A Merry Scottish Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
A Merry Scottish Christmas...was lovely!
19 November 2023
First of all, I love any movie with Lacey in it! This was a nice twist of Christmas in Scotland, and the double family drama to boot.

Trying to mend a relationship with your brother, and helping him mend his marriage is enough drama for any family. But finding out that you're royalty atop of all of that, and that you never got to meet family members that have since passed on, well, that's a lot for anyone to handle all at one time. Then, toss in being asked to decide whether you want to go back to your regular life or accept your royal title! Talk about a life changing experience, right?

But I do have to ask a question that has me puzzled. Did Will Kemp make a surprise momentary appearance during that Scottish gig contest? Even Lacy's character questioned if she knew him from somewhere. So if it wasn't him, Will Kemp has a double out there!!

A Merry Scottish Christmas was a lovely story and one this writer will be watching a second time. Merry Christmas to all!
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