Master Crimes (2023–2024)
13 February 2024
I watched the first two episodes which dealt with one set of crimes and their solving. I decided that ploughing further on would be a total waste of time. Dependable actors such as Muriel Robin and Anne Le Nen were wasted here, particularly Robin. She was being directed to play a character under extreme tension and anger and the only way she could do this was by jutting her jaw, clenching her teeth, squaring her shoulders and reminding people of how disagreeable she is.

The other cast members portraying student criminologists were just as bad, all having to act as a particular distinct stereotype of various types of personalities.

Leaden humour dragged the action down while the background music was horrendously inappropriate. Ludicrous peeks into everyone's private lives showed "series by numbers" - boxes were ticked off to portray a set number of character traits. The actual crimes were solved by coincidence not incisiveness.

I couldn't bear the thought of more so I gave up completely. Utterly not recommended.
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