Miller's Girl (2024)
Why so many people stayed on the surface?
22 February 2024
If you believe this movie was just another movie about an affair between a student and a teacher , you got it all wrong , and I'm sorry but I'm not going to take the time to explain you why, you will have to figure it out on your own. And you will thank me for that later if you do.

I think the movie was brilliantly written and directed, and I can only applaud the determination of her writer and director who certainly had to go through a lot of convincing and step back but never renounced or had a lack of faith that her message was important enough to not give up. So thank you Jade Halley Bartlett for sharing it with us and not keeping It for you alone.. You have been heard.

I Still I feel sorry for her that unfortunately the public and critics are apparently the disappointment in this movie , staying on the surface of it, just seeing the protagonists and their struggle but never really took the time to reflect on what it really meant, what the subject really was about. Or perhaps they just can't? In this case bo offense taken.

I can only hope that later, this movie will be use to teach a new wave of writer/director on how it is possible to talk about our human condition without being boring, that it is possible to explain some souls searching concept and still captivate, and that movies are not always about pop corn entertainment , but sometimes , once in a while , to teach us something about ourself - or for some - remind us something about ourself.
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