Revontulien armoilla (2019 TV Movie)
somewhat interesting although flawed
11 April 2024
I liked this Finnish documentary in general. Early on there was an explanation of the space weather that contributes to the Northern Lights that I felt I was following. It also looked at some historical records of them, and discussed some old religious or mythological traditions.

It touched on other things I hadn't expected going in, like how whales might be disoriented by space weather, possibly contributing to beachings. There was also some conversation regarding reports of sound accompanying the Northern Lights and what might contribute to that, though it sounded like there's nothing conclusive found there yet.

At one point there's a storyteller at a fire speaking in English and it wasn't clear to me who he was, what people he represented, or where exactly they were. I had some concerns about moments throughout whether we were watching actual video footage of the Northern Lights or good quality digital animations.

Near the end there's a rather depressing account of one researcher and his old dog that really could have been left out, as it does not contribute in any way to learning about the Northern Lights. There is some spectacle to some of the footage there, but it was unclear to me if it was actual footage, a reconstruction, or what.
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