An enjoyable deconstruction of the action genre
6 April 2024
As this film opens LA cop Jack Slater is taking out bad guys with explosions and cheesy one-liners. It turns out this isn't real life it is just 'Jack Slater III' the latest of the franchise starting Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ten year old New Yorker Danny Madigan, who lives with his widowed mother, escapes his humdrum by going to the movies; he particularly enjoys the Jack Slater films so when the projectionist invites him to an unofficial midnight preview of 'Jack Slater IV' he can't refuse. Prior to the screening the projectionist gives him a 'magic ticket', apparently given him by Harry Houdini. The film gets underway and Danny sits back to enjoy it... then something happens that throws him into the world of the film! With his knowledge of the films Danny helps Jack in a world were good guys always win in the end and normal rules of science and geography don't apply if that makes for a more exciting story.

In one way this can be looked at as yet another action movie, just with a fantasy twist. In another it is a deconstruction of the genre; it points out the more absurd genre clichés as it effectively plays with them. There are also plenty of references to other well-known films for film buffs to spot. Arnold Schwarzenegger is on good form as Jack; impressing in the action while simultaneously sending it up. Young Austin O'Brien is solid as Danny Madigan and Charles Dance is enjoyably menacing as the villain, Mr. Benedict. The action is enjoyably over-the-top and for once anytime the effects or stunts don't look real it can be put down to the fact that this is 'movie world' not real world. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to action fans who don't mind seeing one of their favourite genres being gently mocked.
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