Beware of fake reviews!
2 February 2024
Irish vampire horror comedy with a title that is an obvious play on the Swedish movie "Let the Right One In" (2008), that was a classic, this one most certainly is not. Opening scene has an Irish woman get bitten by a vampire in Romania whilst there on a hen night. So far so good. Rest of the story is set in Dublin, young Matthew soon realises that his older good for nothing brother Deco is a vampire. Taxi driving vampire hunter Henry soon turns up at their house, will brotherly love prevent Deco from being staked? Henry does look like a lot like the late great Peter Cushing, who played Van Helsing in Hammer's Dracula movies. If this was intentional then it was a nice touch. There are several glowing 10/10 reviews here written by users with just one review to their names, it doesn't take a genius to suspect that these are most likely people connected with the movie. This is not a 10/10 movie, quite the opposite. The acting is amateur, not being Irish myself there were many instances in which I could not understand what was being mumbled in thick Irish accents. There is plenty of gore, it is low budget and it shows, some of the special effects are good fun, others just look crap. Near the end Deco turns into a bat but retains his human head, he takes Matt for a night time flight over the city. This is very silly but equally memorable. Director Conor McMahon's slasher spoof "Stitches" (2012) really made me laugh, sadly I can't say the same for this film. The laughs are far and few between, the acting is poor and it felt too long.
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