Italian Giallo Thriller with Anita EKBERG and Joe DALLESANDRO
3 March 2024
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, various exploitation films still filled the screens of the numerous grindhouse cinemas. The variant of nunsploitation was very popular at the time, as it was in Boccaccio's DECAMERONE, as it allowed the church and faith to be portrayed critically. This story even takes place in the immediate present and not - as is often the case - in the Dark Ages.

Sister Gertrud (Anita EKBERG) has just survived a tumor operation and is now working again with her patients (including Lou CASTEL) in an idyllic sanatorium (filmed in Lugano, Switzerland). But then obscure deaths begin to pile up. And Gertrud suffers from violent hallucinations and often doesn't know exactly what she's doing. Or does the whole thing have more to do with the pushy co-sister Mathieu (Paola MORRA), who also harasses Gertrud sexually? And then there is the hot new doctor (Joe DALLESANDRO), who doesn't seem to fit into monastic life at all. Mother Superior (HITCHCOCK star Alida VALLI) has her hands full keeping her sheep together...

A bit of softcore sex here, a few splashes of blood there, mixed with caustic criticism of the church's hypocrisy! The excitement was ready, which hardly anyone had seen in the cinema, but which everyone was informed about via the West German tabloid press. The screen legend Anita EKBERG (WAR AND PEACE / LA DOLCE VITA) in particular had to endure the criticism. After that there were hardly any screen appearances for her.

For Giallo fans who have nothing against nunsploitation, this nasty pleasure is definitely recommended!
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