29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as Mutant 2 and for having the tremendous extraterrestrial balls to call itself Alien Predator, this was directed by Drew Sarafian, the son of Richard C. Sarafian (Vanishing Point) who went on to make Interzone and Death Warrant.

Damon (Dennis Christopher, Fade to Black), Michael (Martin Hewitt, Killer Party) and Samantha (Lynn-Holly Johnson, Where the Boys Are '84) are traveling through Spain in a van.

The Falling was owned by Film Ventures International before Edward Montoro took that million dollars and disappeared. It was picked up by Trans World Entertainment. The sheer hell of making it was why producer Carlos Aured quit making movies. Yes, the same man who directed Horror Rises from the Tomb and Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll.

Aured wanted the filmmakers to be more professional and the Spanish crew was very laid back, which meant that this went way over budget and he had to pay for that. This was shot at the same time as Monster Dog. A lesser film lover would say something like, "When a Claudio Fragasso movie is better than this," but I can't lie. I love Fragasso.


Aliens from all the way back on the Apollo 14 Moon Mission and SkyLab have infected animals that have come to Earth and are now killing human beings.

But really, this is an RV movie where two young men love the same woman. There are aliens, yes, but we're here for the love as well as Dennis Christopher doing horrible impressions. I mean, there are effects - Mark Shostrom makes some really gross stuff - but so much of this is a hangout movie which is frankly why I like it so much.

Sarfian was working as a script doctor/movie fixer at this point - according to Matty at the essential Schlock Pit he fixed up Young Warriors - but he was hoping to make his own movies. The Film Ventures International deal - working with Eduard Sarlui - producer of She, Jailbird Rock, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and I, Madman - was going to package this movie with Mutant and a sequel to Scared to Death that finally became Syngenor.

As Sarlui formed Trans World Entertainment with Moshe Diamant, he was so shameless that he took the art from Creature to make the poster for this movie.

This movie may not be the Alien clone that you want it to be, but it's something else. Something much stranger.
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