Review of Expend4bles

Expend4bles (2023)
Long-in-the-tooth action star franchise is now unwelcome and long-in-the-tooth
21 December 2023
Just a terrible fourth entry in the at-one-point fun Expendables franchise. I had some hope for this entry since it was going to be Rated R after the misguided attempt by part 3 to go with a family-friendly PG-13, and also the fact that Tony Jaa (ONK-BAK) and Iko Uwais (THE RAID) were added to the cast. Unfortunately, this 4th entry was just dull, by the numbers, and poorly made. Parts 1 and 2 were both fun and the 3rd film was disappointing but passable. This 4th entry is just bad. First, Stallone is barely in the film and it's also the first film in the series he didn't work on as a writer (seriously, Sly is a very good and underrated screenwriter). Worst of all is that even though the action is bloody and Rated-R, it's all CGI and bad CGI at that. The film's finale takes place aboard a ship at sea, but it's painfully obvious it's a set with a REALLLLLLLY bad 90s-era green screen. I never thought The Expendables would like a direct-to-video Steven Seagal film, but that's exactly what this film felt like despite its stellar cast (Statham, Stallone, Dolph, Randy Couture, 50 Cent, Megan Fox, Jaa, Uwais, and Andy García). Do yourself a favor and do not subject yourself to the disappointment of EXPEND4BLES. Instead, watch Stallone's under-seen BULLET TO THE HEAD for a fun 80s-style meat-head action flick throwback.
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