Review of Infiniti

Infiniti (2022)
Found subs for all the languages
15 August 2023
I have to speak as I find and what I found was a series that is half in heavily-accented English. Despite the virtual impossibility of being able to follow what some of the actors were saying in that language, there were no subtitles for the English parts. I sat right by the television and it didn't help at all in many scenes.


//The proficiency of some of the cast in English was variable. There was a couple of real stinkers. However, virtually none of the cast was what I'd call completely fluent. So often it seemed that they were reciting their lines and not acting them. Dialogue was stilted and unconvincing. This even affected those whose first language was English - or maybe they were just useless actors. //

A further disadvantage was that someone had decided to use a small off-white font for the subtitles provided for the non-English parts. Due to the terrain of Kazakhstan, vastnesses, deserts and bright sun, this meant that they often could not be read.


//I found subs for just the English parts that I added. These were actually better than the hardcoded subs as they had a black background. So at least I was able to follow the entire plot//

Both of these defects conspired to irritate me and finally forced me to switch off. This was a shame as so many of the reviews are good.


//So, I managed to get it all seen. I was really pleased to see Daniyar Alshinov in a leading rôle. I'd seen him in A Dark Dark Man a couple of years ago and he was just as good here. In fact, the Kazakh and Russian actors were far more convincing when speaking their own languages. Alshinov though was good in both languages having proper fluency in English.//


//I'd left a mark of four last time and I'm not going to change it. The plot was pretty ridiculous and the philosophical flights of fancy did not convince. I wanted to find out what happened but it was perfectly ludicrous.

Can I recommend this? Not really. //
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