Becky Bites Back (again).
21 November 2023
The Wrath of Becky: Two years later Becky (Lulu Wilson) is back, an opening scene and graphics in the titles show how Becky and her dog Diego have passed through several foster families and gone on the run, having many adventures before she meets up with an elderly woman, Elena (Denise Burse) who gives them a home and treats Becky as an equal. Now 16, Becky hones her survival skills in the woods. She works in a Diner and clashes with members of the Noble Men, an extremist Christian group with misogynistic tendencies. They follow her home and break in, resulting in a deadly confrontation, Diego is also stolen. Becky sets out for revenge but discovers that a vaster conspiracy is at play here, the broader group intend to provoke violence at a rally in a nearby town. A certain element of dark humour infuses her preparations and deaths which occur. Some extremely violent deaths and mutilations will almost make you laugh but there is also a seriousness about the encompassing plot (even if it has a few holes suspension of disbelief is easy in this case). Again let squeamish beware lest the gore frighten them. In a cameo Kate Siegel plays a CIA Agent. Directed by Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote. Angel wrote the screenplay based on a story by himself and Coote. 7.5/10.
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