Babycakes (TV Movie 1989) Poster

(1989 TV Movie)

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Nice movie with an unfinished feel to it
dwr2466 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have mixed feelings about this movie. On the one hand, I love to see the underdog win, especially as she is portrayed in this movie. On the other, the movie rushes to a close that leaves many loose ends, and ultimately makes some of the action seem a bit immoral.

Grace (Ricki Lake) is the overweight daughter of widowed Al (John Karlen). As the movie opens, Al is marrying Wanda (Betty Buckley), a woman who seems to delight in talking about Grace's weight problem in euphemistic terms. Al seems oblivious to how hurtful his new wife is to his daughter. Grace works as a make up artist for a funeral home, an irony which is not lost on her. On her commute to and from work every day, she sees a handsome subway conductor (Craig Sheffer), whom she pines after. In spite of all the unpleasantry in her life, and a best friend, Keri (Nada Despotovich), who is doom and gloom personified, Grace has a surprising upbeat attitude about life. As the holidays approach, she decides it's time to make some positive changes in her life, looking into becoming a cosmetologist, and deciding it is time to meet the subway conductor that she dreams of. His name turns out to be Rob, and the audience knows before Grace does that he is unhappily engaged to a rather pushy woman named Olivia (Cynthia Dale). While Olivia is out of town, Grace puts her plan to meet Rob into action, with hilarious, touching, and ultimately humiliating results. Can Grace pick up the pieces and go on with her life? Can Rob actually marry Olivia? Or will fate throw them together after all?

The biggest problem I have with this movie is that it completely ignores the issue that Grace is attempting to snare a man that is already taken. Granted, Grace doesn't know this at first, but when she finds out, she doesn't seem to care. Her attitude is that she will enjoy her time with him, and not worry about tomorrow, thus when tomorrow comes crashing in in the form of a very angry Olivia, I was more inclined to say "I told you so" to Grace than to comfort her. Likewise, I needed to see more of Rob working himself up to getting out of his relationship with Olivia. He just suddenly changes his mind, and shows up at the end of the movie asking to be with Grace, which is hard to swallow, even though the audiences wants to see them together. Finally, I can't imagine why Grace values Keri's friendship. Keri forces her to choose between friends, and then betrays Grace. Odd behavior from someone who is supposed to be your most trusted confidant. All of it added up to a somewhat unbelievable plot, which could have been fixed with a minimal amount of effort. Things might have worked better if Grace hadn't discovered Rob was engaged until she actually met his fiancé. And it definitely would have worked better if we had seen a scene where Rob finally tells Olivia that he wants nothing to do with her anymore, before going to tell Grace he wants to be with her, and really having to convince her to take him.

The acting is a mixed bag. Lake does a nice job with Grace, although this is a similar character to Tracy in Hairspray. She contrasts Grace's sunny optimism very nicely with the difficulties she has with her family. Karlen and Buckley struggle to rise above bad material, but don't quite get there. Sheffer merely comes off as confused and unsure, while both Despotovich and Dale bristle with believable malice.

I very much enjoy seeing the underdog have her day, and this is an underdog you can't help liking. But there is much that needs fixing in this movie, and the fixes are so easy that you wonder why somebody didn't catch them in the first place. So, enjoy the movie. Celebrate the triumph of this underdog, just ignore the lack of depth to the story.
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Great Offbeat Comedy!!!
menaka18 January 2002
Very sweet movie,plot is very basic..girl gets boy,girl loses boy..but what makes the story unique is the fact that the heroine is an overweight mortuary cosmetician and Prince Charming works in the subway.The characters aren't glamorous nor the story particularly thrilling but the chemistry between Lake and Sheffer is lovely and the story is told with such wit and sincerity that you have to like it!!!
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Better than the usual TV movie
GEM-206 September 1999
"Babycakes" is the story of a girl who thought she was an ugly-duckling, and wants to get the most handsome guy she has ever seen (Craig Sheffer, a few years before "A River Runs Through It"). At first put off by her weight, he learns to like her and finds that there is more to her than simply girth.

Ricki Lake is very appealing in this movie. Sure, she was fat, but that only adds to her appeal. I thought she was very attractive in "Babycakes" and this film certainly adds to the message that big women are desirable people too.

Seeing her now only makes me wish she looked like she did in "Babycakes".

I recommend this small movie, especially if you are a romantic. George
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Monika-513 February 2000
I thought this movie was sweet, and one of the few projects Ricki Lake appeared in that she can be proud of. This movie shows how not to judge a book by it's cover, and that you can love someone and be loved back no matter what size you are or what you look like. A sweet, gentle romantic comedy with a fine script and good acting.
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Entertaining, but other films have dealt with this better
nicholas.rhodes15 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Recently discovered this one here in France under the title "Une Fille à Croquer". This is a light-hearted reassuring and at times funny film with lots of tenderness. True, the ending is a little contrived and over accelerated. Also, Ricki is a damned side more attractive than the boy's fiancée ( awful woman!! ) so the final choice for him was pretty obvious. Still it's always a pleasure seeing someone making a film going against Western stereotypes ( ie that fat is bad and thin is good ). In Africa, as far as I know, its just the opposite, the men ADORE fat women and wouldn't give thin ones the time of day. There are other films on this them like Shallow Hal but the best is a German one called "Die Hässlich" ( see my comments on IMDb ). This is a far more emotional affair and does not end well, but not for the reasons you might imagine - Kleenex is definitely essential. Babycakes is more light hearted and although Grace is plumpish, she is damned good looking but more important has a sincere and warm character, which is why the metro driver has no problem coming to his final choice !!
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love doesn't just happen to the "beautiful" people
Anya197621 April 2004
This is one of my fave TV movies. I saw it when i was young and loved it because it does tell people to not judge a book by it's cover.

I am older and still love this movie. I got this DVD as a present from a friend and i almost cried because he knew how much i loved this movie.

It's a story of a "fat" girl who does what everyone thinks she can't. Get a hot guy. She proves them all wrong. She can and WILL get the guy. And she does. I think more people need to look on the inside of people rather than outer appearances. Looks will fade but a beautiful soul never does. And like this movie that message will stand the test of time.
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Cheesy but cute
lasilana18 February 2007
IF you want a cheesy love story - this is right up there - looks aren't everything - and its Ricki Lake before she got a talk show and lost all her weight --- its cute in a cheese filled way - and its SO very late eighties early nineties -- I liked that its about finding yourself as much as it is about finding someone to be with - and I love that he is a figure skater --- how amusing is that? Craig Sheffer is great as a guy torn between what he wants and what he thinks he should want. Ricky Lake plays a fat girl who has no self esteem - and I just like the cheesy feel good category that this falls into. I also really liked the element of cattiness in this movie - that some people just cannot stand by and watch someone change or find happiness without getting involved... and its pretty cute for a TV movie.
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Cringe fest
The_nibs7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how this film was greenlit, granted it is a made for tv movie from the 80's, they're not exactly known for being of quality, but this lack luster script about an overweight girl trying to bag a "hot" subway conductor is at times painful to watch. The cliches could perhaps be overlooked, although I was surprised that even her best friend rags on her and tells her horrible things, this poor girl has no nurturing or support from anyone. The script is weak and not funny at all, everytime I expect Grace to do something funny or quirky, she doesn't, when I expect the characters to have deep touching conversations, they don't. There were so many missed opportunities for her character to be developed further. It's not until halfway through the film that we learn there's more to Grace than just food and being fat, but even what we do learn about her is vague and uninteresting. I think the biggest let down for the film is the bizarre, panicky, stalkery way that Grace obsesses over Rob, it made it unbearable to watch, next to the weirdly convenient way that Rob just accepts things without question, like the ice cream sundae date. Awkward. And how sad and messed up was it when Grace bought a bigger mattress for no other reason than intending to seduce and bang a guy whose already in a serious relationship?! Or when she threw a crazy fit and trashed her apartment because *shockingly* a perfect stranger rejects her offer for a meal at her apartment. If anything Grace comes across as a scary and emotionally unstable woman, which makes it difficult to relate to her. This film could have been kitschy and cute but falls way short. It feels forced and artificial. Maybe worth it for a bout of brainless entertainment.
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gilbynziggy7 March 2005
I have this movie taped from the early 90's off of the lifetime channel, before lifetime became as pathetic as it now is. This movie rocks! it is a definite favorite of mine. It is heartwarming, charming, and hilarious. my best friends are all like the character of keri! but more importantly, Ricki Lake is so great! she plays the role of a lonely twenty-something so well! and it strikes a nerve for anyone that is fat and has had troubles getting the perfect guy to notice you. it is a true picture of what some people will do (i.e. me) in times of desperation! It's funny at the same time. such as the cute way ricki continually bumbles around is clumsy. i guess that might just be part of the role, however, it really makes me giggle and take awe. my boyfriend and i cuddle up and watch this movie a lot during the winter, it is a great blizzard movie! make some s'mores and get some cocoa, this movie will match the warmth you start feeling! the character of rob, played by the very beautiful craig sheffer, is a fun thing too. he's a very charming person, and it's so good that grace ends up getting a guy like rob and not someone like olivia!
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Fat chick......gorgeous guy.........
whateva_810 August 2001
This movie was actually pretty good. Let's all remember to judge it by the standards in the time period in which the film was made! It was a bit anti-climatic at the end but Craig Sheffer and Ricki Lake were sweet to watch together. It you watch this movie as the light entertainment it is, I think you'll really like it!
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Can you believe that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?
michaelRokeefe3 May 2003
No great shakes, but a real nice light romantic comedy. Paul Schneider directs this off beat story of an overly plump cosmetician(Ricki Lake) falling in love with a solidly built subway conductor(Craig Sheffer) who happens to already be spoken for. He is more than willing to spend part of the Christmas season with her while his fiancee is out of town. Are his feelings for real or just pity? There is that little something about this movie that makes you take inventory of your own insecurity and doubts.
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great movie
chattyman18 August 2001
great movie for dreamers out to get the person of their dreams. Rob is a real hunk and sex-pot who can turn any girl on, and make her want to believe that she can get whoever she wants. A real dream-come-true movie with a great ending that makes you feel great, and will give you the courage to pursue your dream (or dream-person).
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Ludicrous fantasy
mls418222 July 2022
While most anyone would fall in love with Ricky Lake's early persona, this movie is a ludicrous fantasy.

She gets to be superficial and he doesn't. Nice role reversal but not realistic. Guys like Craig Sheffer in his prime just do not go after girls like Lake. Not if they have their own job.
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feffler24 March 2005
What can I say Babycakes is a feel good movie.I love all of Ricky Lake's work.She has a tendency to act in all these types of movies.I never get bored of watching them.Babycakes is a warmly romantic movie that shows the size of a person does not matter. True love can be found.Love does not recognize size but the person within.I recommend watching this, and all her movies you won't be disappointed.A real love story that is down to earth.People with blue collar jobs trying to live in the real world.Love is found and felt by this couple.This movie is about a woman named Grace who wants to prove to her stepmother that she can get a boyfriend by bringing Rob home for dinner.Not only is Rob attractive,he is also very sensitive.Rob is also confused on his own relationship with his girlfriend.Grace opens his eyes to what is important.The bottom line is Rob and Grace,not what everyone else thinks.
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tristenmcd19 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I could not get all the way through this movie. The way she stalked him made me so uncomfortable I had to stop. I was only able to get up to their first interaction.

I love Ricki Lake so much and it was hard for me to see her in this type of role.

I do love the way she so bravely went after what she wanted but it was the way she did it that bothered me. The spying on him and continuing to pursue him with romantic intentions when she knew he was attached.

I think the writers could have improved the film if they had let her continue to go after him but because she wanted to get to know him as a person. Instead they focus on her getting a new mattress and silk sheets. I has to be a trade off: keep the overt sexual intentions or the fiancé, maybe trade in a disapproving parent.

I'll try to finish it one day but only because I feel all the good reviews mean it has to be worth it in the end. I have seen this type of movie before and seeing the cast I was hoping for better.
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pandavari2 July 2020
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This "courtship" part of the movie was unwatchable. You would think dead bodies being dolled up would be the creepiest thing in a movie like this, but unfortunately it's not. In the beginning I was rooting for the girl to get the guy but it was quickly evident that she was just straight up stalking him and forcing him into situations where he is clearly uncomfortable. I'm surprised this movie has such a high rating considering that there were so many red flags and signs of predatory behaviour. Imagine the outrage if the genders were switched; if he followed her home late at night, if he watched her in her house through binoculars, if he blackmailed her to eat with him, if he undressed her while she was drunk....
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Funny and unconventional
SusieSalmonLikeTheFish14 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been one for romance films, especially the sappy made-for-TV ones, but this just always stuck with me as a good story. Grace is an extremely overweight and shy girl, working as a mortician's assistant and worried that her entire life will be boring and depressing. One day while on the city subway she meets Rob, a subway conductor, and instantly falls in love, but assumes he'd never go for the fat girl. While struggling with a pushy stepmother, she still manages to prove to Rob that looks aren't everything, and that they can be happy together regardless of her weight.

This film is very inspirational. In this day and age, where obesity is on the rise in North America and television makes looks seem like everything, it makes overweight woman laughingstocks. Grace proves that anyone can find romance and friendship no matter what they look like, and that being overweight isn't a curse. You'd expect a film like Babycakes to be all preachy and politically correct with some moral about fat-shaming, but while it carries the theme that fat people don't deserve to be treated badly, nothing is swept under the carpet. Grace even admits to herself sometimes that she's unhealthy and would like to be thinner, but the difference here is that she doesn't let this be an excuse for laziness. She goes to work, hangs out with her friends and tries to be a part of things, and when someone gives her a chance, she puts effort into her appearance and shows that your size doesn't affect your personality.

Babycakes has elements of comedy, also sad moments, and amazing moments, great acting and great soundtrack; it makes it a fun and interesting movie to watch. It's really worth your time, even if you aren't a fan of the drama genre. It's so Eighties, too! If you love films evocative of the era of flamboyant colors and dance music and synthesized sound, you'll love this.

My only problem with it was the way Grace and Rob treat Rob's girlfriend. Sure, she was a b!tch with a capital B, but Rob should not have cheated on her behind her back, and Grace should not have continued to date him until he had come clean and broken up with her. As much of a bully as she was, it's understandable if she was lied to and ignored by someone who she thought cared about her.
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Obviously Grace didn't take lessons from her 60's lookalike Tracy Turnblad.
mark.waltz12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so it's an actresses job to play people who may look alike yet have different aspects to their personality. Rikki Lake had a great start with "Hairspray", and her character of Tracy was certainly a character that deserved a lot of praise for her confidence and her refusal to bow to society's pressure of being thin. She got the hunk simply because of her zest for life and her refusal to let weight issues stand in her way. It was fun watching her take on the class witch as well, so when compared to her character here, it seems as if Lake has regressed rather than grow in her choices for a different role.

While it's believable that a heavyset girl can find true love with someone of a lesser size, it would never be in the way the teleplay is done here. She becomes obsessed with the handsome Craig Sheffer whom she sees ice skating and later finds works as a conductor on her regular train route. What starts as a routine crush becomes rather disturbing and a bad precedent for young girls, especially since her obsession gets more serious and worse, he leads her on even though he has a fiancee she knows about. Hope the fiancee doesn't have any bunnies!

Father John Karlen marries the beautiful Betty Buckley in a strange scene in a grocery store, and both dad and the new stepmom indicate worry over Lake's weight. For Buckley, size eight is enough, and as polite she is to Lake (certainly no Velma Von Tussle), it's obvious that they'll never be shopping together and getting their hair done like Tracy and mom Edna did in "Hairspray".

Nada Despotovich, as Lake's best friend, gets a few good lines (such as her description of department store mirrors that they don't work because they show things as they are), and Paul Benedict of "The Jeffersons" is very funny as Lake's undertaker boss. but no matter how you try to justify the plot developments, it really doesn't work. It's actually destructive to its efforts to give a realistic perception to vulnerable young girls and ladies that this is the way to land a guy.

I've also never seen the Seventh Avenue and 14th Street Station look so clean, let alone as big and room filled as it is here, indicating that a fake set was built without regards to reality. I guess since the character of Grace is in her own fantasy world, then New York City should be a fantasy world as well. In reality, nobody could get away with the things that Lake does here, and that makes the movie really painful to watch at times.
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Great and Touching. Better than you think!
Old701152 July 2004
Rikki Lake proves to be a great and touching actress. She proved she was funny in "Hair Spray" but proves she could make us cry! In this movie she plays a young woman who works in the morge! Not a happy place. Her best friend is a "world in ending" type. In this Love seems to be in the air for everyone! Its the holidays and everyone seems to be in love. Now working in the morge doesn't make life any rosier! After her dad gets married she lies about having a boyfriend and she gets a little depressed. Later on before she knows it she is smitten with a man that drives a train! She then will do anything to get a date from him! The co-stars in this movie are all great in the roles they play! Betty Buckley is just perfect!

A must see!
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Painfully Awkward.
hanniewigs10 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Being a lady of size I found this movie exceedingly embarrassing. I remember seeing this movie for the first time when I was about 12 years old, then and now I get so unnerved by the lengths Grace goes to "catch" Rob. The movie is like Fat-Girl-Chick-Lit all stereotypes and hammy dialogue. Ricki Lake's performance is overacted and the situations she finds herself in ridiculous. No self-respecting plus size woman would grovel or moan about like Grace. The guy who plays Rob does a very decent job and tries to convince the audience he can handle Ricki Lake's Grace. It is just strange, this movie is good for a laugh and that is it. If you want to see a good 80's movie check out Teen Witch

P.S. The bathtub scene needs to be fast-forwarded through.
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OK, but see the original
drella-221 October 1999
Babycakes is a sweet film, but not nearly as good as the German movie upon which it is based, Percy Adlon's Zuckerbaby (1985). Why does Hollywood persist in making limp retreads of European gems? City of Angels, Three Men & A Baby, Pennies From Heaven, Blame It On Rio, The Vanishing, The Birdcage... Even sitcoms like All In The Family, Sanford & Son and Three's Company are just inferior retreads of Brit originals. To be fair, the Brits tried to remake The Golden Girls, and an unholy mess they made of that too... Sylvester Stallone's forthcoming remake of Get Carter fills me with abject dread. Are there no original ideas in La La Land any more?
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A lesson for all!
jozg11 January 2000
I just really loved this movie. It has been a relief that someone is really out there for anybody, regardless of what you look like. I think I like this movie because it pertains to me so much. I feel other people who have put down overweight people and those who are overweight should watch this movie.

It has a really good lesson to this story. It is that no matter what you look like, in the end, someone will love you for you. I recommend this movie to everyone who loves tearjerkers.
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See "Zuckerbaby" (1985) Instead!
Tahhh22 August 2006
I saw this remake of "Zuckerbaby" only after I was well-acquainted with the excellent German film, and so I really have no way of rating it in its OWN right.

However, I was thoroughly horrified with how trite and childish the remake is, compared to the original film. It is similar to my feelings about the remake of "La cage aux folles," in that all the charm of the original film has been lost.

My chief objection to it is that the adult nature of the film, its serious, somewhat dark, ambiguous tone--at times hilariously funny, at times moving and quiet, and at times despairing of human loneliness and isolation--all gets lost, and the remake feels like a room that is heavily scented with some horrid, artificial "air freshener." One feels advocacy groups rallying outside the windows, politically correct sentiments, and committees approving of everything in the remake.

I strongly recommend that, if you have NOT seen this film, you make an effort to get the German film "Zuckerbaby" instead, put up with the subtitles, and enjoy a wonderful, grown-up film on a grown-up subject, and leave this horrid remake aside.
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Babycakes--Ricki Lake: before Mrs. Winterbourne, post Hairspray...phenomenal
Lanfro22 May 1999
This movie is definitely phenomenal. Past _Ellen_, why would I, a 16 year-old girl expectantly watch the Lifetime Channel? This movie is your answer. This movie postdates Ricki Lake's glory days of _Hairspray_, but predates her failure as a comedy as a legitimate, big-time comedy actress in _Mrs. Winterbourne_, and it definitely predates her sell-out as a sleazoid talk show host. Ricki Lake (Grace) definitely did her best work as the reluctant but lovable fat girl if you ask me. Plus, the movie contains a knock-out performance by Craig Sheffer (Rob) as every awkward young girl's heartthrob--seeing past the exterior and finding the eccentric Grace for all she's worth. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! I think we all should see a flick like this at least once. It's definitely a TV movie, but in the upper tier. Check it out...
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a nice love story but EASY..Love doesn' t come so easily..
seve07222 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched again this movie recently.The story is commonplace.A girl whose name is Grace but who works as a make up assistant in a mortuary is overweight and sees one day a boy she finds handsome.That is love at first sight! She is immediately in love but she doesn't know that the boy ,Rob who is a subway conductor is not free.He lives with a pushy girl,olivia but he is Grace imagines she will catch Rob like she wants..she is determined to change her life and takes her vacation to spy Rob..Actually she stalks him and one day she invites him at a cafeteria..the young handsome man is so nice that he cannot refuse.How could he refuse a banana split covered with hot chocolate and he takes advantage of the situation in my opinion because he likes Grace but she takes care of him too..She does so much for him..But that is the problem..Grace does everything for Rob and she is always TOO MUCH.She eats too much,she likes chocolate too much,she cooks all the time.And she is fat!! This isn't a good teaching for overweight girls who suffer because of their body image..actually we can see Grace eat,very often..too often! And Rob falls quickly in love with her but once his fiancée is back,will he defend Grace?no .He will run away leaving Grace beaten by his fiancée.i cannot swallow the end..Rob tells Grace that he LOves her and to live with him in the if nothing had happened.Sure he likes her but is a bit easy..In reality everything is EASY in this movie..The attitude of Rob,the stalking,the dinners at candlelight,the easy that nobody can believe it can be true especially in real life.Fat girls don't catch boys so easily..and not thin's romance! A pleasant movie to watch when there is nothing else on TV or to dream a while..
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