You wouldn't believe it's possible to go to prison for carrying a bag of sugar? It is.
23 April 2024
"How to fix a Drug Scandal" is such an interesting documentary series because it reports on errors that should logically be isolated cases - but they are not.

In Massachusetts, two cases came to light in which the effects were more or less the same.

Sonja Farak and Annie Dookhan were both laboratory chemists who tested evidence in the form of drugs. Thousands of people were imprisoned as a result of their tests - but their results may not be reliable.

Sonja Farak gave in to temptation and was under the influence of drugs herself for years at work - she took the drugs she was actually supposed to test.

And Annie Dookhan wanted to appear particularly hard-working and productive, which is why she often didn't test the drugs at all before identifying them as such and recording them.

In the course of the investigation, errors by the laboratories and also by the justice system come to light.

The documentary is visually beautiful and has a very pleasant pace.

I would recommend it.
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