Cooper's Bar (2022– )
One of the worst written and acted shows I have seen
2 November 2023
Take a terrible plot mix in some bad acting and you end up with Coopers Bar. This show is 100% horrible! How did this even make it on tv? The plot makes no sense and on top of that the writing and acting only make it worse. Now I see why they kept on showing this show over and over and over again on commercials and used the exact same lines in the commercial, its terrible. Trust me if someone gives this show over 3 stars they are involved or related to someone in the show. I really cant believe just how bad this show really is until fighting myself to watch 2 episodes. This show will be cancelled probably within the next couple weeks. Is this supposed to be a comedy? I think they are trying to be funny with terrible slapstick but this isnt the 1920s. I am trying to get the point across about how bad this show really is but I cant think of any other show this bad to compare it to. I saw a review of this show with 9 stars on here and that HAS to be a plant from the show. This show is just flat out bad and juvenile.
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