Cinematic Trash At It's Finest! (very minor spoilers)
19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That's right: I rated this ten of ten stars, because for what it is, it's perfect! Confession: I am not a 'cineaste'. I am not a 'connoisseur' of 'auteur cinema'. What I am is a tireless admirer of bottom-rung, ultra-low-budget, try-hard, so-bad-it's-good filmmaking. And, chances are, if you are reading this, you are as well. If not - boy are you barking up the wrong tree!

Admit it, Flesh and Bullets is a better film than any you have ever written/produced/directed, isn't it? If not, what in the world are you doing here; thumbing your nose at a product that never really sought your approval in the first place?

This film is a true howler, and I appreciate all the effort it took to dig this out of whatever trash heap it came from, scan to digital, then package and market to freaks like me. It has just about every element you could want from a motion picture such as this - cameos from elderly Hollywood stars (whom I hope had a nice day of it, a decent hot lunch, car fare, and enough to pay their utilities that month in cash) - erstwhile porn actors making a go of it in the 'straight' world - fashions and hairstyles that look stuck in the 1970s, despite being shot in the mid-80s - sweaty plywood sets - tatty Mar Vista location shots - the Downtown L. A. Mayan Theater locations that are 'chef-kiss' sleazy - and pre-disfigurement Robert frikkin' Z'Dar in a minor-but-pivotal role!!!

If any part of that previous sentence appeals to you, I whole-heartedly recommend you seek this out for your collection. If not, what's the point in disparaging? It was obviously made on a lark, for fun, and fun it is - nothing more.

P. S. This at least played the Mayan Theater (obviously), and I have it on good authority the print this was struck from came from a bombed-out grindhouse in Boston's 'Combat Zone', so it played in at least two locations new.
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