Galaxies Are Colliding (1992) Poster

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Eh. . .
gar-1817 May 2001
This is one of those strange, self-important, self-indulgent movies which tries too hard to be profound. It isn't. Instead, it spouts cliches that try to pass for Profundity. Typical is the scene where Peter (Kelsey Grammer) explains to protagonist and best friend Adam (Dwier Brown) how man starts life breast feeding, then moves on to sucking the breast of his girlfriend, and finally his wife, thus concluding ultimately that life sucks. So deep. We are treated to a variety of characters who offer their perspective of life, the universe, etc. during Adam's travels through the Mojave Desert on foot. (He abruptly leaves L.A. the day of his wedding and his family, friends, and fiance assume he's dead when his car was found in a military test range smashed by a rocket.) Some characters are more entertaining than others. The best by far is an escapee from a mental hospital who only speaks through the voices of others. The actor, James Kevin Ward, does some great impressions, including Nicholson, Popeye, and several characters from the original Star Trek. But once the interesting characters leave the screen, we're stuck with Adam again and his pursuit of the profound. It's a long trip, which drags in many places. In fact, it's the longest hour and a half movie I've ever seen. And the finale hardly makes it seem worth while, at all.

I discovered this movie playing on HBO one day by waking up too early and clicking on the TV. That'll learn me. Next time I'll try harder to sleep in.
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Quite Enjoyable
Jeff-1236 January 2002
A little off, but not in a bad way. I think the filmmaker honestly wanted to offer up something deeper than your usual fare.

I watched it because it started with Dvorak's 9th Symphony, 2nd movement, which is a beautiful piece of music. Hypnotized, I sat and watched the whole thing. It didn't let me down. Nice visuals, good sense of humor. The girls were attractive, especially the Italian girl he meets in the diner toward the end.

When the credits rolled, I was glad I watched it. It had some interesting ideas in it, and makes you think. I commented because it made me sad that the only comment was a negative one. Doesn't deserve that. I appreciate what writer-director John Ryman tried to do and what he did do, and enjoyed the result. It was a pleasant way to pass 90 minutes, and I'll probably watch it again.
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Pretentious pseudo-existential crisis comedy lacks insight and anything of value.
wulicoyote20 September 2009
This failed exercise in satire or commentary on the human condition easily earned a place as one of the 10 worst movies I've ever seen. I'm seriously considering buying a copy, if I can find one dirt cheap, to chase away unwanted company. It's honestly that bad. I view it as some kind of anti-personnel weapon. If you're the kind of person who just has to see a train wreck to witness the carnage, then this movie is a gem. Just to be fair, Kelsey Grammar's character has 1 line that almost works, but doesn't quite. Other than that everything in this movie strives to be insightful, but misses the mark by approximately the distance between earth and the nearest pair of colliding galaxies. I usually can appreciate a book or movie where the protagonist suffers from some sort of existential angst, but the angst presented here is so unbelievable and over the top, and the movie doesn't even address the nonsense it presents in any valuable way. If you are familiar with the term "word vomit" then you may get some picture of the cinematrocity. Oh, and the narrative structure is ill conceived, pretentious and amateurish. It has failed on both style and substance. If you really hate someone, invite them over for a double feature of this movie and "The Terror of Tiny Town," an all midget western from the 1930's and put them in restraints with their eyes forced open "A Clockwork Orange" style. But that probably violates some provision in the Geneva Conventions.
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This may possibly be the worst movie I ever saw
Gayeavec27 June 2005
I saw this movie yesterday and thought it was awful; it was pointless and just plain stupid. the supposed plot concerned a prospective bridegroom too caught up in the problems of the world to relate to his bride and the other people in his life. He disappears on his wedding day (in a tux no less) and hooks up with an assortment of weirdos.

We saw it with a bus-load of people on the way down to Atlantic City and everyone agreed that it was a terrible movie. It was trying to be profound but it wasn't; it was stupid and offensive. If I wasn't on a bus I would have walked out on the movie. Anyone considering seeing the movie or renting or buying the video you have been forewarned.
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C'mon, Don't You Know Existentialism When You See it?
h-madison21 February 2009
For me, this movie was an unexpected treat. I surfed across it on TV one night, and decided to watch just until I recognized the plot. Then I would go off to bed. I wound up watching the whole remainder and then renting it to see the beginning. Folks, this is a comedy about existential angst. That, my dear, is not an easy thing to do.

This is a man who has gotten the BIG picture of the Universe, and is experiencing the loss of all meaning. That's hard to write comedy about. Probably the second most important aspect of the movie is the variety of others' reactions to Big Philosophy, or their lack of ability to comprehend. -Some sympathetic and understanding, some shallow and intolerant, etc. Watch the backgrounds for humorous clues, and little pieces of dialog and music. Once you catch on, it's got lots of laughs, and even some insights.
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at last, proof that I'm not alone
jamesbmartin1 May 2002
I don't understand the (currently) low rating. Jeez, no it's not Citizen Kane, but it's not intended to be. I identify with Adam's problems dealing with the insanity and brutality of the modern world, and the universal and timeless question of why we exist. And I loved the tongue-in-cheek humor. My favorite line is Adam's friend Peter's observation that "... sometimes I think we're all just a bunch of solar-powered sh*t machines."
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One that was made for me!!
walshed902106 July 2002
Roger Ebert once said that every once in a while. Certain movies come along where you feel that they were just made for you. Meaning you identify with the plot and/or character's of course.

Galaxies Are Colliding feels like it was made just for me. As of late. I think I am Adam. Whenever I go to the bars. I'm stunned and saddened at how cruel people can be, just by overhearing conversations. Like Adam. I've been more in touch with the suffering of the world and not so much my own. I am happier being by myself while trying to figure life out. All that's missing on me is the shades and tux. LOL

I really like how real news photos (ranging from WW2 to African children)were used. They popped into his mind and he couldn't shake them.Others look and just go about the day.

Other movies along these lines are My Dinner With Andre, Vanya on 42nd Street, Commandments, and Critical Care. True I would have to say all of them are a bit more grounded than this one. Glaxies.. has been playing all month on the HBO's. It has more heart than MindWalk which has also been playing and is way too scientific.
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flboad-16 February 2002
Ok.. look it may not be the BEST movie and it may not be the BIGGEST HOLLYWOOD pieces of crap out there. (i do mean that). Anyway if you actually watch this movie it's not that bad. With a line like "the bible is just a poorly xeroxed chain letter" How can you go wrong. I think that movie says alot about the pressures of the world. It makes you think about how insignificant we really are. The movie definalty goes deeper than you would think if you sit and listen to what they have to say you realize that the writer of the script definalty had some seriously deep thoughts about the world the universe(he could of even been a little crazy). But that's what makes a good movie. So take my word for it it's not that bad. If you like movies that will make you think and aren't a peon. If your someone who appriecates a deep movie with a good comical background.. Than you should definalty watch this. It may be a little old. And no one will probably read this but. If you are dwelling back here in the no name dungen of lost movies than give it a chance

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Not a bad movie, just sort of irritating
pattay7221 December 2003
I agree with another reviewer that the humor and philosohical ramblings were too forced in this potentially good film. There wasn't enough angst to make the story seem profound or true, given the subject matter, but to me, that's typically what happens when Kelsey Grammar is in a movie. He's too sarcastic and cynical and doesn't have the ability to play a role without misplaced superiority. I could be wrong, but he's a ham (pedantic?) in everything he does. I liked Karen Medak's character, especially the restaurant scene. She was poignantly goofy. My favorite line: "Are you on drugs?" The way she delivered her lines was charming and refreshing compared to the rest of the cast. It wasn't a bad movie, just sort of irritating.
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What a bore!
Moviefan278 July 2002
I watched this movie based on comments from others. Wrong decision!! What a boring flick!! I wish I could think of something good to say, but I cannot. There was little acting, no story. I sure wasted about 130 minutes of my life, and the only good thing that can come of this is that I can warn others not to watch it!
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