Toned Down Happy Madison Film with Some Heart
18 December 2023
This is a movie that I don't know why I didn't see when it came out. Back in high school, I was a big Adam Sandler fan. My buddy Robert and I debated who was better, him or Jim Carrey. Oddly enough, he saw this movie. I know around this time; I wouldn't go to see this in the theater as I was acting tough watching action and horror. Regardless, I did quote this despite not seeing it. Jaime and I watched this as we had a long day and wanted a comedy.

Now the story here is that we have Davey (voiced by Sandler), who is a drunk guy and he's rude to those around him. It is the start of Hannukah, which makes him angry. He gets hammered at a Chinese restaurant and goes to drive home. Two police officers see him and make sure that isn't his plan. It is from here that they give chase, knowing that he skipped out on the bill. He ends up ruining ice sculptures for Christmas and Hannukah.

The judge, voiced by Norm Crosby, doesn't know what to do with him. It isn't until Whitey (also voiced by Sandler) steps up and offers to reform him. Whitey is the longtime referee for youth basketball. These two crossed paths as Davey had the best jump shot that the ref ever saw. Tragedy struck and Davey became the destructive human being that he is. This rouge also cross paths with a woman he had a crush on back as teens, Jennifer (voiced by Jackie Sandler). She has a son who plays basketball, Benjamin (voiced by Austin Stout). It won't be easy, but Davey needs to overcome his issues and forgive what happened with his parents to move on.

What I like here is that this movie feels like Adam Sandler's Hannukah songs. There aren't a lot of movies out there that celebrate this holiday, so he gives them one. What is odd there though, this has a lot of humor you'd find in things like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore or Big Daddy. It is just toned down. There is 'fart joke' type humor here. This is absurd at times. There is a good heart here though which I appreciate.

As I was writing this review, I saw that this is rated PG-13. That feels right. You could show this to children as I don't think they'd get certain things. It does throw you off a bit since this is animated.

What I will say is that this did make me tear up at the end. I feel for Whitey and want good things to happen to him. He gives so much to the community and he ends up as the butt of jokes. There is commentary here that I picked up on as well. Whitey has limited income as does his sister, Eleanore (also voiced by Adam Sandler). She is a diabetic. It is sad that Whitey does odd jobs to help pay for things and they don't have much. These siblings don't need a lot though. The former just wants to volunteer and make people happy. They both have physical ailments they're mocked for, which is also sad commentary on humanity as well.

To end this out, is this a great comedy? No, it isn't. I had fun here. We are getting an absurd comedy that is toned down from what made Sandler famous. This also showcases him singing like he also did earlier in his career. There is a great scene at the banquet near the end where they break into a Jewish song and dance. I also love the song that Whitey sings about the ground rules of his house. Better than I thought and I'm shocked it took me this long to see it. Not a classic or one I'd come back to, but fun to see where certain quotes I use come from.

My Rating: 6.5 out of 10.
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