The Uninvited (1996 TV Movie)
A 'Poltergeist' Remix with B-Movie Charm.
4 November 2023
Story 1.00/2 Acting 1.50/2 Direction & Pace 2.50/4 Entertainment 1.00/2

Total 6.00/10.

"The Haunting of Patricia Johnson," a 1996 TV horror movie, is the 'Poltergeist' of the B-movie neighbourhood. It's got all the spooky ingredients; however, it's more like a distant cousin than the Spielberg classic's twin. If you're in the mood for a dose of eerie nostalgia and a few unintentional chuckles, this might be your cup of witch's brew.

The movie falls smack-dab into the 'Poltergeist' sub-genre, but let's not kid ourselves - "The Haunting" is not Spielberg-level horror. There's too much déjà vu between the two due to glaringly similar events, making you wonder if the ghosts and the scriptwriters have run out of new tricks.

One thing that stands out is the cast, who appear to have taken the 'no small parts, only small actors' motto to heart. Even the lowest members of the cast deliver solid performances, meaning nobody really stands out, making for a perfectly harmonious ensemble that enables the viewer to stay immersed in the story.

The direction is reasonably sound, but it's hard to ignore the déjà vu - once again. Those moments, like the run down the hallway, make you almost expect it to elongate. I mean, a supernatural Airb'n'b property can have a little variety, right? And let's not overlook the cheesy special effects that feel swiped from a garage sale of '80s horror. The scary ghostly face in the dust cloud and warping doors are diamonds in the rough, but those rainbow lights? It's like the ghosts are throwing a disco party you didn't ask for.

In conclusion, "The Haunting of Patricia Johnson" is worth a view on a cold, wet winter's day when you're in the mood for some mildly spooky fun. It won't send shivers down your spine but will nicely pass the time. So, grab a cosy blanket and some popcorn, and heartily enjoy this ghostly ride - but don't expect any haunted dreams afterwards.
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