The Micallef Program (TV Series 1998–2001) Poster


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superb sketch show.
herschelj_krustofsky3 February 2002
The world's not short of half-hour sketch shows, but this is one of the best I've seen in a long time (On the UK's Paramount Comedy Channel). Satirical, surreal, and wonderfully played by a small regular cast (Wayne Hope, Francis Greenslade, Roz Hammond... and Miron, he's made of plasticine, but no less funny for it). Imagine an Australian "A Bit Of Fry And Laurie" if you know it, with elements of Monty Python & Kids In The Hall. Shaun Micallef in his role as chat show host/presenter/interviewer would be among the highlights; a cringe-inducingly smug, bitter, inept and offensive man - he is the Australian Alan Partridge. Despite being an Australian show, there's very rarely a joke of reference that I don't 'get' here in the UK. I ordered the DVDs online, the shows really stand up to repeated viewing.
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Indulge your wildest desires for the kiddies...
dmnkeen8 August 2001
Thank God for the Paramount Comedy Channel for bringing The Micallef Program to these comedy starved shores. In anticipation of the new series of the only homegrown comedy shows worth talking about (Spaced, Black Books), I thought I would give Micallef a try and see if those kind souls at Paramount were telling the whole truth about how good it was.

At first, I wasn't sure; but, after 20 seconds or so, I was laughing. By the time Spiffington Manse came on, I was on the floor, holding my sides in convulsions: this is one show that should definitely carry a public health warning!!!

Maybe it's because I'm so jaded with so-called comic talent here in Britain and Ireland, or maybe (and more likely), the standards of British TV comedy recently has (with very few exceptions) fallen alarmingly low, but Shaun Micallef is like a blast of fresh air on the scene. I would love to see his live show; I'm eager to see his work on the Aussie show, SeaChange; and I wish Paramount would show all three, original series uncut instead of a series of best of shows. Micallef combines all the best elements of Steve Coogan, Monty Python, The Fast Show, but puts his own spin on proceedings which makes even the most basic comic premises (the quiz show, the sarcastic interviewer, the cop documentary) refreshing.

Aided and abetted by a brilliant cast (Francis Greenslade, Roz Hammond, and Wayne Hope should all hold master classes in how to be funny over here), the viewer is spoiled for choice when trying to pick a favourite moment or performance. The telekinetic peasant woman; the Nazi encouraged to kayak off a building and die on "I Bloody Dare You"; the death of the Australian funeral industry; the blasphemous Fat-o-gram sketch; the AmWay selling gameshow host, and so on are all classics which deserve mention in the same breath as other classic comedy moments like The Dead Parrot Sketch, Fork Handles, and the little bit of car trouble Basil has in Fawlty Towers.

I've already ordered my Micallef video from the ABC online shop, and eagerly await any repeats and new material that Paramount (or any other channel) may have in store for us. If you have seen Shaun's show, you'll understand why I'm raving so much about it; if you haven't, then I can only feel sorry for you.

10 / 10
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Attention to detail on randomness
royu210 September 2013
The humor on this show is like nothing I've seen before or since, it's almost impossible to describe without inventing new words, but I'm going to try anyway.

Probably the best way to describe it is a massive joke, it not just one level of jokes but multiple levels of jokes simultaneously on every level from the most blatant to the most microscopic. There's Micallef telling jokes about jokes as more jokes go on in the background. As a result you get a show that seems on the surface almost completely random and meaningless, yet somehow extremely well structured.

The attention to detail of the randomness is almost too much to take in. For example, a courtroom scene. It opens with Micallef (the lawyer) standing on his head as he examines some evidence, meanwhile in the background the jury are all wearing cricket pads, it cuts to the corridor where a colleague has been shot and Micallef tastes his blood, then Micallef wrestles the gun of an escaped convict and then uses it to demand the judge strip off all his clothes for no apparent reason.

On paper it sound completely ridiculous and on screen it's no different, but somehow it works and you find yourself laughing the whole way through. That's this shows, very odd, appeal.

Give it a chance it's hilariously weird.
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Ha Ha !!!!!!!
Legend-2126 August 1999
Incredibly funny. In fact behind Jimoin and Seinfeld and the Simpsons, the funniest show of all time. Just cut to them "ducks on Lake" Mr Micallef. Well Done. (my favourite bit is the game show segment "I BLOODY DARE YOU". Great stuff.
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"Thierry Towelling"? Tee hee.
humanresistor29 May 2000
Excellent sketch comedy show, which got even better in its second series. It combines surreal humour with very clever and precise writing and production. Shaun Micallef is genuinely interesting and charismatic. The best series of sketches was probably the claymation p***take "Attentione, il est Myron", with "Sotto Voce", and the "holding the door open for people" sketch coming a close second.
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Best Australian Show Ever
goldietamarin3 August 2001
I first saw the adverts for this on paramount comedy channel, so i decided to watch it thinking it would be good. I was wrong , it was'nt good it was brilliant! and probably the funniest live action programme ever made.The best thing is that it takes well known sketches and then takes the p***. My favourite ones are the interviews with guests ,"il est myron" , the documentary sketches like "holding the door open" "smoking study" and the "musician" one ,the game shows like "i bloody dare you" , "spin the globe" and "impractical jokes" and finally the silly sketches like "wine cellar" , "beret" and the "farting sketches". All in all this is the BEST australian show ever. Rating 100%
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The funniest sketch comedy show ever .... actually, the best Australian show ever!
Dale8628 September 1999
Shaun Micallef is probably the funniest comedian around at the moment. He has written and performed in so many hilarious sketches, interviews, and speeches, and he has cleverly combined them into The Micallef Programme, definitely the best Aussie show ever made. As well as Micallef being excellent, he has a strong supporting cast consisting of Francis Greenslade, Roz Hammond, and Wayne Hope. All give in fine performances, and all you can do is laugh at their comedy. But Micallef is definitely the best. He usually portrays the character of himself, which is when he is at his best. The Micallef Programme is definitely underrated, and I encourage everyone to watch it. Tune in to the ABC to watch it (Don't have to put up with commercials).
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A unique comedy show
plevin14 July 2001
The Micallef Program/Programme/Pogram really is quite a unique show. It is unlike American sitcoms, classic British comedy or, to a good degree, the television show that spawned Shaun Micallef, "Full Frontal".

Micallef and his crew (Francis Greenslade, among others) pursue this unique style of humour that can perhaps be described as taking things literally and then turning them on their head. Some of the sketches are classics- the Sergeant and the Constable for instance. On occasions the strange sense of humour fails to hit its mark, but when it does, it is, to many people, very funny.

Shaun Micallef is truly a talented comedian, and it can be hoped that there will be a fourth season of The Micallef Program.
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Hilarious sketch comedy program
Muchi19 June 1999
Shaun Micallef is one of Australia's premier comedians. Now after years on shows like Full Frontal the ABC has given him his own show. The best part of this show is that it allows Micallef to write and perform his more abstract sketches that he wouldn't have been able to do on any other show. A must see
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Top dollar, sterling stuff, bang on the money
paolo7315 June 2001
I knew very little about Shaun Micallef prior to watching his show on cable last week: yet now I feel like lobbying the UK TV channels to demand they buy and show everything he's ever done. Combining elements of Monty Python, Alan Partridge, Chris Morris and the Fast Show, this show is excellent and very amusing, with a truly talented bunch of performers in evidence.

I regret to say I have seen only two shows so far, so I'm hankering desperately for more instalments. One sketch in particular, simply involving Shaun as a rather tipsy host braving his cellar to fetch a bottle of wine, had me convulsing with merriment.

It's evident that Shaun and his co-writers are well steeped in many comedy influences, yet they still create a show that feels wonderfully fresh and hilariously original. Top marks!
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Charm, Sex Appeal and Comedy
meaningmoon10 May 2001
These are the three things you might need to make a hit comedy sketch show, and it's my belief that Shaun Micallef have these. His comedy is simple and greatly entertaining, I often find myself rolling around on the floor with tears in my eyes! Okay so not quite rolling around the floor, but I did fall off my chair once from laughing too hard and my stomach was sore for a week!

Anyway, The show's great and I think it's one of the best sketch comedies since the days of the Comedy Company, Fast Forward and Full Frontal - if not better, and I also think that there are too few of these shows around. So thanks to Micallef and his show and all the people who appear on his show for bringing back Australia's sense of humour! Keep it up!
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A brilliant show
fiona_james18 July 2001
I caught an Episode of 'The Micallef Programme' by accident one day and ever since then I've been hooked. I entirely agree that there are elements of Alan Partridge, The Fast Show and Monty Python in there which just makes it all the more appealing for me.

It's original, so well written and performed and moves at a quick enough pace. The mixture of one-liners and longer sketches is an excellent one.

I too think that a mainstream UK channel should pick the series up and show it - Shaun Micallef deserves to be a huge star in the UK!!

I've managed to tape a few episodes of the second series but I would love to catch all the ones I've missed.

My favourite sketch so far is the wine cellar one. I screamed with laughter at that one.

So, to all the programme buyers at Channel 4, the BBC, ITV, SKY One - Please, please, please give this man the mainstream exposure he deserves!

By the way - I also think he's a bit of a heart-throb.
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Shaun Micallef = My Hero
Paddy8514 February 2005
I beg you buy the DVD of the second series then later buy the others as their released. As this is as good as comedy gets. It is worth the blind buy.

The mind of Shaun Micallef is what I call 'Genius'. The Micallef P(r)ogramme is what I call 'Comedy'. This Outstanding show was screened on the ABC in Australia from 1998 to 2001, winning 2 well deserved Logie Awards for 'Best Comedy Program'. The show when I first heard of it didn't really catch my attention as I thought it would be the same crap from 'Full Frontal' (Shaun's launching pad) but I was totally wrong. From the first sketch I saw to the classic Uncomfortable Interviews and the ever surprising Random jokes, Monty Python Style, it was hard not to love. This is my first review but it is needed as this program did not get the full praise of the public until channel nine decided to buy Micallef over to host a Live talk show which bombed but had it's moments.

I recommend this if you like Monty Python Humour especially in the 2nd and 3rd series.

"Like an untalented drummer we're out of time." - Shaun Micallef
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An incredibly brilliant sketch comedy
Baldrick4431 May 2005
Shaun Micallef's show is probably the best thing that was to come out of comedy in a long time. Whether he is interviewing others on areas that would generally be seen as taboo, or overacting as David McGhan, or creating little plasticine men who can't seem to stay together, almost everything is done with class and panache. There are certainly elements of Python and the Goons in this show but there is also some elements of what could be called 'conventional' sketch comedy and between that the show is set up as a 'tonight' show which always seems to go wrong.

Highlights include the Zempf dairy products sketch and Spiffington Manse for just plain stupidity. Brilliantly acted by his cast including Francis Greenslade, Roz Hammond and Wayne Hope, this is a true gem and I pity any other nation which hasn't been able to see it yet.
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