Review of His Only Son

His Only Son (2023)
Cash Grab Based on a Story Nobody Should Revere
21 February 2024
ATTN: If you hear a voice telling you to gut your kid, please contact a mental health professional.

Slow, plodding, and not true to the source material. Isaac was Abraham's second son, he had an older brother named Ishmael, so the title of the film is a misnomer at best. It's understandable to make changes in Biblical stories because to accurately portray most of them in a movie would cast the Bible in a very bad light, but this was a very basic and glaring omission.

It's understandable how in The Ten Commandments Pharaoh doesn't drown in the Red Sea like the Bible claims. That would open a huge can of worms and cause many people to realize the story is fiction. But to name this film His Only Son when Abraham had two at the time he was told to gut Issac to slake Yahweh's blood lust is like calling the DeMille classic The Five Commandments. You know half of it is missing.

There's no good reason to watch this, either as entertainment or as a religious exercise.
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