good artists but just didn't hit the mark
17 March 2024
The documentary starts off good and you really think your in for a treat. Not enough context was given through the doc. If your a fan of the Hines brothers you may get what they are talking about but it was a bit all over the place. There wasn't any chronological order.

I didn't like how it was done. They needed to showcase more of the "WHY's" "How's" rather than just he did this.

When you search gregory Hines on YouTube, the top footage is the footage used in the documentary. What utter laziness.

Pay the fee to get the correct footage from the proper source don't insult us by giving us footage from someones VHS recording the nicely shared on YouTube then not credit them as if you "found it" ethically. They even showed a picture of an ebay photo of a VHS for sale... come one when waiting for the peak of the doc it was quickly let down because it ends. Not leaving you wanting more but disapoinment. Production reads "first film"
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