Akitsu Springs (1962) Poster

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Glossily Pictorial Japanese Women's Picture
richardchatten19 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Director Yoshishige Yoshida's fourth feature film and his first in colour is a sumptuously produced and immaculately directed Women's Picture reminiscent of the Hollywood model both visually and for its wistful music by Hikaru Hayashi. The film is handsomely shot in widescreen in the spa town of Akitsu, where heroine Mariko Okada owns a hotel and - this being a Japanese film - is immediately invited by hero Hiroyuki Nagato to join him in a suicide pact. She declines, but they continue to meet for occasional resumptions of their physical relationship over a seventeen year period despite the fact he now has a wife and daughter.

The film rapidly becomes a Japanese equivalent of 'Back Street', in which Okada belies her early charmingly robust initial persona by becoming more and more morbidly obsessed with Nagato, who foolishly persists with their affair, despite it plainly taking an increasingly unhealthy turn. The film builds to a melodramatic conclusion that takes place in 1962, the same year Wong Kar-wai's 'In the Mood for Love' commences. Both films look wonderful, but while Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung's relationship in the latter is close but never consummated, that between Okada and Nagato continues to be physical yet rashly one-sided, with consequences as devastating as they are foreseeable to anyone except Nagato.
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I've saved a life / I've done nothing
dmgrundy13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At the very end of the Second World War, Shusaku Kawamoto (Hiroyuki Nagato), a traumatised, tubercular soldier refused medicine by the army (as he's not fit to fight), is nursed by innkeeper's daughter Shinko (Mariko Okada), who's been forced to abandon studies in Tokyo to return to the rural Akitsu Springs. Returned to physical and mental health through-improbably enough-witnessing her copious tears on the announcement of defeat and by her youthful vivacity, Shusaku, still mired in despair, falls in love and proposes a suicide pact which she first laughingly dismisses, and to which she then assents ('if you really love do me'); yet at the moment of proposed liebestod, she giggles as the ropes he binds her with tickle, her second act of rescue. Presumably in disapproval at this rash act (though, typically, the film's narrative essentially streamlines any but the most vital of plot points), he's forced to leave her by mother-and thus begins a futile process of recreation, as he periodically revisits the Inn, now managed by Shinko after her mother's death and living in hope of his never-to-be-permanent return.

Despite the film's seventeen-year scope and its opening the day before the announcement of Japan's defeat in the Second World War, this is not a historical film; rather, having set up the lover's encounter against this backdrop in the first twenty minutes, as the film continues, any kind of historical context seems to be stripped further and further back, as the pattern of Shusaku leaving and returning (while in the meantime getting married, starting a family, and embarking as a career as a writer in the shadow of his successful elder brother in Tokyo) establishes itself at near-interminable length. Though the sociopolitical aspect is important-whether the skewering of patriarchal militarism in the drunken soldier who hunts for the teenage Shinko with his sword in the name of military honour, the adaptation to American influence (Japanese songs now have to be performed with 'swing' inflection)-the film quite deliberately seems to strip all but the bare bones of plot in favour of a kind of decontextualised repetition of the core situation. In a sense, it's melodrama taken to its zenith, as an endless series of (anti)climaxes, each time accompanied by the three main themes of Hikaru Hayashi's score associated respectively with the stirrings of mutual passion, the dread of the suicide pact, and the strains of yearning and waiting. Brief shots of Shisaku's life outside Akitsu Springs-drinking in bars, jealous of his brother's literary success, neglecting his wife, flirting with a shop assistant-succinctly establish him as a self-centred prig, yet they're all essentially peripheral to what can only be described as a kind of paradoxically minimalist maximalism: melodrama as a ritual of repetition, of the same overblown gestures, from the lovers fleeing and chasing each other, literally striking poses as if in theatre, opera, ballet, to the more banal rituals of renting a room, drinking sake, smoking a cigarette, going away without saying goodbye. The film turns the melodramatic ritual of parting into a kind of repeated tic, 'you hate to see me leave', 'let me see you leave this time', as Shisaku's repeated avowals that this will be the last time ring more and more hollow and the relationship itself becomes more and more a cipher for a lost moment of possibility that was, in actuality, the encounter of a traumatised, suicidal soldier caught in the thick of war and a teenage girl saddled with a kind of empty mythology less about the specific love object-whose qualities can hardly have been revealed in much detail over the space of a few days (or 20 minutes of film)-as the about the idea of feminine waiting and masculine arrival. Thus, the youthful Shinko's proclamation 'I've done something! I've saved a life' when Shusaku credits her for his recovery comes up against her later bitter announcement, 'I've done nothing', in which her management of the inn after her mother's death-itself a replay of her mother's own frustration with the inn with which she's saddled after remarriage-is not so much framed as an index of feisty survival, Scarlett O'Hara style, more a kind of existential footnote. Thus, if Shinko suggests a generational advance in terms of gender roles, of toughness and capability, even when not bound to the patriarchal norms of arranged marriage which she rejects, she's is bound to an impossible love which-as in the suicide pact itself-remains an irresolvable cul-de-sac.

Yoshida has spoken of his rejection of the postwar humanism-of an unbounded faith in progress and the essential goodness of people-that he associates with the Americanised optimism exemplified by Kurosawa, one which Yoshida's more radical generation firmly distrusted. Likewise, Yoshida, who would later revise his criticism of Ozu to write a major book on Ozu, also avoids any of the dramas of restraint, resignation, obligation and fatalism associated with the latter. Statements of disappointment-that's the lot of humanity-that might, in Ozu, form a devastating climax, are here offered by Shusaku as pat apologies for treating her as a kind of nostalgic accessory, a permanently available holiday in the country, 'tomorrow will be another day': resignation as pronounced when it's at the bottom of a sake bottle as when it seeps into the affected pipe that replaces frantic cigarettes and despairing maladjustment with bourgeois, patriarchal complacency (on his last visit, Shusaku orders a razor - 'I want a shave' - treating his mistress as a kind of extension of his wife. Shinko's own commitment to the despairing romanticism to which Shusaku's youthful proclamations have doomed her is in turn belied when, having slit her wrists with the same razor, she faces the water, looks at the camera, and screams: for all the subsequent, climactic moments of heightened tragedy, Shusaku holding her body in his arms beneath billowing cherry blossom and billowing strings, it's that moment that sticks in the memory. We're forced to ask: what precisely do we make of the film's conclusion, apart from a general sense of being 'moved' by the swelling music, the classic tragedy of a love-death, and the rest? If we weep, who do we weep for, and why? As such, the film also turns the mirror on its audience: Shinko, who throughout the film is essentially used by Shisaku for his own purposes, with diminishing and expendable returns, is first encountered in essence performing in front of a series of mirrors as she introduces herself in unconventional fashion, and in the absence of the usual obstacles-familial or societal convention, the weight of circumstance and the like-it's the audience itself who suddenly have to face the uncomfortable question of what this is all for. Shisaku's nostalgic addiction to an experience that was never quite the grand amour both he and Shinko imagine-her tears at the defeat of Japan inspire him to continue living with their passion, and her laughter in the face of suicide again inspires him to continue living, and his visits in subsequent years serve as little bursts of nostalgic recreation that help him adjust to his dissatisfactions with a life of quiet success; perhaps even her death will serve as an instance of artistic inspiration, rather than traumatic self-reckoning.

In the merest fragments of carefully off-kilter composition, Yoshida at times anticipates the deliriously off-centre framings of the later radicalism trilogy (perhaps most notably in 'Heroic Purgatory'): we see Shinko between window panes as a in a prison, shot in profile from the side at odd angle, faces crammed just too high or too low onto the screen, the close-ups suddenly too close, the familiar settings of the film suddenly too claustrophobic. But that's not where the real subversion lies: rather, even in this exercise in high budget repertory film making, the contradictions within the form itself are stretched to their limit precisely by being inhabited so fully, while also remaining palatable as a mere exercise in following the demands of the genre to the letter. And thus, by flattening out and removing narrative motivation, by not developing the romance, by rendering the narrative a series of performances, gestures and affects rather than any sort of theory of love-all while sticking to the conventions of rich costume, colour, music, grand event and grand feeling-the melodrama starts to collapse from within.
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A technically strong but eventually dreary romantic drama.
Jeremy_Urquhart19 May 2024
Yoshishige Yoshida's most celebrated movies tend to be his super dense and hard-to-approach ones, with Akitsu Hot Springs - for at least some of its runtime - making the case that Yoshida was genuinely just as well-suited to making more conventional films.

This starts off strong, and I'd say at least the first hour or so is very good, taking place after the Second World War and revolving around a dramatic romance/affair between two people, and the consequences that come about from it.

But it lost me a little during its second hour, kind of drifting around and repeating itself a bit too much... and not really in the sort of artistic way Yoshida did in full art-house mode; it just feels a bit like the people behind this got lost at a point, and sort of just shuffled along toward an ending of some sort.

It's half a good movie followed by half a pretty meandering movie. Perhaps a little disappointing as a whole, but I was on board with it for a while at least before I kind of felt worn out by the whole thing.
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A chronicle of compulsion
chaos-rampant24 July 2010
At some point after her lover has left her to get married to another woman, a forlorn Mariko Okada, hostess of the Akitsu Inn, looks up and says "the Inn is all I have left" and Yoshida frames her from behind the bars of a panel door like a captive of her own prison. Her character remains one for the rest of the movie until the very end, and that type of visual poignancy is the best I got out of Akitsu Springs. There is more of course.

In the first third we get romantic melodrama played to operatic bombast and pastoral colors, against the backdrop of Japan's surrender to the Allies Mariko Okada nurses back to health (and the will to live) a man suffering from tuberculosis come to the hot springs of Akitsu to recuperate. They fall in love, the type of love produced on demand to be the soulmate/love of a lifetime type of love without the movie earning it for its characters, and then the man proposes to Mariko to commit a double suicide - perhaps the most classically poetic statement of undying love in Japanese culture. But it's too early for that, the relationship has not matured to that point, and so the woman laughs. Then he goes away to get married to some other woman and she stays behind to work the Akitsu Inn. For the rest of the movie the man makes "10 years later" reappearances in the village and Mariko tells him they should die together.

This is a movie of gaps, in time and emotion, a chronicle not of impossible love, because that love was burned out and played out quickly and then left behind so that we're looking at the broken shell of that love and the faded memory of it; it's a chronicle of compulsion, of lives unfulfilled and chances missed, of relationships where one partner loves and remembers more than the other. At some point the man says "we've lived our lives" and I like bittersweet fatalism but these are only words scripted by Yoshida. The movie he creates around them is weak, it falters, because the foundations are weak. Because, before the question "why did you have to die?" can be asked in the movie's finale, the question "why did you fall in love?" must be at least posed, and it's not, so it's all a bit inconsequential and unconvincing as far as that goes. Like the movie is so keen to set itself up a certain way that specifics are never given much thought. It doesn't matter why they fell in love but how they fall out of it and what is created to replace that love it would seem, but when lines like "you taught me how to live" are played out in the first 20 minutes, what's left for the rest of the movie to go? Yoshida makes up for it in the end with tragic irony; now Mariko is the one who goes away and the man has to sit behind and wait.

This is old fashioned stuff for 1962, a Shochiku romance that will probably appeal to fans of Mikio Naruse; me, when I want to stare compulsion right in the eye, I'll stick with Yasuzo Masumura's actually daring movies, where the eroticism is perverse and pathos manifests in frightening ways. Yoshida himself would outgrow this film in due time, here he is still reworking the great classics.
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One of the Best Japanese Films of the 1960's
world2you28 October 2003
Featuring one of Japan's finest actresses, Mariko Okada, "Akitsu Onsen" is one of the most essential Japanese films of the 1960's.

Joining post-war background, devotion, loneliness and passion, Yoshishige Yoshida creates a remarkably beautiful and lyric film - relying only on the two main characters relations.

Okada, who had already worked with one of the greatest Film Directors in History, Yajusiro Ozu, handles the part with exceptionable beauty and charm.

While Hiroyuki Nagato's performance solid, it has not enough depth for us to take real interest in him - it serves only as a background for Mariko Okada to shine and show her incredible charm, innocence and acting skills.

As most Asian Directors, Yoshida has a sharp eye for framing, and this comes across in every second. Every shot and plane is perfectly balanced, giving the film a beautiful look. Seldom have I seen better framing in a Film. The Japanese once again demonstrate their extreme talent with Film composition and aesthetics. Contrary to what many think, Kurosawa is not the only Japanese director with such talent.

In the end, Mariko Okada and Yoshishige Yoshida (wife and husband) are one of the most defining Director-Actress couples in Film History (along with Yimou Zhang/Gong Li and Ingmar Bergman/Liv Ullman).

I had the honor to meet both Yoshida and Okada at the 27th São Paulo International Film Festival in 2003, and they proved two be two exceptionally humble and pleasant people.

I demand a Criterion Collection DVD right now. Not only of "Akitsu Onsen" but of all Yoshida and Okada films.

Don't miss this one.
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Changed my life
david-34835 September 2006
Seeing this was one of the factors that led to my moving to Japan. I think that this film best captured the intense mood symbolizing the changes of modernization overcoming Japan in the postwar era. I look forward to seeing it once more, but ironically, it is next to impossible to find in Japan. If anyone is aware of how to get a copy of this film over the internet (legally of course) or in a retail store, i would welcome any news. This is my first post concerning what I believe to be an all time classic. I have met few people who have read the book and even fewer who have seen the movie in Japan. Still I think that many others have seen this film internationally. I last saw this film in the mid 1980's. It has been a long wait.
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One of the real and the best masterpiece in Japan.
Deki Gokoro3 September 2001
"Akitsu onsen" is one of the real and the best masterpiece in the history of Japanese cinema. It is not a lie. This is a little story on love affairs of a couple, and on an end of the love, and, on an endless love between 17 years until the death of a woman. We movie fan must see this film. There are not only Akira Kurosawa and Yasujiro Ozu in Japan. The director, Yoshishige Yoshida, explained in this sweet and bitter melodrama that all the trials for the democracy in Japan after the World War II had not succeeded at all.

Yoshida was one of the great directors in Japan, but until now, he would never make the films like as "Akitsu onsen". His work became more radical year by year after he departed from Shochiku Ofuna Studio.
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Slow, tedious, over-acted melodrama
sowens-199-30857119 March 2017
This film moves at a painfully slow pace, with the same, monotonous theme music playing over and over in the background until you want to scream. There is no real chemistry between the actors who are supposed to be deeply in love. She chases after him, clings to him, pines for him, he goes, he returns, he goes, returns, and on and on and on. Finally, you just want the movie to be over. By the end, I felt that I had just wasted two hours of my life.
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Too normal for a Yoshida film
mevmijaumau30 September 2014
Akitsu Springs is a tragic love story directed by Yoshishige Yoshida, later to become famous for his innovations in the field of Japanese New Wave, and stars his future wife Mariko Okada in her apparently 100th film. She also designed the costumes for the movie. Her performance is pretty much the best one in the film, and serves as a nice contrast to later Yoshida films where she played emotionally distant characters, whereas here she's more down to earth.

The film is pretty disappointing because Yoshida's personal touch is barely felt, and it's really too conventional and predictable compared to some of his other works. The story is quite boring and too long, not to mention the passage of time is never felt as it should be. In terms of plot, I find Akitsu Springs to be very mediocre.

The other flaw is the music, which is overabundant and plays constantly while the characters are talking, or during the scenes which would be better off silent (this is especially obvious in the beginning), plus it isn't all that memorable either. Just a typical melodramatic orchestral soundtrack.

The best thing is the cinematography. Some ways in which Yoshida places the characters within shots or composes the shot elements are reminiscent of his more mature works, and the wide shots of nature are beautiful to look at. However, the scenes taking place indoors or during the night are too dimly lit, which may or may not be due to the print quality, but other than that, it's a lovely looking film with lots of memorable colors.
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Lovely soap opera
lor_29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An impressively shot star vehicle made in 1962, "Affair at Akitsu" is a lavish soap opera, with the issue of changing modes and mores in post-war Japan as its subtext. Stark beauty and thesping ability of Marika Okada, later to marry the director, is pic's raison d'etre.

Tale spans 1945-62 period, commencing with a frail student, Kawamoto, stopping at a health spa located at Akitsu near the end of the war. He is befriended and nursed back to health by a lovely teenager, Shinko. News of Japan's surrender brings them to tears, and after an incongruously hopeful segment of their looking forward to a new life together, leads enter into a suicide pact. Their unsuccessful attempt at carrying out the deed is directed with delightful black humor, but unfortunately renders the ensuing hour of footage as anticlimactic.

Director Yoshishige Yoshida proceeds to run the soap opera changes, with Kawamoto leaving town, marrying and becoming successful, but iteratively returning to Akitsu to commune with this first love. Shinko's suicide 17 years later is a decidedly Japanese variant of the Hollywood "woman's film" genre, and really played to the hilt.

Yoshida is a master of widescreen composition, often dwarfing his actors and story with stunning shots.

"Akitsu" is unfortunately sabotaged by the sentimental musical score by Hikaru Hayashi, in which a couple of corny themes are repeated dozens of times. Tech credits are all excellent.

My review was written in November 1980 after a screening at NYC's Japan House.
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