Why Me? (2015)
Justice in Romania
29 December 2023
This is a good movie for his realism. You get to see the workings in the office of a prosecutor's attorney. You get to see the lack of responsibility, the fact that a prosecutor can be taken from a case anytime and that an investigation can be open for your conduct if you don't cave to the political pressure. As a prosecutor, you have to play the ball handed to you by the political class. You are a marionette. In a way, this situation perfectly describes the system of Romanian laws: they are unclear, ripe with contradictions and impossible to follow without a PhD in law.

Unfortunately, there isn't a hero you can identify with. We don't know much about Leca, what kind of guy he is, what he thinks about justice. Also, there is the rumour that his case was made to further the interests of some faction in the Secret Services, Services that control everything, including the police, the prosecutors, and organized crime.

We see what is the form and shape of justice in Romania. The prosecutor has to answer in front of his bosses, who report in front of the general prosecutor, who is named politically. A single person can block every inquiry. We see an institutional organism whose purpose is to intervene when a prosecutor does something disturbing for those with political power.

What does a prosecutor do all day? Papers. Panduru doesn't bother to interrogate Leca. What does Panduru do? He reads and writes reports. What are the charges brought against Leca? He took some papers from the office home, nothing serious except for the bribe, but there isn't evidence, only statements, so more papers. We see a system organized around the production of mountains of paper. This is how all bureaucracy works in Romania.
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