Review of Unstoppable

Unstoppable (2018)
Solid Korean crime flick! Vicious, but witty. Slowburning, yet still suspenseful.
1 February 2024
Yes, leave it to the Koreans to make yet another solid crime flick. I am not kiddin' when I tell you that South Korea is THE place to go to when one is a fan of crime movies.

The good: it starts out slow, so beware, in the first hour not much is happening (action wise speaking), but the further into the movie, the harder the bad guys get smacked around.

More good: the Korean gangsters dont carry guns, only knives, so we get to witness some excellent (and witty) good old fashioned FIST and KNIFE FIGHTS.

But there is more good to be enjoyed in this story about a husband whose wife got kidnapped and who is now in a desperate search to get her back alive.

Lots of good acting performances all around. A really nasty bad guy. And a suspenseful crime story that has it's suspenseful and action packed peak thrill at the very end, like it should be.

For Korean standards this is quite a lighthearted crime movie, with several witty moments. It (fortunately) never gets too bloody or violent though, but that doesnt make it less enjoyable for me!
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