Natty Knocks (2023)
Could've, Should've Been Better by Any Standard
23 October 2023
SPOOKTOBER chapter 15: A Horror set on Halloween

It all began with me full of glee and excitement when I found out about "Natty Knocks" on its release day, beloved genre faces like Bill Moseley, Robert Englund and Danielle Harris listed in the lead roles was an immediate sell, and it's set on Halloween, so basically I had no choice but to watch it. Director Dwight H, Little, too, is reputable enough and perhaps most known for directing Halloween 4, so what can go wrong.

Everything can go wrong! "Natty Knocks" may somewhat have the heart in the right place, but this is hands down one of the muddiest, messiest, logic-lacking, badly structured and consistently downhill going horror movie screenplay I've ever seen. Well familiar with these actors filmographies, I was all pumped for a highly risky B grade slice of horror, but set against some even cheaper genre pieces, "Natty Knocks" manages to be the more flawed one.

The intro, energetic and kind of out of nowhere, was, frankly, one of two best parts of this film. It lasted about three minutes, and (spoiler) introduced us to a certain career woman by the name of Natty Knocks who gets lynched by the neighborhood wifes for serving their husbands on the premise that Natty is a witch, and as she dies Ms. Knocks screams she'll return for their descendants. Cut to 2023, Halloween day, and it all starts go to hell with odd structures, shabby dialogue and characters, offbeat, and not in a good way, story lines, disappointing pay-offs, and plenty of other nonsense details for your brain to stew on.

That other good part of "Natty Knocks" is Bill Moseley. Well, Englund too, but he's not here for a long time, more for a good time... Danielle got a character one couldn't care much for. Moseley eats more screen time and portrays the leading villain, and, well, does his best with what's been given. Other than that, there's not enough gore, madness, pleasant aesthetic or anything else that would help redeem the obvious flaws.

With portions of frustration on the way, it all led into a very lackluster finale, and just left me... disgruntled? "Natty Knocks" strived to be a throwback-type 80's summer horror blockbuster tribute, but exploded into a massive misfire, and, as I found out after the consumption of this film, for the story/screenplay writer this is the very first IMDb credit, so... Approach at your own risk. I wanted to like it, I really did. My rating: 3/10.
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