Quirky and Fun, should have been bigger.
4 February 2024
Just watched "The Rage in Placid Lake" and, wow, what a ride. This movie's got that quirky, off-the-beaten-path vibe that's hard to find. It's all about this guy, Placid Lake, who's anything but calm. Picture this: a dude who's been the odd one out his whole life, thanks to his super unconventional parents. Then, he decides to flip the script and dive headfirst into the corporate world. Yeah, talk about a plot twist.

Ben Lee plays Placid, and he absolutely kills it, bringing this perfect mix of sarcasm and depth to the character. You can't help but root for him, even when he's making the most bizarre choices. And the parents? They're a trip, making you rethink the whole 'normal' thing.

The movie's got humor, heart, and a little bit of that "stick it to the man" spirit. It's like a coming-of-age story but with a twist. Placid's journey from an outsider to, well, still an outsider, but on his own terms, is both hilarious and kinda inspiring.

The soundtrack's a banger, too, fitting the movie's mood perfectly. If you're into films that are a bit out there, with characters that stick with you and make you think, "The Rage in Placid Lake" is your jam. It's a reminder that it's okay to be different and that sometimes, the craziest path leads to the best destination. Definitely a must-watch if you're looking for something that's not your typical cookie-cutter flick.
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