With not so much as a teaspoon of tension
20 April 2024
An American sci-fi action adventure; A story about a young girl-a clone-who released dinosaurs to save them from being auctioned off is now hunted down by a genetics company. She and others are key to preventing that company from causing an ecological disaster. This is the sixth film in a series, a cautionary tale about genetic engineering. A handful of half-baked storylines clash together in an otherwise paint-by-numbers sequel. One part is a steady stream of protracted chases and dinosaur attacks that involve characters who could never be under threat due to their importance in the story. The other part is time spent telling a story about corporate corruption, which offers up nothing more meaningful than being bad. But the real test of patience will surely come from an ensemble of two sets of characters who have little to do with each other but are dwelt on at the expense of a sensible storyline. Do-gooder Bryce Dallas Howard is expected to flick a switch from doe-eyed and vulnerable to assertive and forceful in an instant; stock character hero Chris Pratt still holds out his hand zen-like to placate man-eaters - gift unexplained. With high production values, a team of technical artists worked hard to bring a picture to marvel at with its impressive stunts, slick action set pieces, and visual effects. But the CGI rendered is not much more realistic than 30 years ago, which is disappointing for a film that rests its believability on dinosaurs moving in fast motion.
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