Sleeping Dogs (2024)
Memento meets Shutter Island... Badly
13 April 2024
Sleeping Dogs starts with promise, despite a reliance on a few tried-and-true tropes, the film initially offers moments of genuine intrigue. Russell Crowe, as always, delivers a solid performance, anchoring a decent cast. The soundtrack, too, complements the film's atmosphere well.

However, as the main plot unfolds, the film stumbles into predictability. What begins as a potentially clever twist devolves into a series of disconnected scenes where characters seem as absent as Bruce Willis in "The Sixth Sense"-only without the payoff. Instead of a clever reveal, we're left with a plot so foreseeable that it saps the viewer's interest.

The script, unfortunately, is the crux of the issue. Rather than developing characters and deepening the narrative, the screenplay flounders with irrelevant references and red herrings that lead nowhere. By the film's conclusion, the audience is left feeling indifferent towards the characters, detached from their fates due to the weak writing.

It's a disappointment, especially given the clear effort by the cast to elevate the material they were given. "Sleeping Dogs" might have been a compelling psychological thriller but is undermined by its screenplay, making it a forgettable entry in the genre.
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