Misbegotten actioner
5 April 2024
An American action thriller; A story about U. S. Marine Sergeant Brandon Beckett (son of Thomas Beckett, a decorated Master Gunnery Sergeant of Force Reconnaissance Scout Snipers) who discovers a human sex trafficking ring but loses his badge after a corrupt federal agent is implicated. Brandon teams up with allies from his past to discover the identity of the agent and stop the ring. This, the ninth installment in the film series, underwhelms with its weak story and unconvincing dialogue. There isn't much of an atmosphere and the villains don't help to create any tension. A derivative plot aims to disguise these shortfalls but the humorous tone of the film (a break with tradition in this series) contrasts with a serious tone about trafficking which is a mistake. Sayaka Akimoto's Lady Death is a welcome return to the fold but her highly-trained assassin is a mismatch to the corny shenanigans. All in all, disposable and forgettable and lacking in action.
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