At Last! The Truth! And Gorgeously Told!
19 February 2024
When I was eighteen I read a book, recommended to me by a new female friend, called "The Persian Boy" by the critically acclaimed author Mary Renault. It was all about a young man in ancient Persia who becomes first the pleasure slave to King Darius of Persia. Then, after being defeated in battled by Alexander the Great. What amazed me was that was discovering that Alexander preferred men when it came to love. I went a did only the tinest bit of research, and everywhere I looked it verified that the two major loves of his life were thus Persian "boy," and Hephaestion. He loved Hephaestion so much in fact that he believed that in a previous life they were one soul. POW!

And now, finally, there comes a docudrama that presents Alexander not only as the brilliant general and conquerer that he was, but as a lover of men. In the first episode we see him show his love, very romantically and tastefully PG, to Hephaestion and my heart soared!

This series shows the history right. The battles right. The way ancient peoples perceived the world right. Religious beliefs right. And the actor chosen to play Alexander was a very good physical choice!

This series, for so many, many reasons is brilliant! Do not miss it!
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