reefer induced haze talk about the best way to roll a joint. I found this very realistic because I have been involved in that very same conversation more than once in my misspent youth. Unlike in any other film before it, the folks in Redsin Tower really look like they are getting pretty wasted.

Another riff the film rides in its first act is the jilted, psychotically jealous boyfriend of one of the partiers. Once again we have all seen this character before, but the portrayal here is totally unsympathetic. This guy is a real asshole and you can see why the girl dumped him. I found his over the top performance to be one of the highlights of the first half of the film. The rest of the acting is pretty decent for a low budget film cast with a bunch of unknowns.

Once our group of stoned out party animals get to their destination is where the Redsin Tower begins to differ from the films that it is obliviously riffing on. The murders are very graphic. These are not your typical 'gore gags'. They are nasty ultra violent attacks that haven't been seen in a slasher film since the early eighties heyday of Lucio Fulci. There are also some of the most intense scenes of demonic possession that I have ever seen. I mean, it really looks like it hurts and in one disgusting scene I actually cringed. Only one special effect didn't do the trick for me, but other than that, hats off to FX guy Jeremy Cruise for grossing me out on more than one occasion.

The other thing that separates Redsin from the rest of the splatter pack is the look of the movie. The set design is excellent, as is the cinematography and direction. Give these talented folks more money and a more original concept and I think you will really see them shine.

The Redsin Tower is a low budget shot on video horror movie that is heads above the rest of the crap that is being released on a weekly basis from companies such as Lionsgate, Brain damage and Asylum. Is it a great film? No, but it is very entertaining and I can confidently recommend it to any hardcore horror fan out there looking for a good time.
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A Big (And Welcome) Departure For The Toe Tag Crew...
EVOL66613 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
THE REDSIN TOWER is the much-anticipated follow up to director Fred Vogel's previous faux-snuff outings, AUGUST UNDERGROUND and AUGUST UNDERGROUND'S MORDUM. Those with an ear to the ground of "extreme" horror-films have already seen, own, or at least heard of the AU films, and they've achieved a bit of a cult status since their releases a few years ago. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the AU films - the FX are great but there was too much annoying filler in both films. As the Toe Tag crew have made clear since the announcement of the REDSIN TOWER project, this would be their first "traditional" film with a full plot, "serious" acting, actual cinematography - the works. Hearing this, I was both anxious and skeptical of how the final result would turn out.

Kim has broken up with Mitch, and Mitch isn't taking the news too well. Kim is invited to a party by her girl-friend Becky, and the two stop off at a friend's house to meet up beforehand. Here we meet stoners Philly and Emily, and the dynamic-jock-duo, Steve and Carl. Mitch finds out that the ex is rollin' to the party, so he calls the cops and has it busted. With no where to hang out for the evening, Emily throws out the idea to head up to the Redsin Tower, the local town haunted-spot. The group agrees and their on their way. Mitch runs into Emily at a convenience store, and when he starts puttin' his hands on her, Steve and Carl jump in a beats the sh!t out of him - this just ain't poor Mitch's day. Back on the road to the tower, the group of partiers finally make it to their destination and start drinkin', smokin', and screwin' around. Things seem to be going pretty smoothly - until the curse of the tower begins plaguing the party-goers, and Mitch arrives with the intention of retrieving Emily, by any means necessary...

I gotta be honest - I dug THE REDSIN TOWER quite a bit. I figured it would either be decent, or fall really flat - and luckily Vogel and crew were able to show that they could do more than just shot-on-camcorder no-plot gore. Not that there's anything wrong with those types of films, I just think it was cool to see Toe Tag try something a bit riskier and different, and to be able to pull it off well. Fans that are expecting a twisted AU style bloodbath may be disappointed. Though the blood flows liberally in THE REDSIN TOWER, it mainly gets gory in the last half-hour and isn't as depraved as the stuff on display in the AU films. The Toe Tag crew have opted for a more straight-forward mix of supernatural and slasher horror for this entry, and it works for 'em. Kind of reminiscent of a gorier EVIL DEAD with slasher elements thrown in - I'm pretty sure that this one will be a success for the Toe Tag crew, and I'm anxious to see what their future endeavors bring...8/10
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