Another Netflix/Hollywood Docu-Nonsense
6 February 2024
I'll keep this short. Hollywood still can't make anything remotely accurate about Alexander the Great. It makes me sick. When I was a kid we had that Oliver Stone mess with Colin Farrell and honestly I didn't think it could get worse. I was wrong.

This Netflix garbage is intentionally inaccurate. I don't understand it. I've studied Alexander and ancient Macedon for years and when I tell you they are intentionally changing or misleading very well known historical details, please know I'm not kidding. All for entertainment purposes I guess but here's the problem - the truth is so much more interesting!

Just skip it. There are YouTube documentaries that are far far far better than whatever this garbage is.

I suppose it's better than that Jada Pinkett Smith "Cleopatra was Black" nonsense.
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