God Bless the Child (1988 TV Movie)
An unpopular opinion
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have empathy for this family I want to make that clear. I felt she made some unwise choices and perhaps an irresponsible action or two, allow me to illuminate. 1. She wants a better life for her daughter hillary and should have taken her paycheck and got on board the bus and went home to her mother. At least mom had a roof and would be thrilled to have her little granddaughter there. Theresa could get assistance and look for work. 2. She decides staying at a shelter is better. 3. She had a job she decides to take off early to look for an apartment boss found out and fired her. That is usually what happens when one doesn't ask the boss first. There are some bosses who are a.h s though. Anyway calvin is a good man and a social worker and helps them out. She does love her daughter greatly and wants better for her. Calvin finds a place for her and she moves in happy to have a home all seems well until the rats show up ( what did she expect?!) Yes I agree nobody should have to live in such deplorable conditions. At least she was off the street out of the winter weather. Irresponsible choice to call the county instead of asking for a bunch of traps. He evicts her. She tells him that he just couldn't do that and that he had to give her sixty days!! I was chagrined at that statement look where she was. Hilary becomes ill and requires hospitalization. It is then when she witnesses a violent crime she makes the heartbreaking decision to relinquish her child. I was a young mother at that time of this film I looked at my babies and wondered how could I ever?? She hadn't much of a choice. She visits Hilary at the pediatric ward watching her happy little girl painting a picture of her and the staff when she breaks the news to her about going back to the shelter. Hilary said she didn't want to go she had her own bed and everybody was nice to her (she lived a the same hard rock road as her mother. As it ends the ladies are at the park when calvin shows up picks up Hillary and takes away crying for mom as mom is too. It was a wise choice but the worst one Theresa had to make. To end the life of poverty as she did and the women before her. She loved her enough to let her go. I hoped good things for her the first time I saw this I continue to so. This is a work of fictional characters but the homeless situation is not and sadly will always be among us. NJ.
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