Atomic Heart (2023 Video Game)
A Flawed Masterpiece. Mundfish has started off strong
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This game is great, and coming from a first time developer Mundfish, this is a strong start to their career. However despite all the praise, there is still room for improvement

This game feels like a neat blend between Fallout and Bioshock Infinite both conceptually and its steampunky vibe it gives off. The soundtrack captures this feel incredibly well. Visually this game is stellar as well as the world they have crafted.

Speaking of world, the narrative focuses where little games based around this time period tend to focus, and thats the USSR after WW2. Russian Scientists have created marvels native to their country including cities in the sky and robots to carry out daily activities. But out of the blue the robots become hostile and turn on their creators, and you as P-3 must carry out your mission sent by your higher up Dr Sechnov in an effort to shut down the robots. The concept isnt exactly new as it was used in a way from the movie "I,Robot", but it still manages to keep things fresh like it was its own concept.

Gameplay wise, its really fun. Firstly, the Looting system is one of the best looting systems ive seen in a game. Gone is the time consuming seach every drawer individually, by simply holding yout your glove, the drawers and cabinets search themselves and they give you anything that you will find useful. Its really cool and satisfying as well. Combat wise, This game lets you be flexible in how you take down robots, you can go guns blazing or do it more hands on with its melee combat. The game gives you plenty of upgrades to change up how you want to take things. The combat is like that of dying light minus the freerun skills, you have a dodge and the melee has a power attack that you can use to deliver a devastating blow to the enemy, you can apply elemental effect to the weapon, same with guns. And there is gun combat and its fun to toy around with, and its not at all detrimental because you can get the ammo back really easily. You also have different abilities that you can upgrade on your glove and they serve their purpose in combat. Overall, the combat is solid and works well with this game.

Ive heard people complain that this games open world is empty and weak, but I disagree simply because i don't thinks its mich of an open world at all. It plays more like Mombasa Streets from Halo 3: ODST, there is extra stuff but its not a requirement, but its nice to have because it will give you an edge. There are no side quests, the game simply wants you to go where it tells you to and do what it wants you to do, which i don't mind the more linear style but it makes you feel like your in a constant rush when you still have so much to do and discover. There are houses along the way that you can loot with your glove and thats it, but in the streets, destroying robots or cameras is futile because repair drones will come and rebuild them if they are destroyed, i get why this is a thing but its still a little tedious because youll be destroying them over and over again if you hang around the area too long.

Finally, i love this game but i do have one huge issue, its the writing. I like the characters but man does P-3 get annoying. His tag line is "Crispy Critters" and that line gets so old after a while. The writing is made up mostly with cringy quips and odd dialogue, for a while the jokes and quips are funny but do tend to get old later on, and with all these jokes playing constantly, it drops the mood of an otherwise serious plot. There are moments where the characters drop their snark and mingle in a very well written comversation, but these moments are few and far between. The voice actors werent bad but the game lacked a russian accent which wasnt very immersive to the setting. Oddly enough, there were a few lines that were actually recorded in a russian accent and its sound really jarring after hearing a character talk like an american to then talk russian for a few seconds. Either way the writing wasnt very great, i like it when games like these have a less than serious protagonist but this took it a few steps too far.

In summary, this was a strong start for Mundfish, and though their writing skills could use some work, everything else they nailed. This is a great and fun game that i recommend you try.
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