Atomic Heart (2023 Video Game)
This has to be a contender for worst game of the year
30 August 2023
Wow! I can not believe how awful this game is. I've looked forward to playing this for ages, I love the Bioshock games and hearing this was very similar, I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy but wow, just, wow.

First off, the story itself is boring as hell, it takes an age to even get you into the open world setting, literally about 4 to 5 hours. There's Looooooong periods when you literally can't do anything but watch boring, overly long cut scenes and listen to dialogue exposition and it's really tedious, some of it goes on forever.

You are sent on a series of boring fetch quests before EVENTUALLY, you are given access to the open world and from here it gets even worse.

The information you are given in terms of quests, weapons, upgrades, different types of ammo is borderline none existent, I'm over 15 hours into this and I still don't know what I'm doing or what half of the stuff I've collected is for, it doesn't tell you. I have loads of different things in my inventory and I have no clue what they're for.

The controls are awful, combat is some of the worst I've experienced on a console, you are constantly under attack and I mean constantly. You can't go anywhere without triggering alarms and cameras because there's enemies everywhere, there's not one piece of the map without a group of enemies in it and hawk eye'd cameras that trigger more enemies. They attack on site and have to be dealt with before you can explore or even think about doing quests. This wouldn't be such a huge issue but as soon as you kill ANYTHING, a bunch of repair robots are despatched to rebuild them while you are in mid battle and this happens over and over again, it never ends. It makes all the enemies in the game's open world areas immortal because they just keep re spawning and the only way to deal with them is to run away.

You can't move through or even over most objects, grass, twigs, piles of hay, 2 foot fence posts, these are all obstacles that baffle and defeat your playable character. Seriously, enemies can trip through walls and hit you, fly through solid objects and yet you can't run away and jump over a breakfast cereal box or a bag of trash because it has a 10 foot invisible wall around it.

If you try to jump over most objects, your character gets stuck in their invisible hit box and it's borderline impossible to get out of, you have to wiggle your joypad around and press every button for ages and just hope it works, or turn off the console and start again, it's diabolical.

The music in this game is painful, I don't know what it is exactly, some sort of Russian, hybrid of rock and 1930's opera type stuff, it gives you a headache but thankfully, this at least can be muted.

The voice acting is ok, nothing too much to say here other than it's fairly standard, not awful, not outstanding. There are a couple of jokes and one liners your character comes out with that are pretty funny but that's about it.

There are cars you can drive to get around but these are like driving shopping trollies, they're all over the place, they take about 3 bumps or shots before they explode and getting into and out of one triggers a cut scene which you can still be attacked while it plays out, despite the fact you have no control during it.

Weapons are dire, some of them look cool enough but when you try to use them, it's like throwing beanbags at Sherman tanks, they're useless, even the more powerful ones take several shots to do any damage and you find yourself reloading them more than you do shooting them, they're unbelievably bad. Reloading takes an ag and none of them, even upgraded, have decent magazine sizes to offset how slowly they reload.

Seriously, don't believe some of the positive reviews on here, some people are happy with anything. This is NOTHING like Bioshock, it's not even in the same universe quality wise. It's a frustrating, clunky, boring mess of a game with endlessly respawning enemies that will really get on your nerves after a while.

If you enjoy shooting at the same 5 enemy types over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, you may get something from this turkey but I hate it, I've not even completed it and have no desire to, this is the reason refunds should be a thing in gaming, low effort dumpster fires like this.

Awful game, one of the worst I've played, it's not worth a tenner let alone £60. One of the laziest and poorly made games I've played in years and this isn't even a Bethesda game.
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