Simple low budget horror
7 October 2023
'Let The Wrong One in' is a 2021 horror comedy by Conor McMahon. I was familiar with his previous movies 'From The Dark' and 'Stitches' which I both liked. This movie is kind of a mixture between those two movies. It's a vampire movie like 'From The Dark' and it has the comedic aspects from 'Stitches'.

Younger brother Matt is visited by his older brother Deco who lives a questionable lifestyle and got thrown out of his house by their mother. But Deco does not visit for a family reunion, he got bit in the neck by a woman and now seems to turn into a vampire. Now Matt has to decide if he wants to help his brother or needs to stop or even kill him to save others.

The movie did a good job for its low budget and the british humour was good. Also there was lots of blood and some gore involved. The movie overall has a similar vibe to 'Shaun of the Dead' but obviously with the much lower budget and not quite as good. If you like light horror comedies and don't mind the low budget you will probably enjoy this one. [5,1/10]
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