Review of Ju zhu

Ju zhu (2021)
Of No Interest Whatsoever
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first Chinese film I've watched in ages and it's eminently forgettable.

The story is no different from anything you've seen 1,000 times before. In it's favour, it's SLIGHTLY better than the average offering from The Asylum, but that's hardly saying very much, is it? And it's only slightly.

Now I can't speak Chinese, and my reading of the Japanese subtitles was far from perfect, so any subtleties in the dialogue (if indeed there were any!) evaded me.

A cliche-ridden team of special forces are sent into a desert area with a sciencey guy and a pretty martial arts expert. Or is she..... Naturally the military aren't told they're going to be facing giant (well, bigger than usual...) badly done C. G. I. Spiders, so aren't really equipped for said baddies.

Oh, and the special forces guys are from something called (if I remember correctly) World Relief Organisation; seemingly a Chinese Quick Reaction Force despatched anywhere to save the downtrodden from Hollywood imperialists..... Exactly where the desert area is I couldn't figure. When they find the lab where the nasty arachnids are coming from, a group of terrorists are already there.

Luckily W. R. O. Is able to despatch them all with barely a sweat raised. We're led to believe they're not Chinese, as the one and only guy who doesn't wear a mask.....isn't.

The C. G. I. Explosions here are piss-poor and obvious.

They enter the lab, do all the cliche things expected; find a lab team member in a wrapped up in a web, in a case, with her naughty bits covered...and you'll never guess.....she's a hybrid!

A predictable battle ensues and the important cast members survive.

Really not worth the time in my opinion.
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