Cadet Kelly (2002 TV Movie)
Actually a pretty good flick, tbh, I came back for CCR
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, after returning to this movie in my late 20's. It's not as bad as I expected, compared to Disney's most recent DCOMs. I want to express that I was still hanging my head in disbelief at a lot of the character's actions, except for Kelly's. This is because they established in the opening scene of the movie, that Kelly... is in middle school. Therefore, she is a CHILD. Her choices throughout this movie are 100% expected. She makes awful, rash, silly decisions because she is a literal CHILD (even if Hilary Duff is clearly older than middle school age). It's everybody else expecting so much from a literal CHILD that gives me grief. The entire obstacle course scene had me in cringes (is that a phrase?). They expected a CHILD to complete this course, without actually teaching her how to do it, until the very end. Liiiiike wtf? Her stepdad really pisses me off, and I actually love Kelly's scenes with him, because she really gives it to him. Her mom is fine, she's your average DCOM mom, she's only a plot device (as well as the only way we know that time is passing, because of her pregnancy growth). The "love interest" is an a-hole and a CREEP. So, remember, they established that Kelly is in middle school. They also established that Jennifer Stone (CCR, the legend--I'll get to her in a second) is 16 years old, and she's dating/crushing on this kid who by all means could be late high school age. Tell me why this 16-18yo is fking hitting on the CHILD?!! I can understand Kelly's fascination with him (I think his name is Chad, but I'm not sure), as once a child myself, I may have crushed on a few older kids, while that young. But never in my life would I dream of flirting with a middle schooler, while in high school. I do not believe that Jennifer is the creep, crushing on a younger man, there's no way that actor is supposed to play someone younger than CCR. My guy has a 5 o'clock shadow.

The character of Gloria is really sweet and a great resource for Kelly. Their relationship is silly, but fun. Same with Carla's relationship with Kelly (their beef is also really childish, but exactly the right about of childish, for middle schoolers). Tbh, if military school was actually like this, I'd be down. It seems fun. I actually wanna know if Hiliary Duff really got that good at flipping those fake rifles around. It looks like it's her, at least from the front.

Kelly is fine. She's a child, and Hilary Duff plays that role well in this movie. She's quirky and fun, and her character is really kind, and actually a pretty good protagonist with some actual growth. I do like the path they chose for her towards the middle of the movie (putting her on the drill team (sort of)), it was the right amount of DCOM dramatic, and fun. Everything leading up to that was silly af (tbh this is expected for a DCOM). I appreciate her willingness to fight her own battles and try to make friends with everyone. I literally laughed out loud when she decided to down a cliff to save her dad, when there was an adult with more experience RIGHT THERE. Also, wtf was her dad doing, when he fell off that cliff?!

Now, CCR-Christie Carlson Romano. Literally the reason I came back to watch this movie. I'd seen a TikTok of hers, where she reacted to people discovering their k*nks through this movie (as well as their gay/bi panic moments) LOL. I needed to see what people were talking about. I kinda get it LOL. CCR was definitely one of MY queer awakening moments, back in the day. She was so fun to watch in this movie, and even though she was a bully, she was not as cruel as most teenagers could be. She played the role of 16yo girl perfectly, and I have no complaints. Her angry smolders were EV-ERY-THING. (adult-CCR is fking beautiful). She may look like she hates Kelly throughout the entirety of the movie, but even her glares evolve as Kelly grows on her. Their little dance at the end is wonderful and super cute! She becomes like the super annoyed, but super competent older sister to Kelly's silly & aloof younger one (reminds me of me and my little sister). The ending was low-key kinda sad, but I actually think it makes for a better movie. These two evolved a lot-and what more can you ask for from a DCOM? I rate it 7/10 coz it is a DCOM, but I think most DCOMs are like 5/10. So, although this movie definitely isn't Oscar-worthy, it's actually a top-rated DCOM for me, which is GENUINELY surprising. I would recommend it!
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