6x I tried to write a positive review. I guess I understand the bias for this film now
30 August 2023
This is the 6th attempt I've made trying to write a positive review of this movie I watched weeks ago with my wife. I think that speaks volumes. What I noticed over those weeks? Positive reviews vanished, and negative reviews were listed. Is this film perfect? Of course not. I am not in the army, so patches or correct terms did not bother me. If you want an entirely correct film you might as well just go to bed because the movie will only put you to sleep out of boredom. I loved EDGE played by Cabrina Collesides. Amazon reviews on this movie constantly have this character as their favorite and I agree she carried the movie and was fun to watch! I loved her even as she disobeyed orders (which would not happen in real life. Yeah we get that guys, a real life image of this type of film would be boring). I see many negative reviews with the acting. I suggest maybe getting help if you think EDGE was terrible because that actress could very well be in big budget films with the likes of Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. Her supporting cast was NOT good. Maybe that is why people are commenting the acting as a whole. To me, she was the shining point in this film, and I was pretty pissed when the leads changed with 20 minutes left of the movie. I also am letdown we did not get to see EDGE and JEETER come together in the final battle. I am hoping part 2 we will see that. I have to be honest, I would rather watch a low budget indie movie such as this than watch a 200 million dollar budget film with CGI and a bunch of effects. This film created great imagery in the sky, solid music, and a great leading lady. EDGE, JEETER, COUNTRY did their part, even Joseph Baena. The rest of the cast should work on their reactions. Maybe cut down a few of the cast members and get rid of the throw away lines that do nothing to further the story. Overall, I am impressed with what this small team were able to get done. For an indie film, it is one of the best ones I have watched, and the jets were decent. I will keep an eye out for part 2.
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