name actors, otherwise budget bin by the numbers dreck
31 March 2024
Even when Nicolas Cage is just cashing a paycheck he can still often be counted on to bring some character. Here, as some kind of ex-government assassin (CIA?) turned beach bum/absentee father he's just too dialed-down even if there are moments of action scenes. It's Cage emoting that tends to be more interesting, and there's not much of that here. Cage completists would be better off skipping this one and just pretending it doesn't exist.

In the beginning some characters steal a flash/thumb/USB drive. Despite that, throughout everyone calls it a hard drive. So often that if one had to drink every time "hard drive" is said, you'd be blotto well before the credits. There's at least a couple times where people incorrectly say "hard disk" and are deprecatingly told they're wrong, which just makes everyone calling the USB drive a hard drive that much more ridiculous.
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