The Tailor (2023)
Season 3 A BIG Disappointment!!!
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I started season 1 when the second had just been released and watched them together. I liked the story overall even though in general the show looks a bit "pale" relating to the vibe turkish shows usually transmit. Anyway I think the second season was good and elevated the show overall, audience reception reflected that, the show was on top 10 of more than 30/40 countries for days. In the last episode of 2nd season, a fast sequence containing events from 3rd season was shown, I got very exicted and was waiting impatently for the next season. It was released sooner that I thought and watched it immediately, all episodes in one day, they were quite short. I could make a list of things I didn't like but just going to describe them shorty.

First of all, the thing that disturbed me a lot was how did the movement to USA of Esvet and Dimitry occupy 3/4 of this season's episodes. I mean till the end of 6th episode: especially Dimitry the time was repeating sequence after sequence how he was about to move to USA with "his dear wife".

Secondly, the reason they canceled the trip to USA was so pathetic and cheap. Because Mustafa and Kiraz decided to get married at the very last minute! How funny! Dimitry had in his mind 24/7 the idea and fear that Esvet and Peyami could be together and finally when he was about to leave once and for all, just for Mustafa he cancels his plans. What a joke! Like he cared that much for Mustafa. The scriptwriters should have found a better reason for them not going to USA.

Another thing disturbing me was how bas was Peyami's character written. We know he had a special bond with Dimitry but damn he got crazy when though Esvet was leaving and yet he didn't do nothing to stop her, in the entire show not only this season we didn't see him do something significant for his love for Esvet! Like he says in every episode how much he loves her and I know his character is like this but logically his love for Esvet should have changed him and make him more curagious to confront Dimitry but no! He's the same coward from the beginning till the end of the show. His and Esvet's love in all 3 seasons was described as a love at first sight, a strong love that can survive everything but we didn't end up watching concretely this great love, we don't have a scene which can demostrate it.

The final scene between the 3 of them was elevated only by the acting of Salih Bademci, I must say he has hold the entire show in his shoulders. Very dissapointed how Çagatay accepted to play a role where the characters doesn't develop at all. The last scene with Dmitry was so bad for Peyami and Çagatay as an actor because if written better he could have given us a strong and memorable scene of his acting skills. The whole thing was concentrated in Dmitry as if Peyami wasn't the main character. Also Peyami couldn't express his love for Esvet to Dmitry because he didn't want to make his best friend, brother feel bad, he also helped him on covering him murdering his father but when Dmitry sacrifices himself, Peyami continues peacefully his life with Esvet without having any regret or suffering for his friend he used to say he loved that much.

Except the scene of them 3 in the end of season 1 and that on the 3rd season, this show lacks on giving us exicting or memorable scenes. Maybe this comes from the weak character of Peyami or because they didn't have enough imagination to write better scenes, I don't really know.

Two main topics: Esvet's real identity and Peyami's mother other family were revelead so quickly in the end, it gave the idea they were in a rush to end the season.

In the end, I can say the show could have been way better treated in its entirety. There should have been more scenes between Esvet and Peyami, which would have developed their relationship, in all 3 seasons we didn't see their relationship develop, especially in second season they barely had any scene together and then from nowhere in season 3 Peyami expresses his devastion for mot forgetting Esvet. Also instead of dealing with Esvet and Dimitry's move to USA they could have focused the show more on Esvet revealing her real origins, or Peyami and Dmitry's rivalry for Esvet to increase the tension. The end, showing Dmitry alive, was meh. I mean what can another season add to the general show? When we didn't have a decent climax in three season, do they think we'll get it after this poor scripted season? They tried to give us Ask-i Memnu vibes but failed pathetically. This show was written as a regular turkish show, transmitted in tv with 20 - 30 episodes, 2-2:30 hours each. I think if they had continued like that the show would have been developed way better than in Netflix.
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