Flight of Frustration: 'Called to Duty' Lacks Quality
27 July 2023
The all-female jet movie, titled "Called to Duty," initially held promise with its terrible groundbreaking concept, but unfortunately, it fails to deliver on multiple fronts. The film is marred by glaring issues, including subpar production quality and cringeworthy acting displayed by the entire cast. Even after reading some seemingly biased positive reviews, the movie's disappointing performance couldn't be overlooked. Attempting to salvage the experience, I resorted to skipping scenes, but it did little to ease the burden of enduring the film's shortcomings.

Despite the commendable concept of an all-female jet movie, "Called to Duty" struggles to soar to greater heights due to its lackluster execution. The potential for greatness is evident, and with significant improvements in production values and acting, this film could have been a remarkable and empowering experience. Alas, as it stands, "Called to Duty" remains a missed opportunity, leaving audiences with a sense of disappointment and a longing for what could have been.
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